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10-28-2014, 03:03 PM #1
Mid cycle blood work, HIGH E2 again
OK it's been a while but I decided to run a little cycle again. For the most part things have gone fine, I feel fine and everything works fine, sometimes more fine that others as in overdrive. lol
Well my problem has been pretty much the same as in the past. I get HIGH sensitive E2. I though I had it figured out switching from liquidStane to Adex because I had the same problem before.
I have been taking adex .5mg EOD (30mg/mL)sometimes a little more and Tamox 20mg every day.
I'm not worried about my Lipid panel, they always go UP and back down on/off cycle especially with a little tren .
OK Im running 300mg Test C, 200mg Tren and 400 - 600mg Mast. Ive been a little inconsistent with the mast sometimes.
I take several different vitamins including liver cleanse, live52 and NAC. I do take cholesteral meds also but they never have seemed to help much, mostly just lower my good cholesteral and leave my bad high.
My main thing is WHY is my E2 still up so high? Double the adex or add something more?
OK here are the numbers.
WBC 4.7 3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL
RBC 5.83 HIGH 4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin 17.9 HIGH 12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit 55.6 HIGH 37.5-51.0 %
MCV 95 79-97 fL
MCH 30.7 26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.2 31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW 15.2 12.3-15.4 %
Platelets 322 150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils 65 %
Lymphs 26 %
Monocytes 7 %
Eos 2 %
Basos 0 %
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.1 1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute) 1.2 0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute) 0.3 0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL
Eos (Absolute) 0.1 0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute) 0.0 0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes 0 %
Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
Glucose, Serum 85 65-99 mg/dL
BUN 16 6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum 1.46 HIGH 0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am 55 LOW >59 mL/min/1.73
eGFR If Africn Am 63 >59 mL/min/1.73
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 11 9-20
Sodium, Serum 138 134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum 5.2 3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum 98 97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total 25 18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum 9.5 8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum 6.2 6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum 4.0 3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total 2.2 1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio 1.8 1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total 1.1 0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 30 LOW 39-117 IU/L
AST (SGOT) 144 HIGH 0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT) 57 HIGH 0-44 IU/L
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 291 HIGH 100-199 mg/dL
Triglycerides 294 HIGH 0-149 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 9 LOW >39 mg/dL
According to ATP-III Guidelines, HDL-C >59 mg/dL is considered a
negative risk factor for CHD.
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 59 HIGH 5-40 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol Calc 223 HIGH 0-99 mg/dL
Thyroid Panel With TSH
TSH 0.998 0.450-4.500 uIU/mL
Thyroxine (T4) 4.6 4.5-12.0 ug/dL
T3 Uptake 45 HIGH 24-39 % 01
Free Thyroxine Index 2.1 1.2-4.9
Testosterone , Serum >1500 HIGH 348-1197 ng/dL
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 1.1 0.0-4.0 ng/mL
Insulin -Like Growth Factor I 117 61-200 ng/mL
Estradiol, Sensitive
Estradiol, Sensitive 257 HIGH 3-70 pg/mLLast edited by lovbyts; 10-28-2014 at 03:06 PM.
10-28-2014, 04:30 PM #2
Some guys simply convert more on cycle than others do. If it were me I'd ramp it up for a few days then drop back to a dose higher than you've been running. Don't know if your able to pull another E2 panel in a few weeks but would be a great learning experience for you for the future. As you know you really need to give blood, asap. What dose of NAC are you taking? Were you running Nolva as a precaution for just this reason?
10-28-2014, 08:23 PM #3
Yeah giving blood is an issue due to Hep B in the past. Of cycle my RBC is below the top but not much. Ill try again to get my doc to write me a script to give blood.
NAC 600mg a day
Yes and no on the nolva. I had it and started running it EOD at only 10mg EOD until I had some sensitivity and small lumps so I upped it to 20mg ED but also hoping it would help keep the E2 down at the same time but I guess not.
Thats what I was thinking is to double my AI until finished and if I get a chance do blood work again but I'm not sure if I will have time so it might have to wait until next time.
