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Thread: Synthroid

  1. #1
    Closhmo is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2016


    Does anyone know anything about synthroid ?

    I have been taking 75 mcg of synthroid everyday now for about two years. the endocrinologist i was seeing at the time prescribed it to me in an effort to help with the hypogonadal symptoms i was feeling eventhough my labs were only on the borderline for low thyroid hormone and my TSH value wasnt high or anything. i have a one month supply right now but dont see a point in taking it. i am on trt and feel good and would like to get off as much medication as possible. does anyone know the protocol for stopping? can i just cut it out cold turkey? thanks for all the help.

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Have you tried expressed to your doc that you would like to come off? I would think this is the best route. At least this way you can get monitored to make sure everything is working fine after dropping the synthroid .

  3. #3
    Closhmo is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2016
    yeah i just sent a message to my TRT doctor about him managing it and he mentioned coming off it before in one of our meetings. im just worried that since hes a urologist and is doing my trt he wont deal with the thyroid issue. Its a wellness clinic though so i hope he will. i dont want to go back to my old endocrinologist because he was adamant about me not starting TRT at a young age and i did and i dont really like the endocrinologist.

  4. #4
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    you can stop taking itcold turkey and you wont feel any sides,
    at 75mcgs you more than likely hadnt shut your own tsh production down.
    what were your results for TSH,T3,T4?
    synthroid is T4 which turns into T3, were your T3 levels low?
    TSH levels vary from country to country, here the range is .32-5.04,
    I am on synthroid but I dont think my dosage is enough, as my levels
    always push 3, and I am in the camp that 2 or less is optimum, since
    I'm supplementing, I dont know why they dont dose you till TSH production
    is shut down. if I remember correctly it converts to T3 at 7/1 ratio.

  5. #5
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    The thyroid is pretty resilient and can bounce back pretty quickly. But, that's assuming yours is functioning correctly. I'd say it's perfectly safe to just stop cold turkey, but as others have said it's best to discuss it with your doctor so you can get blood work to find out what's going on when you come off. Also, keep in mind that proper thyroid levels can influence many other things, so it's important to make sure your thyroid is in line. If it turns out your numbers don't come back in line then it's really in your best interest to get back on the thyroid meds.

  6. #6
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Closhmo View Post
    Does anyone know anything about synthroid ?

    I have been taking 75 mcg of synthroid everyday now for about two years. the endocrinologist i was seeing at the time prescribed it to me in an effort to help with the hypogonadal symptoms i was feeling eventhough my labs were only on the borderline for low thyroid hormone and my TSH value wasnt high or anything. i have a one month supply right now but dont see a point in taking it. i am on trt and feel good and would like to get off as much medication as possible. does anyone know the protocol for stopping? can i just cut it out cold turkey? thanks for all the help.
    Try dropping by 25mcg every two weeks. You should be fine.

  7. #7
    Closhmo is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2016
    Thanks for all the help!
    I talked with my doctor and am not taking at the moment and will be getting bloods done in less than 2 weeks.

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