Hi All

First Question on the forum sure to be more.

first off i am Male 45 test level before starting Reandron injection, 4.7 nmol/l Range (11.0-40.0) in 2002 it was 18.1 still not great but at least not rock bottom like now!
I began treatment 5 weeks ago today and also had my second ramp up shot of testosterone undecanoate.

My question is the last BW done the Dr included the test for Prolactin Levels but excluded Estrogen Does Prolactin give any indication of what your E levels may be like ?

results as follows, Prolactin 132 mIU/L (<500) obviously meaning it was less than 500 is this good bad or indifferent ?, but do you think i could get an answer out of the thick as a brick Dr today!its like i was speaking another language. My regular was away and had to settle for this one to get a shot.

Since finding this site i now know what to include in my next BW which i will get next Wednesday i am sure the Dr's head will spin with the request..
