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Thread: Natural Test boosters

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    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Natural Test boosters

    Hey guys been a while since I posted. I'm still trying to get my wife pregnant and i've been off test since around October. Following the fertility protocol, my semen analysis went from 0 to now 3 million. I still have a long ways to go.

    During these few months I've let go and gained about 40lbs. No doubt the HCG , HMG and Clomid contributed. I can't take test during this protocol, even though perhaps 100mg per week wouldn't interfere, but I'm not really trying to risk it.

    I did recent blood work and my T levels were 263, so I'm in the low-normal range, but this isn't good for my age. Are there any legit Test boosters one can buy at the store. I know Tribulus or Fenugeek or whatever, but I haven't really messed with anything like that since i always thought they were useless.

    Even if these OTC supps suck compared to real T, i think at my low levels, anything should help. I'm trying to find out what you guys recommmend that works decently.

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    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Hey guys been a while since I posted. I'm still trying to get my wife pregnant and i've been off test since around October. Following the fertility protocol, my semen analysis went from 0 to now 3 million. I still have a long ways to go.

    During these few months I've let go and gained about 40lbs. No doubt the HCG , HMG and Clomid contributed. I can't take test during this protocol, even though perhaps 100mg per week wouldn't interfere, but I'm not really trying to risk it.

    I did recent blood work and my T levels were 263, so I'm in the low-normal range, but this isn't good for my age. Are there any legit Test boosters one can buy at the store. I know Tribulus or Fenugeek or whatever, but I haven't really messed with anything like that since i always thought they were useless.

    Even if these OTC supps suck compared to real T, i think at my low levels, anything should help. I'm trying to find out what you guys recommmend that works decently.

    All are worthless. I even had my test levels checked . No change.

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  3. #3
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    They cost more than actual testosterone , so I don’t see the point
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  4. #4
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Well I cannot go on testosterone at this time that's why, otherwise i would lol

  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Still not convinced you needed to go off HRT. How many professional bodybuilders have children? 90%? These guys are on gram+ of gear.

    The protocol feels counterproductive to me. A bunch of fertility based medications but gaining 40 lbs is going to cause a massive hormonal shift. Big shift to estrogen dominance from the rapid fat gain is gonna inhibit fertility.
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  6. #6
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    I mean I agree with you, but what if then i add 100mg of test and it shuts down my progress?

    My test is low right now yes, but what would 100mg of test do if not interfere with this processes only to raise my levels a few hundred?


  7. #7
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I mean I agree with you, but what if then i add 100mg of test and it shuts down my progress?

    My test is low right now yes, but what would 100mg of test do if not interfere with this processes only to raise my levels a few hundred?

    You don't need nothing but 500 iu of HCG a week

    Getvto fucking a few hours afterr a 500iu shot.

    Bury that seed deep, make sure she's ovulating. Gtg
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  8. #8
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    My issue is that I have low T, and because of this I took TRT for 3 years. It shut me down to zero sperm. Doc told me to drop test and jump on the feritlity protocol ; even Palumbo says to drop all steroids and TRT to do this, so I did.

    So now my fertility is rising up, but my test is in the low range like I stated. So i would like to raise it a bit if possible with OTC supps that won't interfere with my progress

  9. #9
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    My issue is that I have low T, and because of this I took TRT for 3 years. It shut me down to zero sperm. Doc told me to drop test and jump on the feritlity protocol ; even Palumbo says to drop all steroids and TRT to do this, so I did.

    So now my fertility is rising up, but my test is in the low range like I stated. So i would like to raise it a bit if possible with OTC supps that won't interfere with my progress
    Give it a shot

    I been low test since 2010 (when I got tested) got on testosterone bin 2016.

    I conceived on 2.5g of gear mid cycle.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you test is still low why have you not added more clomid? Are your testicals not responding to the stimuli?
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    idk.. perhaps because i ran out of arimidex and didn't bother to re up on it since i figured the less things im on the better. when i had dex, my test was low but around 317, so it drop over 40 points.

    i want to add 100mg of test but i feel it will be counter productive. if i were to add 100mg of cyp, i think it would undo the progress i made.

    im already taking 50mg of clomid per not sure going to 100 or whatever would be a good idea. although i initially was on 100 per day, but i was taking UGL clomid. Now i have pharm grade via dr.

