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  1. #1
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Propionate for TRT

    Has anyone used this in their protocol? I understand you experience less bloat compared to long esters. This is very appealing to me and I would be willing to deal with the frequent and more painful injections if it meant less bloat.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    Has anyone used this in their protocol? I understand you experience less bloat compared to long esters. This is very appealing to me and I would be willing to deal with the frequent and more painful injections if it meant less bloat.
    You may use prop if you like. But i would discourage it personally.

    You are a young ish man, in your early 30's. TRT is for the rest of your life. So say you have 60 years remaining. This means you will be pinning for 60 years.

    Ideally, you should go to your doctor for the eval and the meds. Going this route will give you access to clean test cypionate , not UGL stuff that you need to understand that over the next 60 years, the risk of injecting a bad batch from a UGL seems likely.

    You want the next 60 years to be as low maintenance and hassle free as possible. If you do decide to go the UGL path, then you should also understand that over this said 60 year period, because of UGL, you will experience supply interruptions, finding new sources, AND going without the test P. 60 years, after all, is a long time.

    Better to hook up with a doc now so that you can access a good, clean, reliable test c source. True, it may cost a little more.

    Unless i misread and you ARE going through your doctor for your meds?

  3. #3
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks TR. What made you think all that? Never mentioned UGL.

    I have been under proper care now for a year. I have a great doc who has helped me to correct almost my entire endocrine system that was wrecked from head injuries.

    Unfortunately, my body is prone to water retention, even with dialed in E2 and good diet. So propionate piques my interest. I do understand that it is not popular and it is harder to get ahold of though.

  4. #4
    bigdippin's Avatar
    bigdippin is offline Associate Member
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    I am currently using test prop. If you like more frequent injections, go for it. I feel better on prop then I did on cyp.

  5. #5
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdippin View Post
    I am currently using test prop. If you like more frequent injections, go for it. I feel better on prop then I did on cyp.
    Good to hear.

    Are you doing ED or EOD? Did you have a hard time finding a pharmacy that carries it?

  6. #6
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    I used it at first and did injections Mon,Weds, Fri and it worked fine.

  7. #7
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Esters do not cause less or more water retention. You have the testosterone hormone and an ester attached, pick any ester. Once the ester detaches from the hormone, regardless of the ester that was attached you now have the same testosterone hormone in your body.

    Test Prop causing less water retention is one of the longest standing message board myths of all time. A lot of guys use propionate when dieting because it's easier to make fast adjustments when using short esters and since they're dieting they typically hold less water. So, in their infinite wisdom people started saying "propionate causes you to hold less water." But again, that's simply not true nor how it works. If it were how it works, every man on earth who used Nebido would be a bloated water logged mess.

  8. #8
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Esters do not cause less or more water retention. You have the testosterone hormone and an ester attached, pick any ester. Once the ester detaches from the hormone, regardless of the ester that was attached you now have the same testosterone hormone in your body.

    Test Prop causing less water retention is one of the longest standing message board myths of all time. A lot of guys use propionate when dieting because it's easier to make fast adjustments when using short esters and since they're dieting they typically hold less water. So, in their infinite wisdom people started saying "propionate causes you to hold less water." But again, that's simply not true nor how it works. If it were how it works, every man on earth who used Nebido would be a bloated water logged mess.
    Thanks for the insight. All of my research suggested prop causes slightly less water retention, even though no where gives any reason as to why. The cutting/dieting thing makes sense.

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