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Thread: An E2 Control Question

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    An E2 Control Question

    I'm sort of stuck on how to proceed with anastrozole dosing. I was taking .25mg Anastrozole E3D along with 100mg DIM, 4mg Copper, 50mg zinc

    My blood work showed that my E2 level was <2. I immediately stopped and continued dosing the above supplements. Supplements alone didn't do too much because five weeks later my E2 level was at 41 (range ,<OR=29). (See below for labs.) I wasn't surprised because my libido had been decreasing as were the quality of erections in general and of night and morning erections.

    I immediately dosed 0.25mg adex and 3.5 days later dosed 0.2mg - figuring to front load to get my level down and then continue with a more conservative dose. I don't want to repeat the mistake in my first paragraph above. So this is where I need some advice.

    My most recent labs:
    Total T: 1307 Range 250-1100
    Free T: 359.4 Range 35.0-155.0
    SHBG: 31 Range 22-77
    Estradiol: as discussed above 41 Range <OR=29

    Any suggestions on how I can proceed from here? I'm thinking 0.15- 0.2mg adex every 3.5 days. What do you think?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Simply lower your T dose a little bit and eliminate the adex all together. Your T numbers are great and dropping them a little will have no impact on how you feel.
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  3. #3
    xcraider37 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Simply lower your T dose a little bit and eliminate the adex all together. Your T numbers are great and dropping them a little will have no impact on how you feel.
    I agree with kelkel drop the test down a bit, I never could find a good protocol with adex, I either went too high without it or it drops me too low, so I just decided to drop my t dose. As usual with these drugs less is more.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Simply lower your T dose a little bit and eliminate the adex all together. Your T numbers are great and dropping them a little will have no impact on how you feel.
    Thanks. Sounds like a plan. On the month before I got the above lab results, this was my protocol:

    30mg Test Cyp, EOD
    250iu hCg 3x a week
    No AI
    Supplements: Mentioned above

    I already started reducing my Test dose to 28mg EOD. Would you advise I drop the Test down even further? Or just lower the frequency of hCG? or a combination of both?

    What you describe seems to be happening to me. Hard to get that AI right. Thanks for your input.

  5. #5
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    Your currently taking 120mg per week? If so, I would drop it down to 100mg weekly split in two doses of 50mg every 3.5 days. Keep HCG the same.

    You may be able to drop it down even further to 80mg weekly, but start with 100mg and get blood work in 4-6 weeks.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Your currently taking 120mg per week? If so, I would drop it down to 100mg weekly split in two doses of 50mg every 3.5 days. Keep HCG the same.

    You may be able to drop it down even further to 80mg weekly, but start with 100mg and get blood work in 4-6 weeks.
    It may seem like I was taking 120mg/week but if you average it over 14 days, it was only more like 105mg/week. At 28mg EOD, it averages to 98mg/week. I really don't know if this would actually make a difference at all because it's such a small reduction - like 7mg/week.

    I know what you mean about 50mg twice a week. Lots of guys do it this way. I did this when I first came off gels and started shots but I didn't feel much improvement at all. Maybe I didn't give it enough time. I don't know. But then I went right to EOD.

    I'm curious; do you feel pretty level with this frequency or do you feel a slight dip before your next shot? I do EOD, SubQ because I just love the steady feeling with no peaks and valleys.

  7. #7
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    Gotcha... Maybe try the twice per week protocol again, giving it a bit more time. That or drop down more so your around 80mg weekly.

    I myself inject Tues night and Sat morning with HCG the day before (both test and HCG every 3.5 days) and feel no drops in energy, strength, libido, etc. I use to inject HCG every Mon, Wed & Fri but felt better after switching to twice per week.

  8. #8
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    your free test is over twice the range. You could cut your dosage by half and still probably have near top of the free test range if not higher( which is what really matters).
    But without the ai your free test will drop so only one way to tell for sure.
    70-80mgs per week would be a good start based on your bloods.
    20mgs EoD, since you seem to like pinning on that schedule.

  9. #9
    zerodarkthirty's Avatar
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    2Sox, I've been cutting down on my HCG this week and I can already tell the AI isn't having to work as hard. I NEVER had a good experience with Adex and certainly crashed my E2 several times with it. Exemestane (Aromasin ) has been much kinder to me. Even with that, I'm now splitting my dose of Aromasin and the efficacy seems just as good as when I was taking entire pills.

