i really want to ride my bicycle, but i want to get bloods done before and after. another reason i want bloods, is to make sure that, after a few cycles, my shit isn't all fuked up.

P R O B L E M: There aren't any labs on Oahu Hawaii that support MD labs. What do i do? I talked to Austinite and she said that i shouldn't ever tell any doc that i enjoy doing AAS-and that i really want to do things the right way... anyways I talked to my GF and she suggested i go to a free clinic. she explained that i'll get hooked up with a doc and that i can actually request bloods. i don't give a crap about paying out of pocket because i have no choice. you see my dilemma? is all this shit true? can i go to a free clinic and tell the doc what i want and just like that boom, i get it? or do i have to lie my ass off ie "hey doc I've been depressed; i stopped going out with my friends; my erections aren't hard anymore; and oh by the way, my semen volume is close to zilch"

that's all for the most part BS, by the way. i just want the correct tests ran.