let me start off by saying that i am NOT taking insulin shots now, but this question pertains to insulin i believe.....

today i did my workout, a good duration and intense, then i did my cardio- 20 intense minutes on the non impact machine. About 5-10 mintues after i completed my cardio, i started to feel symptoms of what some people describe here as going "hypo" or related to low blood sugar.....i was feeling basically light-headed, dizzy and sick. I asked the guy at the Juice Bar in the gym for two large cups of orange juice........ i guzzled both cups down, and a few minutes later the light-headedness sickly feeling went completely away.

Questions: Why did i get this? It has happened before, it seems when the workouts are really intense. And if i ever decided to take insulin shots PWO (Not planning on it yet, i am rather worried about it) would getting that dizzy feeling after a workout affect/ impact anything with real shots of insulin and then the proper simple carb intake?

Thanks for any imput