10-28-2014, 08:32 PM #4
If your doc won't then you need to do the "Bass" method asap.
You can easily triple or quadruple your NAC dosage.
Nah, nolva's not gonna keep it down. Not against the law to run it on cycle though and in this case probably a good thing.
Just use caution and stay in tune with how you feel doing this.
10-28-2014, 08:35 PM #5
damn brotha that e2 is crazy high! I don't have any advise other than the obvious...donate and get that e2 down.
10-28-2014, 09:46 PM #6
shit LB, your panels are all over the place
you need aspirin therapy. reduces the risk of stroke, especially as sticky as your blood must be.
cholesterol profile is off, so you need something for that too
what is your BP and resting pulse rate?
10-28-2014, 11:18 PM #7
I have blood pressure meds and it's good even on cycle. Cholesteral meds dont work good for me and it's not a diet issue. Yeah I need to start up the aspirin again, Ill do that right now.
I will double the adex for a while also. I'm lucky I dont have E2 sides and I have 2 test from the past couple of years where my E2 was even higher but I though switching from liquidstane to adex had fixed that, I guess not.
10-29-2014, 09:06 PM #8
Are there any other issues that could be responsible for the high lipid results?
10-30-2014, 04:18 AM #9Senior Member
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Double the Adex and donate (obviously) are a must but how far along are you in your blast? I'm sure not what you want to hear but I would consider aborting. TR is correct about labs being all over the place, the liver function would personally scare me.
Good luck
10-30-2014, 07:58 PM #10
Tren always makes my liver function high and it always goes right back to normal after.
I will up the nac and Alex. Ive only got a week left. I meant to get it done last month but life got in the way like usual.
11-02-2014, 08:54 PM #11Junior Member
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My daughter was in the ER for mono. Her liver values where like 400 and 600 and the doctors where not at all concerned.
11-05-2014, 11:21 AM #12Associate Member
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PLEASE PLEASE realize that tren will skew E2 dramatically giving false high readings, I would run your AI at the level you need with 300 mg test + mast and keep it there. Is your estrogen still high without the tren?
11-05-2014, 12:03 PM #13
11-06-2014, 12:01 AM #14
Tren E from powder, home brew.
11-06-2014, 12:08 AM #15Originally Posted by lovbyts
11-06-2014, 01:38 AM #16
Possibly. Yeah I already knew about the tren a from pellets but I appreciate the warning.
I still have a couple cartridges from the old stock that is not the H where they add the estrogen. Its to bad places are still trying to pass ot off as tren-a
11-06-2014, 01:52 AM #17Member
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You know what, at the end of the day i cant say i really believe anyone in real life nor on the internet when they say tren or deca or primo or fvking anavar or anything raises E2, i honestly think its an induvidual thing tbh and even masteron can raise E2, just because a dozen people say it doesnt then a few have bloods and have elevated e2 its really just a gussing game, thats my conclusion now, even testosterone can reaise prolactin even when e2 is in check i figured. Who knows tho really.
11-06-2014, 04:05 AM #18Senior Member
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1. Lipitor. It will lower good and bad. My experience is 40 mg a day will cut your bad stuff by 30+ %....which puts you in normal range high.
2. Give Blood....making your liver work that damn hard is not helping other things. I get major issues at 52. I would be retired at 55+ lol
3. When I take 0 Anti E that is where my E2 rests on 700 PhenylProp a week. I have no E2 sides except emotional and elevated BP. I did not read you were having issues from the E2. What is your BP? if My E2 is near the bottom of range my BP rests at 120/80. If E2 is top of range or higher it goes to 140/89-90 and matter how many ace inhibitors or beta blockers I take.
Some people have high prolactin naturally. Mine sits at 3x or so top of issues.
E2 is not an issue unless it is an "issue" (my experience). Some people can let it ride 3-4x range with no MAJOR issues (Major = shit that requires surgery).
Masteron , Deca , primo all raise E2...but at a smaller percent than testosterone . Deca is at 20% (what is published) of what test converts. Everything is individual based though but laws of nature cannot be broken lol.
