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Thread: Are these levels normal?

  1. #41
    applips's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    Post results here. Get the results ahead of time so you can read them and ask questions during your appointment.
    They dont give them to me, They send them directly to the doctor, i get it from doctor.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by applips View Post
    They dont give them to me, They send them directly to the doctor, i get it from doctor.
    if you can get it from your dr before your meeting. Mine sends them via email.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    if you can get it from your dr before your meeting. Mine sends them via email.
    I tried once, they refused. They said its againest the policy to provide results without docs appointment

    Even to go get an inj3ct, everytime i had to see a doctor (doesn't matter which one but doctor needs to approve the injection before they inject)

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by applips View Post
    I tried once, they refused. They said its againest the policy to provide results without docs appointment

    Even to go get an inj3ct, everytime i had to see a doctor (doesn't matter which one but doctor needs to approve the injection before they inject)
    That is correct . Its against their policy. But not against the law. Legally you have every right to a copy. Make sure you get a copy.

  5. #45
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    We tried to tell you that the protocol the doctor used was outdated and incorrect. Taking HCG and clomid doesnt make sense, clomid is supposed to boost your LH, while HCG is a LH analog, so while you are trying for your pituitary to produce more LH you injecting more "LH", the only thing you got out of it is that your testicles are working (if you got bloodwork while hcg was active).

    You should have been on clomid only to see if your test levels get better.

    We still havent seen the full blood work with LH, FSH, prolactin, vit D, etc, so its kinda hard to say anything else.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    That is correct . Its against their policy. But not against the law. Legally you have every right to a copy. Make sure you get a copy.
    Hi Simon, I called again, they said there is an option to send test results via regular postal service after doctors authorisation although she advised that the results will be ready by Thursday and can only be posted on Friday which means they can take 5 to 7 working days to get to NT where my appointment with doctor is on Friday so she said its faster if you ask the doctor to give you a copy. They are also unable to provide results on phone or via email . I don't understand as email would have been the fastest way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    We tried to tell you that the protocol the doctor used was outdated and incorrect. Taking HCG and clomid doesnt make sense, clomid is supposed to boost your LH, while HCG is a LH analog, so while you are trying for your pituitary to produce more LH you injecting more "LH", the only thing you got out of it is that your testicles are working (if you got bloodwork while hcg was active).

    You should have been on clomid only to see if your test levels get better.

    We still havent seen the full blood work with LH, FSH, prolactin, vit D, etc, so its kinda hard to say anything else.
    Hi BB, I didn't have much of a choice with the protocol. I raised my concerns to my doctor previously. I was feeling pretty great while I was on it so thought it was the right protocol. As per today ( 3 weeks off) I lost energy 60%, libido 80% (n), muscle mass 30%, morning woods are gone. I am still losing bodyfat though and strength is still there. I can see a slight difference in recovery time as well, not massive.

    What i am trying to understand is, why this worked for me. Does this mean my testicles were not functional previously? And the issue is my testicles? These were the best 3 to 4 weeks of my life after a long time (sex, workout, happiness). I am trying to understand why is that.

    I will get rest of test results from doctor as well when I visit him on the 1st.

  7. #47
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    OK guys, its official now. I crashed badly according to my test results, right after 3 weeks from my last hcg injection.

    Now I have 3 options

    1. Experimnet and wait = Go higher dose of Clomid and Dhea
    2. Go with Something which already worked = hcg with adex
    3. Go all in = Go trt with adex

    My levels are fuked again so frankly it cant get more fuked then what it is Right now.

    I want to cry right now.....

  8. #48
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    Just realised that i forgot to include the results,

    Here they are

    Result Range
    DHEAS 8.9 nmol/L 5.0 - 30.0
    Androstenedione 12.5 nmol/L 1.0 - 10.7
    Testosterone 36.0 pmol/L 100.0 - 720.0
    Estradiol (E2) 24.0 pmol/L 1.0 - 6.0
    Estrone (E1) 16.0 pg/mL 9.6 - 20.0
    Testosterone/DHT Ratio 10.9 RATIO 10.0 - 350.0
    Androstenedione/E1 Ratio 0.78 RATIO 0.05 - 1.10


  9. #49
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    Those results are shiit. Get your Dr to put you on trt right away. 100mg a week injected sub q into your abdomen using a 29g needle. Inject 50mg twice a week. Tues pm and sat am. Get a blood test at 4 weeks after you start and see if your estrogen is high.

