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  1. #1
    kianan is offline New Member
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    E2 rising, test drowning, Live in a remote location, please advice.

    I don't know where to turn for help, I live overseas in a place where I can't see a specialist, so I have to self medicate and educate on this issue.

    My hormones are out wack, my E2 levels went up to 27.3 ml, test was at 6.75 ml a few months ago, I had them checked again, I'm standing at 50 ml, my T levels are at 5.49 ml.

    I eat decently, I'm not a saint, but I don't drink smoke and I am sub 15% body fat.

    At this point I'm worried about several factors.

    1. I want to build a load more lean mass, and this makes it look impossible

    2. I want to have kids in the next few years, this might make sure that never happens.

    From my understanding estrogen and testosterone or synergistic, once one is too high it basically continues unless medicated, and medication is temporary unless you can change the levels through lifestyle and diet?

    Now for the bit of the puzzle, many years ago I'd taken pro-hormones, but that was so long ago that I'd fully expect to have noticed something and had sides, but I doubt that.

    Second possibility, I've been taking HGH, 3UI a day for several months, I hear some of it can be watered down winstrol , but I'm getting sides from it, like joint pain once in a while, dreams ect. And if it were winstrol, would my estrogen rise that aggressively?

    Final reason could be my girl friend is using this kind of birth control I've never seen, vaginally inserted, I've been researching it, but I can't find out what it is.

    The most confusing part of this is, I've put on some lean mass, and I've lost some body fat, the opposite of what would be expected with high E2.

    Yet my energy levels are shit, and my sex drive is cut in half, though it's still monstrous, that's a bad sign.

    The Ironic part is, I was about to start a real cycle, and got my labs done in order to be smart about this, that's when I fond out im in big trouble.

    I have 2 box's of comid, I could use that to nuke my estrogen, but isn't that only temporary ?

    If someone with more experience could help me out, I have no resource where I live.

  2. #2
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kianan View Post
    I don't know where to turn for help, I live overseas in a place where I can't see a specialist, so I have to self medicate and educate on this issue.

    My hormones are out wack, my E2 levels went up to 27.3 ml, test was at 6.75 ml a few months ago, I had them checked again, I'm standing at 50 ml, my T levels are at 5.49 ml.

    I eat decently, I'm not a saint, but I don't drink smoke and I am sub 15% body fat.

    At this point I'm worried about several factors.

    1. I want to build a load more lean mass, and this makes it look impossible

    2. I want to have kids in the next few years, this might make sure that never happens.

    From my understanding estrogen and testosterone or synergistic, once one is too high it basically continues unless medicated, and medication is temporary unless you can change the levels through lifestyle and diet?

    Now for the bit of the puzzle, many years ago I'd taken pro-hormones, but that was so long ago that I'd fully expect to have noticed something and had sides, but I doubt that.

    Second possibility, I've been taking HGH, 3UI a day for several months, I hear some of it can be watered down winstrol , but I'm getting sides from it, like joint pain once in a while, dreams ect. And if it were winstrol, would my estrogen rise that aggressively?

    Final reason could be my girl friend is using this kind of birth control I've never seen, vaginally inserted, I've been researching it, but I can't find out what it is.

    The most confusing part of this is, I've put on some lean mass, and I've lost some body fat, the opposite of what would be expected with high E2.

    Yet my energy levels are shit, and my sex drive is cut in half, though it's still monstrous, that's a bad sign.

    The Ironic part is, I was about to start a real cycle, and got my labs done in order to be smart about this, that's when I fond out im in big trouble.

    I have 2 box's of comid, I could use that to nuke my estrogen, but isn't that only temporary ?

    If someone with more experience could help me out, I have no resource where I live.
    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong:
    You did not mention being on testosterone so I'm going to assume you are not.
    Running PCT even though you are not post cycle may help. Clomid will help raise your natural test levels therefore helping you build muscle, Aromasin will help control estrogen.
    Or maybe it was nolva instead of Aromasin.... Can't remember, check the PCT sticky. I'm on the app so it's not easy for me to do it ATM.
    But if you are currently natural and youre having these problems, you should really try to find an endocrinologist or urologist in your area. Preferably a urologist.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 10-20-2018 at 06:33 AM.