I KNOW elevated E2 is not preferred. I know from these labs my concern would be getting rid of blood asap....
As Roman aspirin a day for the rest of your life will help yourself miss a stroke.
11-30-2014, 02:06 AM #19
A little update. Mp859 turned me onto this article on E roids. I may have to do blood work back to back using both LabCorp's & Quest. I have been using LabCorp's so that might explain my extremely high E2 reading without feeling any sides.
This is stollen from E roids site.
By now you know about the false high estro reading you get while using Tren and ordering labs from LabCorp's Roche ECLIA methology. So what to do so you don't get a false reading? Use Quest Diagnostics for your lab work. I searched far and wide trying to find a Co. that has a test like ************* female hormone panel and as close to their price point as possible. I think I've found the right company and it was right under my nose. If you're on Tren use and get their hormone panel for females. That's right it sounds just like ************* test. Guess what it is except testosterone is tested LC/MSMS (Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry) and reads above 1500 but I don't know how high it goes this will also do away with the false high testosterone readings I'm seeing with Deca and NPP.Estradiol and total estrogens are measured in IA not ECLIA.(see "here's a link"below) Price point is 72.99 or 10.00 more than ************* 63.00. So far I haven't been able to find any discount coupons. If you running HGH and Tren then get the hormone panel for males which is the same price as privatedmdlabs at 172.49 and the same things are tested. But there is a big difference. The labsmd test which is preformed by Quest Diagnostics not only tests Testosterone serum and free but uses LC/MSMS which goes over1500. It also tests Estradiol UltraSensitive in LC/MSMS and it tests IGF-1 in LC/MS. You also get CBC,Metabolic Panel,Lipid Panel,Thyroid Profile, and PSA pretty much the stuff we want tested all in one test. So now you have a choice LabCorp or Quest and both are certified by the CDC.
LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online
LabsMD - Simple and Secure Lab Tests Online
Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LC/MS/MS
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS
here's a link to the guy on tren his lab test which was done by Quest. Notice his estrogen level was 102 but before you say its high he had gotten a total estrogen test which measures E1 and E2 and the reference range is less than <130 again he was at 102.Then go look at the 2nd link with all the blood tests from Labcorp while on tren. This pretty much proves it's the test method and not the Bro science reasons.
This is from FDA product reports of Roche ECLIA Testosterone Testers and Assays more so the new Testosterone II ASSAy used in all the major Roche testers.The sponsor has the following limitations in their labeling"A strong interaction with D-Norgestrel (1000 ng/ml), 19-nortestosterone(Nandrolone), Ethisterone, 11b-Hydroxytestosterone, and 11-Ketotestosterone was found. Do not use samples from patients receiving these compounds. This from the cross reactive study "Ethristone (1000 ng/mL), 11b-hydroxytestosterone (100 ng/mL), 11-ketotestosterone (1000 ng/mL), D-Norgesterel (1000 ng/mL) and 19-nortestosterone (Nandrolone, 30 nmol/L) tested above the measuring range and their percent cross-reactivity could not be calculated. Therefore, these compounds were included in the package insert. Hence the warning not to take blood samples from someone who is on nandrolone as the testosterone reading is a false high.
See pg 5 of link
see page 7of link
11-30-2014, 06:46 AM #20
if your tren give false reading then your tren is underdosed as ****...
I tested at over 5200(their is no typo, it is truly 5200) estradiol on 350mg weekly.
11-30-2014, 02:45 PM #21
12-01-2014, 08:59 AM #22
Your AI dose is very conservative. I don't see a problem with you jumping right to 1mg ED. It's not an absurd dose , and it seems you need it
Edit: tren can mess up E2. You really need a test with test only to know where you stand
12-02-2014, 12:25 AM #23
Yeah I have tested my E2 with test only, HRT and I'm always in range. Next time I use tren though I am going to try Quest labs and see if it reports different.
12-02-2014, 06:21 PM #24Originally Posted by Machdiesel
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First Tren Cycle (blast)