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Thread: Still feeling terrible. Not sure whats going on, KELKEL?

  1. #1
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Jan 2014

    Still feeling terrible. Not sure whats going on, KELKEL?

    Well, unfortunately my doctor has changed my TRT protocol from 125mg e7 days to 250mg e10 days. 2 days after my injection of sustanon of 250mg my test levels are over 52nmol, which scale is 8-32. Ok so that's all good and being on sustanon it has long esters in it, by the 10th day im not feeling any dip so im happy with this protocol, obv its not the best but none the less until I can find another doc or endo this is good for me and gives me a break from pinning and from constant pinning on cycle etc. Now im waiting for e2 to come back on 250mg but on 125mg 2 days later it was 55 so im going to assume it was higher, im trying to sort my e2 out and after reading threads im going to do 0.5mgx2 per week. I injected my TRT last night and took my armideix just before so a day later. Going to do it again in a few days time. Im still feeling pretty crap TBH tho. Not sure whats going on. Ive had a whole heap of tests done and everything seems fine besides E2,

    Prolactin in range
    TSH Was well within range
    HCT, liver, kidney, cortisol all in range.
    SHBG was fine apparently from what im told on here.
    Testosterone levels are nice and high.
    D3 came back low but after taking d3 tabs at all different doses it did jack shit to make me feel any different, but may have to get back on them.
    Prolactin in range to.

    I can post my lab work up later if you guys want but its all within reference range and nothing of concern, I might have to get a more indepth Thyroid check as im quite sure I only had TSH done. I asked another doc when I was trying to get private labs to test DHEA and pregnenelone and he had no idea what they were and stated something about them being only for research or some shit. Lol
    Will try for those 2 aswell. Does DHEA or preg have any influence on wellbeing? When I say I feel shit I mean im sitting here at the computer just feeling blank and sorta miserable. Not sure why.
    I haven't even been on the Ai for a week yet so it may just take time to bring my e2 down from being so high. I took at first 1mg for 4 days then today went to 0.5mg and will do that 2x per week. Ill get bloods done when I can in a few weeks time to check it. But atm feeling no different so yeh. My arimidex is liquid from a trusted source and I asked others about it and they all claim its G2G and as good as pharma, but ill try and get pharma grade anyway or from AR-R .

    Suggestions fellas?


  2. #2
    Rrexy is offline Junior Member
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    I'm new to all of this myself but from all I've read, the larger the dose the more aromitization will occur. 250 in one pin sounds like an awful lot.

    Even if you're remaining "level" throughout the 10 days between pins, your E2 levels have got to be hitting the roof. Have you tried splitting your dose and pinning every 5 days?

    This will help keep your E2 level more manageable and your T level more consistent. You may even find you can get by with a lower T dose while keeping your numbers where they need to be. This will help even more with the E2.

    Not too knowledgable when it comes to the AI dosages, as I've not had a need for it yet.

    Good luck in getting things worked out . . . . . . . .

  3. #3
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    I have to agree with you in first paragraph - find a new doc. The protocol has gone from bad to even worse. LowT has a much much better protocol for $200 a month with 100% of everything you need included. Doc visits, test c, HCG , AI, alcohol pads, syringes and even the kitchen sink. No UGL crap, all pharmaceutical and they also have docs that check your estrogen and treat it. Plus, the HCG to keep your nads functioning as they should.

    I highly recommend finding a new doc, if not a LowT doc at least find one that treats the TRT and has a good familiarization of current protocols and what works. I hate to bad mouth any doctor but yours is just not doing you or your body justice. You will never get dialed in like this.

  4. #4
    2Sox's Avatar
    2Sox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Well, unfortunately my doctor has changed my TRT protocol from 125mg e7 days to 250mg e10 days. 2 days after my injection of sustanon of 250mg my test levels are over 52nmol, which scale is 8-32. Ok so that's all good and being on sustanon it has long esters in it, by the 10th day im not feeling any dip so im happy with this protocol, obv its not the best but none the less until I can find another doc or endo this is good for me and gives me a break from pinning and from constant pinning on cycle etc. Now im waiting for e2 to come back on 250mg but on 125mg 2 days later it was 55 so im going to assume it was higher, im trying to sort my e2 out and after reading threads im going to do 0.5mgx2 per week. I injected my TRT last night and took my armideix just before so a day later. Going to do it again in a few days time. Im still feeling pretty crap TBH tho. Not sure whats going on. Ive had a whole heap of tests done and everything seems fine besides E2,

    Prolactin in range
    TSH Was well within range
    HCT, liver, kidney, cortisol all in range.
    SHBG was fine apparently from what im told on here.
    Testosterone levels are nice and high.
    D3 came back low but after taking d3 tabs at all different doses it did jack shit to make me feel any different, but may have to get back on them.
    Prolactin in range to.

