Can a cyst like this one cause low T? Many years ago before my opiate addiction I had a hernia surgery. During recovery my testicles were killing me. Once the swelling went down I was feeling around and found a lump. I had an ultrasound and it was an epididymal cyst. It's still there, has grown slightly... Very slightly over the years. It's painless and I forget it's there.

With all my low T research lately I'm trying to establish timeliness on when things went south for me and it seems this is right around the time my trouble less began. Keep in my, my latest test levels were 420ish for 37 year old male. Not clinically low but I have all the symptoms.

Anyway, could this cyst be holding back some test and be a cause of my lower range values? Not sure why it never occurred to me but it kinda makes sense and seems highly possible.