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    jolter604's Avatar
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    Hgh and estrogen

    What is Gynecomastia ?
    Let’s start with what gynecomastia is. This is the enlargement of the male breast tissue, which occurs when there is an imbalance between estrogen action and androgen action at the breast tissue level. Males have small amounts of estrogen in their bodies – that’s normal. When you take steroids or synthetic HGH supplements excel estrogen can be produced through the amortization.

    The problem is that when the body develops large amounts of estrogen, undesirable side effects can occur. One of those side effects is gynecomastia or the enlargement of the male breasts. Others include female pattern fat distribution and water retention. Gynecomastia occurs because you have higher concentrations of estrogen relative to your testosterone levels .

    Symptoms of Gynecomastia
    Symptoms of gynecomastia include swelling and tenderness of breast tissue and the nipples. Your nipples can also become itchy. Should you have any of these symptoms you need to see your doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment, because once breast tissue begins to form it’s permanent.

    Just because you use steroids or synthetic HGH injections doesn’t mean you will find yourself dealing with estrogen issues. There’s no way of knowing how your body will react. Some take only small doses of steroids and instantly develop breast enlargement. Some have only one cycle while others have undergone a number of cycles before the breast enlargement occurs. In other cases, men take high steroid doses and many cycles without ever experiencing gynecomastia symptoms. There is no way to know whether you will develop the symptoms or not.

    Preventing Estrogen Formation Will Prevent Gynecomastia
    If you prevent estrogen formation you can prevent gynecomastia. Stop the formation of estrogen either by using an aromatase inhibitor or by blocking estrogen, so it can’t bind to your body’s estrogen receptors. It’s important that you receive prescription medications from your doctor to achieve either one of these, because the non-prescription anti-estrogens on the market cannot be relied on.

    Taking Anti-Estrogens With Steroids
    If you take steroids then take anti-estrogens to prevent gynecomastia. Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate), Proviron (mesterolone) and Arimidex (anastrozole) work as anti-estrogens.

    However, most bodybuilders prefer to block estrogen from forming, because it will prevent gynecomastia and decrease water retention, The reduction in water retention means a much harder looking body. Nolvadex is an anti-estrogen, but it also stops estrogen from being able to bind to the estrogen receptors in your body.

    If you take steroids you should always keep an anti-estrogen on hand. Even when you take an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex or Proviron, make sure you have Nolvadex on hand, just in case you’ve been prescribed too low of a dose and gynecomastia symptom begin to appear.

    Dosage for Aromatase Inhibitors
    Arimidex typically starts as low as 0.25 mg a day and goes up to 1.0 mg a day, with the average dosage being 0.5 mg a day.
    Proviron is generally 50 mg a day. You take a tablet in the morning and in the evening.
    Don’t Stop Steroids Mid Cycle
    If you start to have symptoms of gynecomastia and you don’t have anti-estrogens, stopping your steroids mid cycle won’t help. Stopping can actually make it worse. Even if you stop there’s going to be remaining estrogen in your body, which will cause the breast tissue to keep building. Your steroid injections will stay in your body for another 2 to 3 weeks, which will keep converting to estrogen and therefore continue to increase breast tissue.

    By the time the steroids are metabolized, you are going to have almost zero testosterone levels and you will have very high estrogen levels, which will cause the breast tissue to keep growing. So instead of stopping your steroids mid cycle, take anti-estrogens with your steroids and that will ensure you don’t develop gynecomastia.

    You should always make sure you have Nolvadex on hand. When you use aromatase inhibitors your prescribed doses could be too low or you might miss a dose and Nolvadex can help. If you don’t use an aromatase inhibitor during your cycle having Nolvadex on hand is even more important.

    What to do if You Develop Gynecomastia Symptoms
    If estrogen has already formed in your body, taking an aromatase inhibitor isn’t going to stop the estrogen that has already formed from causing gynecomastia to develop. Nolvadex is the only drug that can stop gynecomastia symptoms once they begin. Nolvadex works by stopping estrogen from binding to estrogen receptors. To be clear, Nolvadex is generally taken just in situations where there are already gynecomastia symptoms present.

    Dosage for Nolvadex
    Nolvadex is normally prescribed when gynecomastia symptoms are present. Doses run between 20 mg to 40 mg a day and you will keep taking it until your symptoms disappear. Some doctors will tell you to take Nolvadex after the symptoms are gone, up until your cycle ends.

    If you take a low to moderate steroid dosage (200-900 mg/week,) this is the schedule most doctors will prescribe.

    Day 1 - 40 mg
    Each day until the symptoms are gone -20 mg
    Until the end of Clomid therapy - 10 mg/day
    If you take a high steroid dosages (>1000 mg/week) your doctor could prescribe double the dosage.

    Keeping Your Anabolic Steroid Gains
    Steroids temporarily shut down your testosterone production. Once you complete the steroid cycle your body will stop the production of testosterone. If your body isn’t producing testosterone you will be extremely tired, have low to no libido and experience loss of muscle.

    Why Synthetic HGH Injections Can Cause Gynecomastia
    Just like steroids can cause gynecomastia, because they alter the estrogen, testosterone balance in a man’s body, so can synthetic HGH injections. Many times this balance cannot be reversed without surgery to remove excess breast tissue. This can lead to gynecomastia.

    Before you start an HGH regimen your physician will not only determine the correct dosage but also whether you can take HGH and steroids together. There must not be lapses in HGH administration, because it can lead to hormonal imbalances that could lead to gynecomastia. Your pituitary gland excretes growth hormone , which also regulates your sexual hormones. When HGH is not properly administered I can cause an estrogen, testosterone and Prolactin imbalance that can cause the development of gynecomastia.