    HCG really spikes my E2. I'm not 100% dialed in yet, after a year of TRT, but I'm getting closer. I think.

  10. #10
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    These are very good suggestions. Offering me some insight I hadn't thought about. Thanks, guys.

    I'm going to give this some more thought, but I'm leaning toward reducing my T to 24mg EOD. That will get me to an average of 84mg/week. What do you think?

    The remaining question is this: What action would you suggest I take right away to get that E2 level down? AI? If so, what dose, how long? Or just leave it be?
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  11. #11
    jomamma007 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    These are very good suggestions. Offering me some insight I hadn't thought about. Thanks, guys.

    I'm going to give this some more thought, but I'm leaning toward reducing my T to 24mg EOD. That will get me to an average of 84mg/week. What do you think?

    The remaining question is this: What action would you suggest I take right away to get that E2 level down? AI? If so, what dose, how long? Or just leave it be?
    Just lower your dosage and it will drop relatively quickly, within a week probably.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    These are very good suggestions. Offering me some insight I hadn't thought about. Thanks, guys.

    I'm going to give this some more thought, but I'm leaning toward reducing my T to 24mg EOD. That will get me to an average of 84mg/week. What do you think?

    The remaining question is this: What action would you suggest I take right away to get that E2 level down? AI? If so, what dose, how long? Or just leave it be?
    Make your change. You are frequent with your BW so you'll know soon enough how you're doing. Don't know if you really need to worry about the E at this point. You'll be fine and it will drop on it's own. If it bothers you take a very small amount of adex for a week to facilitate the drop. Won't take much.
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  13. #13
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    Kelkel, is adex something you can take here and there if needed? I don't wanna hijack this thread, but studying the ones on E2. If you saw the thread I created a few hours ago I go into it there.
    2Sox, good luck with your E2 management.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Make your change. You are frequent with your BW so you'll know soon enough how you're doing. Don't know if you really need to worry about the E at this point. You'll be fine and it will drop on it's own. If it bothers you take a very small amount of adex for a week to facilitate the drop. Won't take much.
    Thanks for the reassurance. Makes me feel more at ease.

    It seems us older guys aramotize more readily (On gels I was taking .25mg adex E3.5D to keep my E2 under control for months. I was consistently in the 20s.) So I have been concerned.

    So I might take your suggestion and take a couple more AI doses while I reduce my T dose. It would be nice to live life without an AI.
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    In the post #7 above your referred to feeling better after switching to hCG twice per week. Can you describe exactly how you felt? How did things change? What did you notice? I'm curious because I started with twice a week and then increased to 3 times and didn't notice any change at all. The only thing I could THINK was happening is that my E2 increased. But that's all guessing.

    I'd like to know more about your experience with both Adex and Exemestane. How would you describe Stane is "kinder" to you, as you say? I also understand they work differently. I'd be grateful if someone would give some details about them. Thanks?

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    2Sox read this link. Save it. Jimmy just wrote this up and posted it the other day.

    Ancillary Reference Guide
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    2Sox read this link. Save it. Jimmy just wrote this up and posted it the other day.

    Ancillary Reference Guide
    Thanks! Leaving to give blood at the Red Cross in a few minutes so I'll read it from my smart phone while they're draining me. ;-)

  18. #18
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    I always take my Ipod. It's that or watch the cooking channel that they always have on.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    FRDave, In the post #7 above your referred to feeling better after switching to hCG twice per week. Can you describe exactly how you felt? How did things change? What did you notice? I'm curious because I started with twice a week and then increased to 3 times and didn't notice any change at all. The only thing I could THINK was happening is that my E2 increased. But that's all guessing.
    I went from 250iu every Mon, Wed & Fri (750iu weekly) to 400iu the day before my test injections (800iu weekly).

    Doing so was more so out of convenience to eliminate a day of pinning something. However I did notice a libido boost, my boys were fuller and my loads were larger (not sure how to say that in a polite way, sorry). Upon blood work I was surprised to see my test levels had went up a little and my E2 had dropped. Other than that, not much change, but the changed worked in my benefit.

    HCG seems to work quite differently for everyone so I would experiment if you can and always back up your results with blood work to see the full pic.

