I have a fair question. Things have been status quo for awhile. I'm just over a year on TRT due to loss of pituitary function due to a microadenoma. I'm 41. Here's my one year labs:

Testosterone ,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum 1044 ng/dL 348 - 1197 01
Free Testosterone(Direct) 25.6 High pg/mL 6.8 - 21.5 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 39 pg/mL 3 - 70 0

At one year checkup, doc said estradiol was a bit high and had me on the anastrozole. I was on for about 4 weeks and crashed the e2. I laid off it and everything came back, e.g. erections, libido, etc..

OK, all good. From the time I first started TRT I became injured at work. I had two arthroscopic shoulder surgeries on my shoulder this past year. I am at the tail end of rehab. I know that it has been stated that the first 6 months is when you build lean muscle mass. I was 192 total testosterone pre-TRT. I'm now hovering over 1000 and feeling great. I have never been able to reap the benefits of TRT with regards to building muscle. Now, that being said, I have not had a difficult time retaining what I had pre-trt. I was a 5-6 day per week workout type of guy with a clean diet. I kind of went off the rails this past year and being off work I was enjoying life and eating and drinking garbage. I never let it get too out of control though. I carry a few extra lbs than what I am used to. The wife doesn't even notice, but I do. It's in the way my clothes fit and I see it on the scale.

My question is, now that I'm going to be getting back into the weight room and trying to see what I can do with regards to building lean muscle, is the TRT going to help me and provided the diet is in check and I'm dedicated to the exercise, will I get better results than when I had 192 tesosterone levels? It's odd. I feel like pre-TRT I was hitting the weights hard and eating ridiculously clean and I got great results but I was pretty lean. I had a cut physique, but no matter how much I ate (all clean) I couldn't put mass on. I would stay very lean and toned. I felt like as if I had the body of a female who worked out a lot if that makes sense. I was toned and lean and semi-vascular, but I just couldn't pack on that mass. I would really like to see the benefit of TRT with regards to my body building, however after reading so much it seems to be the consensus that after your first 6 months of TRT that lean muscle acquisition tapers off and you don't really get anymore benefit. Perhaps I'm confused or not educated enough on this. Can any of the veterans give me a hand? Thank you in advance, as always!