  12. #12
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    The government is so afeared that AASs are a certain death that they'll ban anything that proves effective at increasing Test, even if it's natural or OTC. That's the upshot from the story of androstendione.
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  13. #13
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    just read the other day from nchl that people were taking arimidex 1mg EOD, perhaps due to my heavy protocl of 4000iu hcg per week, 50mg clomid per day, and 75iu hmg EOD, i should take a minnum 2g of dex a week?

    any thoughts? I just ordered some more and going to throw it back in
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  14. #14
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    i don't have any E2 blood work, but i'm puffy as a whale with water retention and my sex drive doesnt exist and my T levels are low.

  15. #15
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    I'm gonna do Dex 1mg Mon and Thurs and see how that goes

  16. #16
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    just read the other day from nchl that people were taking arimidex 1mg EOD, perhaps due to my heavy protocl of 4000iu hcg per week, 50mg clomid per day, and 75iu hmg EOD, i should take a minnum 2g of dex a week?

    any thoughts? I just ordered some more and going to throw it back in
    Hcg will increase intra-testicular estrogen, and irrc that does not translate to serum estrogen.

    And I'm not sure adex will take care of intra-testicular estrogen as it's not produced through the aromatase process of conversion of test to estrogen.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    just read the other day from nchl that people were taking arimidex 1mg EOD, perhaps due to my heavy protocl of 4000iu hcg per week, 50mg clomid per day, and 75iu hmg EOD, i should take a minnum 2g of dex a week?

    any thoughts? I just ordered some more and going to throw it back in
    Do it.
    95% effective in jumpstarting spermatogenesis. <improved. Not guaranteed pregnancy but this is the most effective treatment.

    How old are you btw?
    Last edited by Obs; 05-03-2019 at 01:49 AM.

  18. #18
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    Last study i read said 99% effective in former AAS users.
    Don't care to dig it up.
    Just do it.

  19. #19
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Do it.
    95% effective in jumpstarting spermatogenesis. <improved. Not guaranteed pregnancy but this is the most effective treatment.

    How old are you btw?
    Im about to turn 35
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  20. #20
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    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed charts from two tertiary care infertility clinics to identify men presenting with azoospermia or severe oligospermia (<1 million sperm/mL) while taking exogenous testosterone . All were noted to have been placed on combination therapy, which included 3,000 units HCG subcutaneously every other day supplemented with clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen , anastrozole, or recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (or combination) according to physician preference.

    The only thing I'm missing is Nolv but don't think ill really need it. Dex is a suicide inhibitor isn't it? Nolv only blocks estrogen. So once my dex arrives ill have everything i need. I'm not at 6000iu (im doing 4000ius) of hcg a week because im doing 150iu of HMG per week

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Im about to turn 35
    Smart man.
    I wish I had waited to have kids.
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  22. #22
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    Ok so I took a total of 2mg of Arimidex this this week; 1mg Monday and the other Thursday and last night when I tried to have sex with my wife, I had taken a Viagra (which I hate) to get an erection but I had like no feeling so I could not reach an orgasm. Is this due to the arimidex? This sucks. Next week I'm gonna drop it back down to .5 2x a week to see if there is a difference, I'm certainly going to have to get a blood test ASAP to see E2 levels. I'm assuming they are through the roof because of my use of HMG and HCG in high dosages. Clomid is still at 50mg, perhaps jump to 100? IDK at this point. But semen analysis shows my numbers quadrupling and tripling.

  23. #23
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Ok so I took a total of 2mg of Arimidex this this week; 1mg Monday and the other Thursday and last night when I tried to have sex with my wife, I had taken a Viagra (which I hate) to get an erection but I had like no feeling so I could not reach an orgasm. Is this due to the arimidex? This sucks. Next week I'm gonna drop it back down to .5 2x a week to see if there is a difference, I'm certainly going to have to get a blood test ASAP to see E2 levels. I'm assuming they are through the roof because of my use of HMG and HCG in high dosages. Clomid is still at 50mg, perhaps jump to 100? IDK at this point. But semen analysis shows my numbers quadrupling and tripling.
    That is a ton of adex, I find it hard to believe you didn't tank it.
    The bitch of estrogen is, low estrogen causes libido and dick issue, high estrogen causes libido and dick issues. There's no winning

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  24. #24
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    It's hard to reach one even when I do it manually. My wee wee is extremely less sensitive lol, unlike when you're on test and if the wind blows on it you can ejaculate. My test levels were 264 last time I did work. I'll lower the dex and then get blood work next week. I just assumed im flooding with estrogen. I'm bloated, I'm fat, unmotivated, weak, etc. All signs of low T and his E. I've never been this fat in my life. I hit the gym again for a week consistently and it kind of gave me a libodo boost, but not this week, so im assuming it was the dex.