  3. #3
    kianan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong:
    You did not mention being on testosterone so I'm going to assume you are not.
    Running PCT even though you are not post cycle may help. Clomid will help raise your natural test levels therefore helping you build muscle, Aromasin will help control estrogen.
    Or maybe it was nolva instead of Aromasin.... Can't remember, check the PCT sticky. I'm on the app so it's not easy for me to do it ATM.
    But if you are currently natural and youre having these problems, you should really try to find an endocrinologist or urologist in your area. Preferably a urologist.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Thanks, I thought as much my self, but I wanted to bounce it off some other people first.

    Unless the HGH I'm taking is laced with something, as I've been taking it a few months, Im natural.

    glad I didn't do anything before checking my labs, I'd be at the point of no return, I might still be at that point...

    I don't know if I can find someone like that here, I'm not a native, and I speak only a little of the lingo, so finding a specialist is unlikely, at last one that knows what he's doing

  4. #4
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kianan View Post
    Thanks, I thought as much my self, but I wanted to bounce it off some other people first.

    Unless the HGH I'm taking is laced with something, as I've been taking it a few months, Im natural.

    glad I didn't do anything before checking my labs, I'd be at the point of no return, I might still be at that point...

    I don't know if I can find someone like that here, I'm not a native, and I speak only a little of the lingo, so finding a specialist is unlikely, at last one that knows what he's doing
    Wait for a vet to confirm before doing anything.
    I've never heard of hGH being laced with aas, but you never know

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  5. #5
    kianan is offline New Member
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    I'm worried about all this, I'm having my labs done again tomorrow, but it'll be a week before I know the results, and with my levels dropping so fast and aggressively, and being tired all the time... I fear I have not time to spare anymore.

    if anyone has more input from experience, please fill me in.

    I'm searching for specialists, but I'll for sure have to travel for it, and if it doesn't work out I might have to go home.

  6. #6
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    kianan is offline New Member
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    I had my leb results, my test is back yo 7.55 ml, fantastic news because it was down to 5.49 before, however my estrogen is still too high, it's down to 47 from 50 but that's still a hell of a lot higher than I was hoping, but perhaps my test is still rising and my estrogen is still lowering?

    I stopped using my HGH, and we haven't used that birth control for 10 days that I suspected, but it seems 10 days is too little to see a change like this in my levels if it were the birth control.

    And I've only stopped using HGH for 3 days, so I can't believe it's the HGH supressing my test, as if it were watered down winstorl it should show lower test and higher estrogen levels at first, unless I'm mistaken?

    Im debating using my meds to push the estrogen down, the issue is I don't know what my true resting estrogen is, the lowest recorded was 37 ml, could that be natural for me? seems too high, but I admittedly have no older records to go on.

    I'll be posting here to help anyone who has my problem or thinks the information could be useful.

    On another note, my liver is on the less healthy end of healthy, and that's strange because I don't drink, and I eat rather healthy, even if I do eat badly it's a few times a week, though I love salt, and I've drank diet soda in the past.

    now that the testosterone is on a upward trend and the E2 is lowering, I might give it another couple weeks, if the test is going down again and the estrogen is jumping, I'll have to take the meds, I'm avoiding it though, as I don't want to be dependent on something to keep healthy levels.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by kianan View Post
    I had my leb results, my test is back yo 7.55 ml, fantastic news because it was down to 5.49 before, however my estrogen is still too high
    sorry I'm just thinking out loud here to myself.. but this statement in your post reminded me of an analogy.

    " I want more money , but I don't want to deal with a bigger bank account and more bank statements "

    ok , well they kinda go hand in hand. the more test you produce the more estrogen you will produce. without drugs, thats just kinda the natural way of things and how the male body was made to operate.

  9. #9
    kianan is offline New Member
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    apparently my E2 was 27 ML originally, so I'm worse off than I thought.

    E2 was 27.3, now it's 45.07

    Test was 6.75 now it's 7.55

    So my estrogen is still kicking my ass, but my test is higher?

    No idea what's going on.... makes me wonder if a worse health problem is screwing with my levels that i haven't discovered yet.

  10. #10
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    is the test free or total and what is the reference range?

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