    Hope this helps.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    I went from 250iu every Mon, Wed & Fri (750iu weekly) to 400iu the day before my test injections (800iu weekly).

    Doing so was more so out of convenience to eliminate a day of pinning something. However I did notice a libido boost, my boys were fuller and my loads were larger (not sure how to say that in a polite way, sorry). Upon blood work I was surprised to see my test levels had went up a little and my E2 had dropped. Other than that, not much change, but the changed worked in my benefit.

    HCG seems to work quite differently for everyone so I would experiment if you can and always back up your results with blood work to see the full pic.

    Hope this helps.
    This is VERY interesting. I would love for someone to explain how that would work; upping the dose and lowering the frequency would increase T and lower E2...along with the other benefits you mention. If that was a dependable formula, we'd see a lot of guys doing it! Doesn't seem that an increase of 50iu weekly would make that difference. ......or could it?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    This is VERY interesting. I would love for someone to explain how that would work; upping the dose and lowering the frequency would increase T and lower E2...along with the other benefits you mention. If that was a dependable formula, we'd see a lot of guys doing it! Doesn't seem that an increase of 50iu weekly would make that difference. ......or could it?
    If I remember correctly, Bass had the same results. Could have been another member, but I think it was Bass.

    Unfortunately everyone is different so it's not a one size fits all. The larger doses at once makes sense as for the physical and well being attributes, but you would have thought my E2 would have went up which was surprising. Keep in mind, no other changes were made to my protocol and my injections are all the same day and same time (have alarm on my phone so I don't forget lol).

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    If I remember correctly, Bass had the same results. Could have been another member, but I think it was Bass.

    Unfortunately everyone is different so it's not a one size fits all. The larger doses at once makes sense as for the physical and well being attributes, but you would have thought my E2 would have went up which was surprising. Keep in mind, no other changes were made to my protocol and my injections are all the same day and same time (have alarm on my phone so I don't forget lol).
    This is good to know. So you had a fairly dependable outcome by eliminating other variables.

    I just did the math:
    If you dilute your hCG as follows: 5000iu/2mL - then to get 400iu you would measure out 0.14mL of hCG. Correct? Is this the ratio you use?
    Last edited by 2Sox; 01-31-2014 at 03:41 PM.

  23. #23
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    Remember guys you can do the exact same protocol over multiple BW's and get different results from each one. Who really knows why! If you feel good, don't over-think it would be my advice.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox
    This is good to know. So you had a fairly dependable outcome by eliminating other variables. I just did the math: If you dilute your hCG as follows: 5000iu/2mL - then to get 400iu you would measure out 0.14mL of hCG. Correct? Is this the ratio you use?
    .16ml = 400iu

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Remember guys you can do the exact same protocol over multiple BW's and get different results from each one. Who really knows why! If you feel good, don't over-think it would be my advice.
    And it's good advice.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    2Sox read this link. Save it. Jimmy just wrote this up and posted it the other day.

    Ancillary Reference Guide
    Great read! As Jimmy said Exemestane is "the mildest or most forgiving ai." If this is the case, I wonder why it's not as widely used as Adex - at least from the what I have seen from the forum members.

    What is the most common dose for men on TRT? And if it should come down to my needing it, (hopefully not if I follow the advice given) what would be my dosage?

  27. #27
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    It required daily dosing so it's not really that prudent for us. 2Sox you're not gonna need anything if you lower your dose. If lowering your dose slightly doesn't cut it for you (and you have lot's of wiggle room to lower it more) then simply eliminate one HCG injection as well. You'll be fine.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It required daily dosing so it's not really that prudent for us. 2Sox you're not gonna need anything if you lower your dose. If lowering your dose slightly doesn't cut it for you (and you have lot's of wiggle room to lower it more) then simply eliminate one HCG injection as well. You'll be fine.
    Thanks, Kel. I appreciate you comments.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I always take my Ipod. It's that or watch the cooking channel that they always have on.
    I would have been lucky if they had The Cooking Channel. They had no channel! Anyway, I feel great. Much lighter. Went out and did three miles right after. I learned there's a trick to it: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

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    Hey 2Sox, I've been following your thread and it's piqued by interest since I'm also lowering my dose to eradicate any Anastrozole use. I haven't found any happy medium using an AI and keeping optimal E2 levels. Are you switching to once a week hCG injection?