    Dr's appointment at the 5th-6th week mark.

    You need this appointment to work out if you need an ai.

    Take control and insist on this protocol. Your Dr is fvcking with you .

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    Those results are shiit. Get your Dr to put you on trt right away. 100mg a week injected sub q into your abdomen using a 29g needle. Inject 50mg twice a week. Tues pm and sat am. Get a blood test at 4 weeks after you start and see if your estrogen is high.
    Why do you recommend this without even looking at his LH and FSH?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Why do you recommend this without even looking at his LH and FSH?
    Hey BB, In post 23 he says he did a full panel including lh and fsh and nothing has been mentioned since indicating they were out of range, I assumed those were part of it. If not yes I also agree with BB, lh and FSH should have been looked at with your last blood work.

    App lips , can you post up the past results of the full panel with those two values? They should have come back by now.
    Last edited by Simon1972; 04-03-2016 at 04:53 PM.

  12. #52
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    Thanks Simon, BB

    My doctor recommanded that i should go on trt asap and do a follow up in 6 weeks and use AI while on trt for at least 6 weeks before the bloodwork. I am amazed, infact i was worried that using adex .5mg EOD for 6 weeks will drop my E2 badly but it didn't (remember when we were talking about the sweet spot). I was shocked with results, I got rid of gyno-like feeling and buring nipples but my E2 is extremly high still. May be .5mg EOD is not the right dose and i should increase it slightly? He advised me to use adex .5mg EOD for 6 weeks while on trt and at the end we will do tests to see if this dose needs adjustment. .

    Guys i feel like crap right now. Didnt go to gym for 4 days, not eating enough, not sleeping enough. Lost my mojo i had when on hcg . I feel terrible. I am not sure how to explain it. Grumpy and emotional at the same time. I have lost 4 KG weight in a week's time (there goes my hard earned muscles). Sex, dont even wanna think about it.

    Frankly i was actually expecting him to put me back on hcg as the feeling i had with hcg was amazing, didn't expect trt stright away but he decided to do so due to the extremly crappy levels and he thinks its not worth it going back on hcg where He also advised that i am on a high risk of heart and diabeties issues with shocking low test levels

    In regards to LH and FSH, he did a full panel check previously before i went on hcg and found no issues therefore he ruled out those possibilities. This time we only did the above tests although the next 6 weeks follow up will include full panel check again.

    Also he prescribed me the cream (5% thingy) for 6 to 8 weeks before going on injectables. He thinks that the short term trt may be the solution and i might not have to keep using these meds for life (chances are slim but worth a try). He wants me to start taking this and visit him in 4 weeks time, depending on situation and how i feel, he will do blood tests or dose adjustment or wait 2 to 4 more weeks to do the full blood check.

    He wants to start low and then increase the dose if required.

    P.S. guys, my memory is literally fuked, i forgot to ask for old test results which included LH and FSH
    Last edited by applips; 04-03-2016 at 09:27 PM.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by applips View Post

    Also he prescribed me the cream (5% thingy) for 6 to 8 weeks before going on injectables. He thinks that the short term trt may be the solution and i might not have to keep using these meds for life (chances are slim but worth a try).
    this is the problem right here. trt is for life. you cant kickstart your testes by turning them into raisins

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    Hey BB, In post 23 he says he did a full panel including lh and fsh and nothing has been mentioned since indicating they were out of range, I assumed those were part of it. If not yes I also agree with BB, lh and FSH should have been looked at with your last blood work.

    App lips , can you post up the past results of the full panel with those two values? They should have come back by now.
    Kel and I have been asking for the LH/FSH since the beginning he started posting this threads. His doctor clearly is not famliar with modern trt practice and diagnosting, Kel stated this in the beggining of this thread. After 3 months still no hormone panel, but he is testing for estrone??!?! After HCG and clomid for 6 weeks no LH/FSH?!?!?

    Several times have explained that HCG is LH (luteinizing hormone) analog, and that it is the hormone responsible for testosterone production just to be ignored. If he felt so good while on HCG and Clomid think this is not a testicular problem, at least it wasnt (hope the testis didnt get desensitized with all this HCG), so he should try clomid only and check LH after a few weeks to see if his pituitary responds. Of course, with HCG injections taken at clinic the doc can charge more lol. And afterwards comes testosterone injections...

    Not even going to address the fact that they not even interested in checking thyroid, vit d, etc.

    At this time, I think his doctor is either incompetent or trying to squezee as much $$$ as he can.

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