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  1. #1
    MBDN313 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2015

    First Cycle, But Getting Older... Questions

    Okay, I'm in my late 30s. I feel my age since my last son was born (lots of kids... wearing me out).

    Anyway, I have never been on TRT, but I felt so amazingly good on my first cycle, I am wondering if the following would be okay:

    16 week pyramid cycle with test base and maybe using tren in the middle, and tapering off, with test only at the end.

    I did 12 weeks before. I "recovered" fine, but still feel like I did before. I would really like to do a longer run and I think I really should have pyramided off the last cycle. It was a bit abrupt and caused me to have to use a lot of LH boosting herbs to balance out during otherwise standard PCT.

    Any thoughts? Still brainstorming.

  2. #2
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    May 2015
    Um, I'm not the best person to answer this question. So I hope someone else jumps in but I can tell u the tren is a pretty crazy aas. Can really mess with u and most ppl suggest doing a couple cycles before u do tren

  3. #3
    MBDN313 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2015
    What would a good second cycle look like? I used deca last time, but didn't taper it off (I know now that I should have). I'm anxious to use tren , but if it is going to mess me up on the second cycle, I'll wait. I just feel like I could use the kick and I have a young buddy who is cycling it right now (his second cycle), and he's having great results (but he's still on it).

    Anyway, how long could a quasi-TRT cycle go? Like 16 weeks seems good, but I really want to ease into PCT this time and extend the tapering cycle as much as I can. I definitely didn't like dropping off the cycle to PCT without tapering. Also, I seem to feel it since dropping off clomid even.

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