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by phaedo View Post
    Hey 2Sox, I've been following your thread and it's piqued by interest since I'm also lowering my dose to eradicate any Anastrozole use. I haven't found any happy medium using an AI and keeping optimal E2 levels. Are you switching to once a week hCG injection?

    I'm not decreasing my dose of hCG - as yet. (Anyway, I would not dose hCG less that twice a week.) Need to see blood work first which would show the result of my decrease in T dose. A step at a time.

    I'm going to take the advice of Kel and others above: Lower the T dose and see what the results are. If the change is not substantial, I can then consider cutting down my 250iu to twice a week OR cutting down my T dose some more. But this would all depend on the labs and on the advice from the people on the forum when I get my lab results.
    Last edited by 2Sox; 02-01-2014 at 04:37 PM.

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    Regarding DIM.

    In Jimmy's link:

    Ancillary Reference Guide

    ....he suggests that DIM should be dosed at 300mg/day - BUT that's for a 500mg cycle. I've heard conflicting things about dosage; some say 100mg/day; others 200mg/day.

    My question: Is this a trial and error thing - in a way like TRT - start low, wait and see, then titrate up if necessary? What is the experience of others?

    I had been at 100 mg/day and I feel as if I'm going into the territory of rising E2 at this point - low libido, poor night and morning erections. Waiting for BW results of last week. Maybe I'll hear today or tomorrow a.m.

    In the meantime, I started increasing my dose to 200mg/day just this morning.
    - Is this advisable?
    - AND how long does DIM take to get to work to do its job?

  33. #33
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    I was curious on this aswell...didn't get much luck with the thread I started on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Regarding DIM.

    In Jimmy's link:

    Ancillary Reference Guide

    ....he suggests that DIM should be dosed at 300mg/day - BUT that's for a 500mg cycle. I've heard conflicting things about dosage; some say 100mg/day; others 200mg/day.

    My question: Is this a trial and error thing - in a way like TRT - start low, wait and see, then titrate up if necessary? What is the experience of others?

    I had been at 100 mg/day and I feel as if I'm going into the territory of rising E2 at this point - low libido, poor night and morning erections. Waiting for BW results of last week. Maybe I'll hear today or tomorrow a.m.

    In the meantime, I started increasing my dose to 200mg/day just this morning.
    - Is this advisable?
    - AND how long does DIM take to get to work to do its job?
    I wanted to bump this up to get some input into my questions above regarding DIM dosing. Thanks.

  35. #35
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    200 would be appropriate for TRT levels. About a 12hr half life from memory. Not saying I have a good memory. What.
    Last edited by kelkel; 02-12-2014 at 03:22 PM.
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    200 would be appropriate for TRT levels. About a 12hr half life from memory. Not saying I have a good memory. What.

    Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Tolerability of Absorption-Enhanced 3, 3′-Diindolylmethane in Healthy Subjects

    Diindolylmethane FAQs - "All About DIM"
    Thanks, Kel.

  37. #37
    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It required daily dosing so it's not really that prudent for us. 2Sox you're not gonna need anything if you lower your dose. If lowering your dose slightly doesn't cut it for you (and you have lot's of wiggle room to lower it more) then simply eliminate one HCG injection as well. You'll be fine.
    I seem to have had similar issues with HCG dosing and rising E2 symptoms because of it. So if 2Sox doses down to 250iu twice a week is that going to have an effect on fertility and atrophy?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ccdiesel View Post
    I seem to have had similar issues with HCG dosing and rising E2 symptoms because of it. So if 2Sox doses down to 250iu twice a week is that going to have an effect on fertility and atrophy?
    I would doubt he'd notice a difference in size and I know he could care less about fertility.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I would doubt he'd notice a difference in size and I know he could care less about fertility.
    Got that right!

    If you are asking about yourself, I don't think you'd have anything to worry about. Later on when you plan for a family, you could just experiment with dosages to see what works. You can also talk with your doctor about hMG to help conceive.

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    Ccdiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Sox View Post
    Got that right!

    If you are asking about yourself, I don't think you'd have anything to worry about. Later on when you plan for a family, you could just experiment with dosages to see what works. You can also talk with your doctor about hMG to help conceive.
    Haha I was asking for you really. Guess I had that wrong ha. From what I read yes hmg would be the way to go if that were the priority now.

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