    However when you read studies on dex for TRT, they prescribe 1mg ED!! its nuts

  25. #25
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
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    BTW, does anyone think I should bump Clomid to 100mg ED or is that overkill?

  26. #26
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    It's hard to reach one even when I do it manually. My wee wee is extremely less sensitive lol, unlike when you're on test and if the wind blows on it you can ejaculate. My test levels were 264 last time I did work. I'll lower the dex and then get blood work next week. I just assumed im flooding with estrogen. I'm bloated, I'm fat, unmotivated, weak, etc. All signs of low T and his E. I've never been this fat in my life. I hit the gym again for a week consistently and it kind of gave me a libodo boost, but not this week, so im assuming it was the dex.

    However when you read studies on dex for TRT, they prescribe 1mg ED!! its nuts
    Bro, forget about them studies as that's just a nuts dosage!
    Last time I took dex, I started with 0.5mg EOD and it still tanked the shit out of my E and I certainly didn't have ED issues until I used dex (not to mention the achy joints and all that bs).
    I reduced that to 0.25mg EOD and even went to e3d after and things started to get back to normal then. I didn't use dex since then and I just have it on hand now as that shit is pretty strong
    Guessing is not gonna get you anywhere; once you get some blood work you will have some clarity and you will know exactly what to do.
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  27. #27
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    I know, but I doubt you were taking the amount of HCG HMG I am?

  28. #28
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I know, but I doubt you were taking the amount of HCG HMG I am?
    No bro, I was on a cycle with dbol , test and deca
    Different situations but what I was getting at is that dex dosage is very high as that shit is very strong and you have to be careful with it.
    Couch gave a very important point earlier
    "I'm not sure adex will take care of intra-testicular estrogen as it's not produced through the aromatase process of conversion of test to estrogen."
    Many factors and only blood work will reveal the real deal
    It will be alright bro, just keep going to the gym and do cardio as that will help also

    Best of luck
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  29. #29
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    correct, the point of Adex is my situation was to counter the high E2 levels coming from this protocol. But I will be certainly reducing it and getting blood here posted ASAP

  30. #30
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    What about going back on gear + Vitamin D3 + DHEA with a boatload of HCG and having sex with her 5-6 times per day. Laws of average will catch up and eventually connect.
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    What about going back on gear + Vitamin D3 + DHEA with a boatload of HCG and having sex with her 5-6 times per day. Laws of average will catch up and eventually connect.
    The DHEA will raise the estrogen. Not sure if that was the intent or not.

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  32. #32
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    I don't want to introduce any exogenous test since I have been making progress with my semen count.

    We tried to have sex tonight again and I had no feeling. Viagra worked but couldn't orgasm, due to little sensitivity. I think dex is the culprit here. Last week I was functionally normal when we had sex; feeling and all. SO has to be the dex

  33. #33
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    The DHEA will raise the estrogen. Not sure if that was the intent or not.

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    I do 25mg twice per day and have not had any estrogen elevation based off my bloodwork. My free test did go up a decent amount and that's also factoring in a decrease in my TRT dose.

    The way I see it is your fertility protocol might be increasing sperm. But if the sperm can't connect due to lack of performance then you aren't really any further ahead versus your previous situation on gear. You solved one problem but introduced another
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  34. #34
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    I should bet getting my labs tomorrow.

    I got tested for LH, FSH, E2, IGF 1 and test free and total. I'll post the results here when i get them

  35. #35
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    Getting fat and out of shape isn’t helping either. I think low test dose is more likely to help along with blasting hcg and maybe even hmg.

  36. #36
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    Ok boys, got my results in. Seem my test levels went UP! FSH on overdrive, as it should with all these fertility drugs. Estrogen is normal range. I took .5 dex on monday and the lab work was taken Tuesday.

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  37. #37
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    The only thing that seems low to me is my IGF1. I'm taking 5iu of GH 3x a week, so it should be higher no? Probably shitty GH lol

  38. #38
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    Ok guys. Got my BW back. Seems my Test levels have DOUBLED since sept of last year; it was at 318. My E2 seems to be in the normal but high range. My FSH is thru the roof as i want it to be. The only thing that doesn't look right is the IGF1, being that im taking 5iu EOD, it should be higher. I guess its bad GH?

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  39. #39
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    Your gh is fake. What brand?

  40. #40
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    The only thing that seems low to me is my IGF1. I'm taking 5iu of GH 3x a week, so it should be higher no? Probably shitty GH lol
    Whatever is in the vial, it's not HGh.

    You bought fake GH. EOD is also a really weird protocol, don't follow the logic personally.
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