    HGH and Steroids Should Not be Administered Together
    Steroids and HGH should not be taken together, because if the two are taken together your risk of developing gynecomastia increases. Since both HGH and steroids cause hormonal imbalances the imbalance is likely to be far worse. If you can’t avoid taking steroids with HGH, make sure your doctor prescribes one of the drugs earlier talked about to help reduce the likelihood of developing gynecomastia. In The case of Prolactin induced Gynecomastia you may also need to use vitamin B6 and/or Pramipexole.

    Other Reasons You Might Develop Gynecomastia
    Steroids and HGH aren’t the only causes of gynecomastia. If you are overweight your body creates higher levels of estrogen from your adipose tissue or fat. This leads to a hormonal imbalance, which can cause you to develop gynecomastia.

    If you have tumors, liver disease or genetic disorders or if you use marijuana you could develop gynecomastia.

    Knowing the causes of gynecomastia, the symptoms and what to do when gynecomastia develops is very important. Know the risks of steroids, synthetic HGH injections and some medical conditions and the roles they play in the development of gynecomastia.

  2. #2
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    I did copy paste this because..
    A friend of mine was on hgh at a clinic and had swollen nipples. He freeked out and went in. They told him some men get prolacton issues and estrogen issues from hgh. I called d bullshit but after googling and reading threads and studies it is a fact that it happends to some guys. Now his doc said mostly high percent body fat people get it but my friend does not have high body fat.

    Personally for myself I have used hgh with a test, tren , masteron and sdrol cycle and loved it. Just wanted to post this for anyone else who came across this issue

  3. #3
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    HGH is one of those hormones that is being used by both life extension and bodybuilding enthusiasts without a complete level of understanding, my self included. I'm not aware of a connection between HCG and E production, but that does not mean it does not exist. I'd be interested in understanding the physiology behind that theory.

    I'm also not aware of a connection between HGH and gynecomastia , but it would not surprise me if there was. HGH is structurally similar to prolactin, which we do know has been implicated in gynecomastia. Also, placental lactogen is structurally similar to both prolactin and HGH and has binding activities of both hormones. Placental lactogen is a hormone of pregnancy that is very much involved with breast development and lactation initiation, so again a connection to HGH would not surprise me.

    I guess this is one more topic to add to my ever growing list of things to research. Bottom line, I think is that it would be wise to do periodic prolactin labs when we mess with other hormones, particularly HGH. I started doing this about 8 months ago and have 3 labs. Interesting that the first of the 3 labs showed my prolactin to be high and the other two within range. Also interesting that I was not supplementing with either HGH or with peptides at the time of the high lab and my E was within range. My Total T was within range but Free T was high. I suspect that I simply hit on an episodic blip of prolactin when we drew the blood. This is something to keep in mind. Prolactin (like LH and FSH) is produced by the pituitary in episodic bursts.

  4. #4
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    To a greater extent than 20Kda HGH or other HGH dimers, tetramers, etc. This means that synthetic 22Kda HGH WILL activate the PRL-R just as prolactinwould. So, it is not an increase inprolactin, but rather the direct HGHaffinity for the prolactin receptor that causes the sides attribited to prolactininduced gyno."Feb 15, 2016

    The worst it can do is swell the nipples or activate pre existing gyno. The tittle estrogen was a mistake on my part.

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  5. #5
    Painjunky's Avatar
    Painjunky is offline Junior Member
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    I know this is kinda old but Id like to post my experience with hgh and test here.
    After about four months on 2iu 5/2 protocal of pharma hgh ( omnitrope ) I decided to do a light 14 week cycle of 100mg of t cypionate 2× week. Im an endurance athlete so I was just interested in getti g my levels on the highest side of normal and benefit from the recovery aspects.
    I was also on the standard hcg protocal during this cycle.
    Note: Ive done a few test cycles at 500mgs/week stacked with other compounds several years ago with no high e issues.
    About 4 weeks in to this current cycle I began to get swollen itchy nips . I disregarded after reading posts here that its just early cycle anxiety. At six weeks i started to get acne. I took my mid cycle bloods and this is what it showed.:
    Free test 24.7 pg/ml 6.8-21.5
    E sensitive 84.8 pg/ml 8.0-35.0
    Needless to say somthing was clearly spiking my estrogen. ALL my gear was from a well known brick and mortar pharmacy so bunk gear was out of the posibilties. Hgh was the only drug that I had never used in the past so in my opinion the synegystic effects you get combining the two also can raise estrogen levels.

  6. #6
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Painjunky View Post
    I know this is kinda old but Id like to post my experience with hgh and test here.
    After about four months on 2iu 5/2 protocal of pharma hgh ( omnitrope ) I decided to do a light 14 week cycle of 100mg of t cypionate 2× week. Im an endurance athlete so I was just interested in getti g my levels on the highest side of normal and benefit from the recovery aspects.
    I was also on the standard hcg protocal during this cycle.
    Note: Ive done a few test cycles at 500mgs/week stacked with other compounds several years ago with no high e issues.
    About 4 weeks in to this current cycle I began to get swollen itchy nips . I disregarded after reading posts here that its just early cycle anxiety. At six weeks i started to get acne. I took my mid cycle bloods and this is what it showed.:
    Free test 24.7 pg/ml 6.8-21.5
    E sensitive 84.8 pg/ml 8.0-35.0
    Needless to say somthing was clearly spiking my estrogen. ALL my gear was from a well known brick and mortar pharmacy so bunk gear was out of the posibilties. Hgh was the only drug that I had never used in the past so in my opinion the synegystic effects you get combining the two also can raise estrogen levels.
    Interesting. Thanks for posting. I still have not researched this, since I don't currently use any HGH and my TRT is tightly controlled. Wish I had more to contribute.

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