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  1. #1
    Kuriousjorj is offline New Member
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    Intra-testicular aromatizing... if this is true, then why does no one talk about this

    On another board, a seemingly knowledgeable poster has mentioned several times that aromatization of T into E can happen within the testicles... and that AI's therefore will not touch it, will not stop it or limit it, when it happens via that route.

    This is the reason something like Clomid can raise one's T... but also shoot their E2 up as well, despite taking AIs... because the: Clomid -> LH -> testes -> higher T -> higher E2, all happens there... and not 'systemmically,' throughout the body per se, where AI's can work (as they do w/ exogenous T injections).

    Is this true? If so, AI's are very limited to help E2 boosted by SERMS like Clomid. If it is true, I'm surprised more people don't acknowledge and consider the implications.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds like crap to me. That's just my first thought.

  3. #3
    Kuriousjorj is offline New Member
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    Another thing I've been wondering, and somewhat related...

    Some sources say that AI's block/neutralize the enzymes and keep T from converting to future E... but do NOT lower existing E.
    Yet other sources say the exact opposite -- for example, Aromasin can lower E levels literally immediately, in the same day, by huge amounts.

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    1) that wouldn't matter on cycle (when estrogen is a much larger concern), because your testes aren't producing test anyway.
    2) AIs affect the aromatase enzymes in your testicles as well (because, you know, they're supplied with blood circulating through your body).
    3) No AI can directly reduce circulating estrogen. But existing estrogen is metabolized within a few days.

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Testicular estrogen is synthesized by the leydig and the germ cells and is essential for fertility.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    1) that wouldn't matter on cycle (when estrogen is a much larger concern), because your testes aren't producing test anyway.
    I agree that it doesn't matter. However, if one is on cycle and taking HCG won't the testes continue producing test?

  6. #6
    Kuriousjorj is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    1) that wouldn't matter on cycle (when estrogen is a much larger concern), because your testes aren't producing test anyway.
    Ok, thanks for that info. Please note though, I'm not "on cycle," but am on trt, specifically Clomid. (also why I posted in this sub-forum) While raising my T, it also shot my E2 up to 80 (max range was 42). I'm now trying research chemicals Arimidex and/or Aromosin (as well as reducing Clomid -- the reason I'm being so aggressive, I have to 'peak' for 'event' in a few weeks; want max normal T and low E2 before then, maintain lean tissue and 'dry out' abs). I have a trt doc, but the research chemicals are cheaper than scripts, and at least the Clomid seemed to work, so I'll use them for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    2) AIs affect the aromatase enzymes in your testicles as well (because, you know, they're supplied with blood circulating through your body).
    The person speaking of the intra-testicular aromatization, said something about the AI's couldn't compete w/ the receptors / enzymes, whatever, in the testes. The AI's were outnumbered 100:1 in the testes. But I hope you're right -- good to know!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    3) No AI can directly reduce circulating estrogen. But existing estrogen is metabolized within a few days.
    Good -- that's another question I had -- how long does it take to 'clear' E2 from one's system. Only a few days? Awesome!

  7. #7
    Kuriousjorj is offline New Member
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    Another question -- is the whole "taking SERMS interferes with E2 test readings" thing true?

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