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  1. #1
    SweepTheLegJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2014

    Weird Estrogen Response.

    I started a new TRT protocol within the last month:

    100mgs test cyp, sub q, twice weekly
    250mgs of HCG , twice a week

    My initial blood work came back as such:

    Total Test: 281 on a range 350-1100
    Free Test: 8.0 on a range of 8.8-25.1
    E2: 8.8 on a range from 3-70.

    After a month on my protocol, my new numbers (blood drawn day after 100mg test and 250iu hcg):

    Total Test: 658 on a range from 348-1100
    Free Test: 37.5 on a range from 8.7-25.1 (High)
    E2: 22.2 on a range from 11-35.5.

    Now, the labs look excellent, particularly the E2 levels. However, I have been having nasty estrogen related issues since beginning the protocol: irritated nipples, bloating, irritability, mood swings, vertigo, exhaustion (almost fell asleep at my desk at work), etc..etc.. I know it's estrogen related because a)it happens on days I pin and I feel better within a few days of the injections and b) I load up on DIM and it makes it more tolerable. Also, the symptoms get worse with every injection; I had to choke down over 1,000mg of DIM to be functional one day last week.

    The doctor has prescribed me .25mg of Arimidex and I should be receiving it next week. So here are my two questions:

    1. Has anyone else experienced these kinds of issues when E2 was within normal (perfect) ranges? In all reality, I think my hormones have been crashed for over a decade so my body is over-reacting to the estrogen. But, that doesn't make it any more tolerable for me. I skipped my last test dose and just took HCG because I don't have the AI on hand yet and it's messing me up.

    2. The doc wants me doing a full 200mg, IM injection on Wednesdays and taking the AI either that day or the day after and HCG on Monday and Friday. I've been doing 100mg test and 250iu hcg mixed in the same insulin syringe and pinned, sub q, on Monday and Thursday. I've always had better results with sub q injections but, then again, I've never had a doc give me an AI. So, do I go with .125mgs of Arimidex, following what I've been doing or do the one big pin of 200mg? Regardless, I know I should follow what she has laid out but I've also got a good idea of when the estrogen is going to hit me with my current protocol. Plus, my current protocol tripled my test in a month.


  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well your numbers do look good but in the long run it is important how you feel. A lot of people here use and AI with their HRT. HCG is known to elevate E2 a little but it has to many benefits to leave out.

    It also could just be you getting use to everything and it may pass. A little nip sensitivity is pretty common with HRT but usually also goes away.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I could be hormonal flucuations you simply need to adjust too. These arent day to day things. It take a bit of time. I know this, I wouldnt start jumping in changing things too quickly- then you are just chasing your tail.

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