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Thread: Nebido + Hcg + Clomid to regain fertility

  1. #1
    moscow is offline New Member
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    Nebido + Hcg + Clomid to regain fertility

    At the moment I am on 1 shot of Nebido every 7 weeks and .25 A1 M/W/F which imroves my erections... The nebido keeps me at TT 783 ngl,free 650 before next shot...I have been on test for only 1 year...

    I did a sperm test and it came back as zero.... We would like another baby next year... I had a great sperm count before test...

    My doctor wants me to stop everything and regain fertility.. I talked him into letting me do Hcg for 3-4 months and have another sperm test and if its still bad then I will cease nebido...I am in Russia and the doctor is useless about modern treatment so I didn't bring up Clomid with him as he pretty much told me to try what I want and we will talk in 4 months time...

    In another thread one of the posters is on 25mg daily of clomid and 600iu twice a week of hcg with cyp and anastrozole...

    I would like to add Hcg and maybe Clomid to my Nebido shot like the above posters protocol.

    What are my chances of regaining fertility on nebido with just Hcg? Do I really need to add Clomid?
    Any other protocols I should research?

    Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Do a search in this section of the forum and you will see many on TRT were able to get their wife/significant other pregnant with no issues.

    So yes, based on what I have read I would say HCG can work without clomid and/or having to get of TRT.

    Keep in mind, your sperm count will most likely not be as high, but as long as you have a healthy amount of mobility and not immobile, your good to go as it only takes 1!!!

    Good luck bud
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  3. #3
    moscow is offline New Member
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    Is it more difficult to restart the tadpole factory by adding HCG once it has been shut down for a year? Or is it needed from the start so it never gets shut down?

  4. #4
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by moscow
    Is it more difficult to restart the tadpole factory by adding HCG once it has been shut down for a year? Or is it needed from the start so it never gets shut down?
    Many have started using HCG years in with no issues. May take a little longer up front, but you should be good to go in a short time.

  5. #5
    moscow is offline New Member
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    Thanks FRDave.... I will get tested late December to see if I have any swimmers.... Fingers crossed.

  6. #6
    VTX1800 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro, I'm the one on 25mgs clomid daily, 200mg cyp weekly anastrozole .5 3x weekly and hcg 600 iu twice a week. (Been doing 400 iu 3x a week though) hcg is really causing me some backne! Lol
    If you have any questions feel free to ask me man. My fertility was checked after 4 1/2 months on this protocol and it was actually greater than a sperm test I had a year ago. I'm 30 and married for over a year so fertility is huge and that's why my doc wants me on clomid with my TRT.
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  7. #7
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    If fertility is your objective in addition to hcg look into hmg. There is leutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (LH and FSH). In laymans terms LH=HCG; FSH=HMG. FSH is responsible for spermatogensis. In my opinion it would be something worth considering.
    austinite and moscow like this.

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