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Thread: Getting back to it.

  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Getting back to it.

    Ok boys and girls,

    I'm gonna be hitting the gym again after taking a 2 week hiatus and eating like total crap. I paid the price however, I got fat as hell in just those two weeks, apparently due to the increase estrogens and all the other elevated female hormones.

    Now my results for T were 319 and 105 free T, so I guess I'm the low spectrum in the normal range... the question is, how should I now train?

    When I was on, I was doing each muscle group 2x a week, a total of 6 days a week. I'm thinking ,perhaps I should go back to hitting them once a week, Yates style training; keeping it short but intense, low volume, since I am basically natty?

    I'll be taking creatine, HGH Frag, along with my PCT protocol. I was thinking of throwing LR3 later on since I have a vial and wanted to see what it does on its own.

    If there are any other things I can use that won't interfere with my fertility goal, let me know.

    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 10-01-2018 at 09:18 AM.
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  2. #2
    assguy22's Avatar
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    I don't get the point, Are you on TRT and have those crappy T levels? Why you post this in this section lol

    If you are not on TRT, 319 is not that bad, you can train ED as long as your sleep & diet are right. I suggest that you first lower your body fat percentage to improve your hormonal balance before starting weight training.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by assguy22 View Post
    I suggest that you first lower your body fat percentage to improve your hormonal balance before starting weight training.
    this is interesting.. why would he need to lower his body fat percentage or improve hormone balance before starting weight training ?

    I've always done the opposite. probably about 70% of my clients are weight loss clients, and I generally have them on a weight training program before we even get the diet and cardio dialed in.
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  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Julius was your test levels taken while on PCT drugs ? so your off gear now , but your still waiting to do a PCT ?

    as for other 'drugs' you can take while your off cycle to continue making gains yet not totally mess up your fertility - Hexarelin, MK677, Cardarine, IGF and MGF, Insulin ,,, all growth factors. also, Clenbuterol stacked with T4 . you'll get the fat burning effects but you'll also get an anabolic synergy between the two.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is interesting.. why would he need to lower his body fat percentage or improve hormone balance before starting weight training ?

    I've always done the opposite. probably about 70% of my clients are weight loss clients, and I generally have them on a weight training program before we even get the diet and cardio dialed in.
    The more fat, the more aromatase enzyme therefore more conversion to E2. Training with weights will incresase T levels and in this enviroment is not optimal.

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by assguy22 View Post
    The more fat, the more aromatase enzyme therefore more conversion to E2. Training with weights will incresase T levels and in this enviroment is not optimal.
    well being Estrogen is anabolic , and Testosterone is anabolic, having elevated levels of both of those hormones sounds like the most ideal time to train with weights to me

    and contrary to that , its the natural bodybuilders in contest prep who are depleted and have very low estrogen levels and very low test levels and high cortisol levels who train in the gym and not only don't make any gains, they actually lose muscle by training.. thats why they get on stage at 140 pounds looking like a skinny aids patient.

    however, take this same guy and inject him with 1000mg of test a week, with No AI so his E2 can elevate, let him put a little bit of fat on him, and he will begin putting on muscle
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-02-2018 at 12:26 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well being Estrogen is anabolic , and Testosterone is anabolic, having elevated levels of both of those hormones sounds like the most ideal time to train with weights to me
    LOL Naturally you can't have high levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen, the more E2, the less T. And no, E2 is not even close to anabolic power of T.

    Steroids are a world apart man, I was referring to the hormonal balance in a natural human body with obesity.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by assguy22 View Post
    I was referring to the hormonal balance in a natural human body with obesity.
    ok I hear what your saying.. but OP is far from natural (he's been on TRT as well as blasting Tren and HGH) and at about 14% body fat he is far from obese. so still confused why you would suggest a guy like that not workout with weights (even though he is transitioning off the gear right now .. in fact, coming off AAS use is probably a very good time to train with weights to try and hold onto some gains)

  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by assguy22 View Post
    LOL Naturally you can't have high levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen
    well you'd have to define exactly what you mean by "high levels" . natty guys that naturally produce 'high levels' of test, may very well have E levels on the higher end of the scale as well.

    but if there E levels are high and their Test levels are low , heck all they gotta do is lift weights right
    Quote Originally Posted by assguy22 View Post
    Training with weights will incresase T levels .

    I don't know man . I just don't see any reason someone wouldn't train with weights. to suggest to the OP that he shouldn't train with weights cause he is too fat and aromatizes estrogen too much just doesn't seem like real good "Pratical" advice .

  10. #10
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Not to mention cattle + Tren + estrogen = big fucking cattle.
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  11. #11
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    My results are while taking the PCT which I will be taking until my wife is pregnant.

    And let me say, I'm getting fatter by the day. It seems no matter how I eat, I am getting fatter. I think this is unavoidable. It seems my body is primed to store fat regardless if I fast, cut carbs, or eat like crap.

    I guess I might as well enjoy my food now, get fat, then jump on gear when this is over with. This sucks but I guess a small price to pay for more children.

  12. #12
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Julius was your test levels taken while on PCT drugs ? so your off gear now , but your still waiting to do a PCT ?

    as for other 'drugs' you can take while your off cycle to continue making gains yet not totally mess up your fertility - Hexarelin, MK677, Cardarine, IGF and MGF, Insulin,,, all growth factors. also, Clenbuterol stacked with T4 . you'll get the fat burning effects but you'll also get an anabolic synergy between the two.
    I have IGF 1, but I've read some SARMS can suppress you so I don't want to mess with anything that could.

  13. #13
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    can anyone else chime in here?

  14. #14
    Amuuzen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    can anyone else chime in here?
    At least you're getting laid! Can't be all bad right?

    I don't know much about IGF 1, but from what I understand it's not going to help you currently. I'd keep training, keep eating right but, enjoy yourself. A diet vacation?

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