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Thread: Another blast cycle question
06-21-2014, 08:39 AM #1
Another blast cycle question
Come Jan I'll be a year into trt and am planning ahead to try a couple short burst/blast cycles next year (been reading Marcus' logs). I will be doing test only since I've never used any AAS before other than trt. My there any benefit to switching test esthers for blast vs. just increasing cypionate dosage during blast? I was planning to just see how I respond to increased levels of cyp to start and anything unused during blast can just be added to my back stock for trt use. Does that make sense?
06-21-2014, 08:51 AM #2
Only benefit to switching esters would be, if you're wanting to do short burst cycling you'll need to run prop.
Nothing at all wrong with just upping the cyp
06-21-2014, 09:07 AM #3
Thanks. Maybe burst isn't quite the right term for how I plan to run it, the biggest thing Im focusing on is the shorter time frame. Instead of one 12 week cycle, I want to see how it works to split that into two 5-6 week blasts about 6 months apart and increase cyp dosage from current 100/wk level to 600/wk(split in 2) during blast period. I've responded well just to trt doses, so I don't think I need to go too crazy with blast doses to start out with anyway.
06-21-2014, 09:32 AM #4
I would do either 400/wk (if you're using your rx stuff) or 500/wk (ugl). Basically 2ml a week.
Run it for 12 weeks. Long ester, wouldn't make sense to run it for 6wks.
You'll see great gains from that
06-21-2014, 10:12 AM #5
06-21-2014, 11:10 AM #6
Got it. I'll stick to 12 weeks then. I can't get my hands on enough of my RX to use it for cycle, so cycle will be UGL and I'll continue filling my rx during cycle which will give me a little rainy day surplus of my RX for future use. Having said that, any reason to consider test E vs C? If I understand correctly, they're very similar and not sure how/why to choose one over the other if using as I described.
06-21-2014, 01:14 PM #7
Same thing basically
07-07-2014, 02:47 PM #8
I posted in other thread about this, but not much feedback so I'll ask here. I've read up on Austinites guide and will be following that with the exception of pct since I'm on trt. For AI dosage, it says to continue AI two weeks after last injection. Is that the same for resuming TRT..i.e. continue AI two weeks after last cycle dose and returned to trt dose. I don't take am AI for TRT, but have liquidex for cycle/blast.
Last edited by Baxter35; 07-07-2014 at 03:05 PM.
07-07-2014, 08:38 PM #9
That is correct. 2 weeks of ai then completely fall back to trt protocol
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First Tren Cycle (blast)