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Thread: AI and it's effects on libido

  1. #1
    seeW is offline New Member
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    Sep 2020

    AI and it's effects on libido

    hello all

    i'm a a 43 year old male
    210 lbs
    20% body fat

    after a recent annual physical and a low test finding i've started TRT. been on 3 months now. currently using an online clinic and administering

    200mg test cyp weekly

    i started with daily injections at 28mg/ day
    500iu hcg pinned twice weekly at 250 iu
    1mg anastrozole taken twice weekly at .5mg

    i was adamant about bloodwork and took it regularly

    pre TRT

    total T 223 / 250-827 low
    estradiol 26 / <39
    hematocrit 48.1 / 38.5-50.0

    2 months of TRT

    total T 1299 / 250-827 high
    estradiol 37 / <39
    hematocrit 50.5 / 38.5-50.0 high

    after two months i stopped my AI with the blessing of my DR. everything was great, feeling good, and the gym was awesome, except for my libido was garbage.

    it started off great. a few weeks in, it skyrocketed, though it was fine before. but gradually it diminished. all aspects of it. it was unpleasant.

    i was certain the AI was to blame, and thought i had crashed my E2. i was disappointed when i got the BW back and it showed a normal range level.

    after talking with the doc, he told me to stop it for a month and then check in and recommended upping my HCG. i noticed some atrophy in my twins.

    so for the past month my new protocol has been

    200mg test cyp weekly / now pinned 56mg EOD
    1000 IU hcg weekly pinned EOD at 250 iu
    no AI

    i got a more extensive BW profile, here are the results, i also gave blood shortly after last BW, per the DR suggestions, about 3 weeks prior to this lab

    total T 1389/ 250-827 high
    free T 304/ 35-155 high
    SHBG 24 / 10-50
    prolactin 8.9 / 2-18
    estradiol 85 / <39 high
    hematocrit 48.4 / 38.5-50.0

    libido slowly improved, though still not as good as i think it should be at the test levels i'm rocking. its not as good as it was pre TRT

    my question is, can i not take the AI? Doc prefers i take it

    i feel better without it. since my total and free T are high, shouldn't my E2 also be high? in proportion with?

    am i negating the effects of the exogenous testosterone by not taking an AI

  2. #2
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is online now AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Have they checked your DHT level?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  3. #3
    seeW is offline New Member
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    negative on DHT

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is online now AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Just hang loose seeW and some of the other guys will post up some of their experiences.

    I'm surprised they haven't cut back on your TRT dose some. I usually feel my best when my free T is just at or slightly over the top end of the range and my E2 is towards the upper end of the range.
    Cylon357 likes this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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