    I can post my lab work up later if you guys want but its all within reference range and nothing of concern, I might have to get a more indepth Thyroid check as im quite sure I only had TSH done. I asked another doc when I was trying to get private labs to test DHEA and pregnenelone and he had no idea what they were and stated something about them being only for research or some shit. Lol
    Will try for those 2 aswell. Does DHEA or preg have any influence on wellbeing? When I say I feel shit I mean im sitting here at the computer just feeling blank and sorta miserable. Not sure why.
    I haven't even been on the Ai for a week yet so it may just take time to bring my e2 down from being so high. I took at first 1mg for 4 days then today went to 0.5mg and will do that 2x per week. Ill get bloods done when I can in a few weeks time to check it. But atm feeling no different so yeh. My arimidex is liquid from a trusted source and I asked others about it and they all claim its G2G and as good as pharma, but ill try and get pharma grade anyway or from AR-R .

    Suggestions fellas?

    Brett got it right. The first thing is to find a physician who knows what he/she is doing.

    From what you describe, it sounds like your all over the place. When you post numbers, I'd suggest you also include references ranges. Makes it easier for people to evaluate and comment. Post Total T in ng/dL and Free T in pg/mL if you can. Also makes it easier.

    I'd agree that this is likely an E2 issue but because your AI dosing has been so erratic, it's hard to tell if your crap feeling is coming from a level that is too high or too low, at this point.

    Don't lose heart. Things will get better.
    dreadnok89 likes this.

  5. #5
    Roger11 is offline Member
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    Jan 2014
    Hey guys just an update, starting to feel better, ive been allowed to self inject after some convincing and im splitting my shots, so 125mgx 2 instead of the whole 250mg at once. IM cruising now ready for my next cycle so im either going to stick to e10 days spit e5d shots or go once per week and just do 125mg e Monday and Thursday.

    Anyway today is Monday here in Australia so I did my 125mg shot in my right quad, then a min later took 0.5mg of arimidex , im going to stick with 0.5mgx 2 per week and get bloods done in a lil bit. Anything else you guys can suggest? My anxiety seems to have backed off a bit, and things that people would normally say that would get me anxious hasn't really bothered me, For example, my mate was talking about the strippers yesterday and normally if someone talks about that I start getting paranoid and anxiety over me thinking what if my missus become one etc etc and one incident where a mates friend said to my other mate he would Fcuk the shi out of my missus whenever I hear that guys name I would think about what he said and get paranoid and angry etc, now im feeling pretty over it tbh. But maybe this is just placebo effect, who knows, atm just enjoying it.
    Motivation is coming back to return to the gym, im going in a min actually after im done typing this, and im really wanting to start eating big and bulking again. IN time I guess. Still letting the body rest and re adjust and assessing and changing as required.

    Any more ideas guys, feel free to mention them to me.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    Hey guys just an update, starting to feel better, ive been allowed to self inject after some convincing and im splitting my shots, so 125mgx 2 instead of the whole 250mg at once. IM cruising now ready for my next cycle so im either going to stick to e10 days spit e5d shots or go once per week and just do 125mg e Monday and Thursday.

    Anyway today is Monday here in Australia so I did my 125mg shot in my right quad, then a min later took 0.5mg of arimidex, im going to stick with 0.5mgx 2 per week and get bloods done in a lil bit. Anything else you guys can suggest? My anxiety seems to have backed off a bit, and things that people would normally say that would get me anxious hasn't really bothered me, For example, my mate was talking about the strippers yesterday and normally if someone talks about that I start getting paranoid and anxiety over me thinking what if my missus become one etc etc and one incident where a mates friend said to my other mate he would Fcuk the shi out of my missus whenever I hear that guys name I would think about what he said and get paranoid and angry etc, now im feeling pretty over it tbh. But maybe this is just placebo effect, who knows, atm just enjoying it.
    Motivation is coming back to return to the gym, im going in a min actually after im done typing this, and im really wanting to start eating big and bulking again. IN time I guess. Still letting the body rest and re adjust and assessing and changing as required.

    Any more ideas guys, feel free to mention them to me.
    Sorry I missed this....

    Getting ready for your next cycle? It seems you're not dialed in with your TRT yet so quite honestly it's not prudent.
    250mg per week is VERY high end and probably not necessary. It also may explain some of your symptoms of anxiety/paranoia/anger, etc. More isn't better.
    Test is powerful and effects people differently.
    Adex should be dosed 24 hrs after your test shot to time the peak of both for maximum effectiveness.
    Be consistent with whatever you do so your next blood work is accurate.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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