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  1. #1
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2007

    advice on starting TRT.

    I was looking for some advice here, on dosage, and a dosing schedule. I've been on TRT in the past, and tried to restart, but test is back in the gutter again. Didn't have the best of luck with using an AI the first time around, so I'm going to attemt a 'less is more' attitude to try and minimize E2. Just wondering about thoughts here.

    Monday- 200iu HCG
    Tuesday- 40mg test
    Friday- 200iu HCG
    Saturday- 40mg Test

    Does that seem fine, and how long should I wait before getting bloodwork after starting a protocol? Been so long, I forget.

    Also, should HCG and test be done on different days? It would be easier if I could just do them both on the same day and then only have to worry about TRT twice a week.

    Last edited by lacey23; 02-09-2014 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #2
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    Wait 8 weeks to get followup bloodwork. On a twice per week injection protocol it doesn't make that much of a difference when you take your hcg . Your levels stay relatively stable without much peak or trough.

    Good luck with your protocol. Hopefully you've got a good doc to help you get where you want to be.

  3. #3
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    Wait 8 weeks to get followup bloodwork. On a twice per week injection protocol it doesn't make that much of a difference when you take your hcg . Your levels stay relatively stable without much peak or trough.

    Good luck with your protocol. Hopefully you've got a good doc to help you get where you want to be.
    I mix my HCG and Test on my IM shot twice per week. HCG thins out the oil a bit and it flows through smaller needles easier, trying to avoid big needles for my TRT now and saving them for blasts.

  4. #4
    FRDave's Avatar
    FRDave is offline Senior Member
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    I inject HCG the day before my test injects to try an eliminate a spike in E2 as well as to keep my test levels stable throughout the week. Never tried it on the day of so I can't say if it helps or not...

    I think timing of HCG is more critical on a once per week test injection protocol.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Is there a reason you are self medicating instead of seeking out professional advice?

  6. #6
    lacey23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Is there a reason you are self medicating instead of seeking out professional advice?
    I'm not self medicating. But, it's kind of complicated.

    I was on TRT, but tried to get off, and test went back in the gutter. My specialist said he wants to get my test levels back up again. I was kind of resistant to going back on TRT again, but have since accepted it, but don't have an appointment with the specialist for a while.

    My GP otoh doesn't know a ton about TRT, but has prescribed TRT to me in the past so will provide Test, HCG , and an AI (if needed) for the time being untill I have an appointment with the specialist.

  7. #7
    BMW550i is offline New Member
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    I've been injecting with the following protocol so far:

    Mon AM - 250iu's HCG
    Mon PM - 50mg's Test C

    Wed AM - 250 iu's HCG

    Fri AM - 50mg's Test C
    Fri PM - 250iu's HCG

    I just started this protocol 2 weeks ago because my most recent blood test showed a 1400 test level on 140mg's a week so my doc cut me down to 100 to see where I land. So far, I haven't had any problems.

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