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  1. #1
    smoke_earin is offline New Member
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    Run cyp 5 wk on 1wk off per Dr instructions

    Recently got a script from the Doc for:

    400mg/wk test cyp
    1000 units/wk hcg
    2mg/wk Arimidex

    He wants me to run it 5wk on 1wk off indefinitely.

    Question is, would it be better for me to run a longer cycle and take more time off in between or just run it continuously like he said?

    I don't intend on staying on gear for the rest of my life as tempting as it sounds. I would like to sustain natural production of test while still putting on mass but I'm not sure an indefinite 5wk on 1 wk off is going to be effective. Doc knows the reason I'm doing it. This is my first cycle coming from a Dr but all other cycles I've done lasted at least 10wks. Also thinking if I take longer time off I can do a cycle w/ a higher dose since I have 5 refills on the all the scripts before I have to go back to Doc.

    I'm 26
    5 10
    11% bf
    Powerlifting background 10 yrs

    diet is in check.

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    What kind of Dr prescribes a cycle?

    Did he explain why to take 1 week off? Has he prescribed you PCT? Or is he intending keeping you on 400mg per week for life?

    I think you need a new Dr. Actually I think you need any Dr and not a quack.

  3. #3
    smoke_earin is offline New Member
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    haha He has a family healthcare dr office, pretty much a PCP for anything and everything. I was referred to him by a coworker. He isn't my primary Dr but It's not easy finding a Dr who will prescribe for someone who isn't older and actually having very low T numbers.

    on my 1wk off he told me to continue the hcg and arimidex as "PCT". When I spoke with him initially he told me he was starting me at this and said "take this like it's written down, 5wk on 1wk off, so on and so forth". I have enough to last through August and then go back.

    While he knows I'm using it to actually get bigger, a cycle of 5 weeks on doesn't seem sufficient for really good results and only 1 week off doesn't seem like long enough to naturally regain my won test production, especially if I'm taking the HCG pretty much non-stop which is about is dumb as it sounds I imagine.

    I am thinking I will just be better off using the script from the Dr just to have a legitimate supply of gear and doing a regiment of my own. Just need a little insight to how to put it together. I've never taken any of the other above names besides test so any insight to structure a good cycle and PCT with the above durgs and any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Your doc's clueless and is putting his license at risk.

    That said, review this layout for self-education purposes:

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    BallSak is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not buying any of this... Why would a doctor prescribe you a cycle and risk his license, his livelihood, 10+ years of education and his reputation so that you can get bigger?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I would believe this if it's a third world country lolz

  7. #7
    Low Testosterone is offline ~ HRT Specialist ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallSak View Post
    I'm not buying any of this... Why would a doctor prescribe you a cycle and risk his license, his livelihood, 10+ years of education and his reputation so that you can get bigger?
    I don't buy it either, only an insane doctor would do this. Back in the 90's and early 2000's, sure it happened quite frequently. Not that long ago it wasn't all that difficult to get RX's for testosterone , nandrolone , oxandrolone, oxymethelone, stanozolol , etc. In today's world, this is nuts. A doctor has a better chance not getting into trouble by abusing opiate prescriptions.

  8. #8
    smoke_earin is offline New Member
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    I definitely don't claim to understand his reasoning lol almost all his patients are cops and firefighters. I walked in the waiting room and sat down with about 6 other dudes who looked like gorillas. I don't particularly worry about his medical license, just a good source of gear that my insurance covers.

    That being said, I imagine he is making bank off his office. Wait time for an appointment is over 2 months.

    Very good article btw

  9. #9
    smoke_earin is offline New Member
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    Also remember the premise of his reasoning is HRT. My levels were 304 I believe, which he quoted as "garbage low"

  10. #10
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    304, yes you are a legitimate canadate for TRT. What your DR is prescribing???? Either you are full of shit ( I'm assumming your not) or he won't be a practicing Dr for much longer. Take one week off and you regain your Natty??? Yeah you can't get herpes as long as you are drunk either....

  11. #11
    Chauffeur is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by smoke_earin View Post
    haha He has a family healthcare dr office, pretty much a PCP for anything and everything. I was referred to him by a coworker. He isn't my primary Dr but It's not easy finding a Dr who will prescribe for someone who isn't older and actually having very low T numbers.

    on my 1wk off he told me to continue the hcg and arimidex as "PCT". When I spoke with him initially he told me he was starting me at this and said "take this like it's written down, 5wk on 1wk off, so on and so forth". I have enough to last through August and then go back.

    While he knows I'm using it to actually get bigger, a cycle of 5 weeks on doesn't seem sufficient for really good results and only 1 week off doesn't seem like long enough to naturally regain my won test production, especially if I'm taking the HCG pretty much non-stop which is about is dumb as it sounds I imagine.

    I am thinking I will just be better off using the script from the Dr just to have a legitimate supply of gear and doing a regiment of my own. Just need a little insight to how to put it together. I've never taken any of the other above names besides test so any insight to structure a good cycle and PCT with the above durgs and any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    HCG should be taken non stop if fertility and/or testicular size is important to you. There are other reasons to take hCG as well, as maintaining testicular function is vital for the production of other hormones.

    But in terms of the rest of your protocol,

    Make no mistake about it, this is not a long shot. I've got zero issues with people cycling, but let's not call it TRT.

    400mg/wk is not sustainable for long term health.

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Got a friend who is prescribed 2800 10mg methadone tablets a month.

    Just as there are croakers for synthetic opiods there are croakers who prescribe AAS far outside the norms.

    If you want to use this guy as a way of obtaining steroids (to abuse) that you know are pure go for it, however you do need to understand that if you follow his directions for more than a few months you will do long term to permanent damage to your HTPA system.

    Actually though with a base score of 304 you really need to seek the help of a good endo to find out if you have medical reasons for your low T or if you need to get on a legitimate TRT program.

  13. #13
    smoke_earin is offline New Member
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    I completely agree, I don't intend on being on a cycle that never ends and I will see if I can't upload the instructions he gave me. I won't try to justify his reasoning or his angle, whatever it may be. Multiple guys at my dept are actually running off his protocol, all around my age, but they have stuck with it. It didn't seem reasonable to me which is why I came here. Thanks for the article on the PCT, last time I did a cycle I was in high school and couldn't have even told you what a PCT was.
    On another note, if anyone in the Dallas area needs some pharmaceutical grade test I know a dr handing it out like candy! As long as he may in business anyways Lol

  14. #14
    Beethoven's Avatar
    Beethoven is offline Productive Member
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    There was a little clinic in Fla who was doing a similar thing for athletes and is going to jail. How is the Bloodwork being performed here or is there. I'll bet all the fireman and cops are big.

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well you need to decide if you want to be on HRT/TRT or if you want to be on cycle. What this doctor is prescribing is a cycle, not TRT. There are a FEW people here who need up to 200mg a week, most run 100 - 150 to be in normal/mid range test levels and actually see decent gains at these levels.

    At that amount you can easily figure out what you need for TRT via blood work and just stock pile the rest until later use for a normal cycle of 3 months once you are ready.

    Personally if you are trying to get your hormone levels back to normalf then I would suggest finding a different doctor. If you plan on getting jacked, work out 5x a week dedicated and diet also in check then stay with this guy.

    Wait, you are 26 with low test? Is it from past cycles? I suggest 1st things first. Figure out WHY you have low T

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