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    spywizard's Avatar
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    GH and Lactic Acid

    SO, is there a study that proves that Lactic acid increases GH production..

    There are plenty of opinions that it does, however we are having a debate as to the actual effective GH increase and that the extra GH released during training that produces lactic acid...

    My position is proper diet and strength and hypertrophy development is the most effective way to train in order to effect body re composition..

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    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    SO, is there a study that proves that Lactic acid increases GH production..

    There are plenty of opinions that it does, however we are having a debate as to the actual effective GH increase and that the extra GH released during training that produces lactic acid...

    My position is proper diet and strength and hypertrophy development is the most effective way to train in order to effect body re composition..

    I think that there is enough evidence to show that with increase in LT that GH also has a proportional increase in serum. I was taught in my physiology classes as this being a proposed mechanism for growth and repair, which included GH. Whether or not its a essential factor in hypertrophy or one of many factors I dont think the literature completely supports either more favorably than another. I think its a matter of the authors school of thought.

    This is a paper I referenced in my thesis work, its a bit old now but it was a pretty good review of the literature at the time.

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    thanks, i knew someone would have the paper for this.. thanks again..
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    thanks, i knew someone would have the paper for this.. thanks again..
    No problem, there are tons of papers on pubmed and newer probably on the subject. I just picked the first one that was in my endnote file and linked it up.

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    so... what i found out is that GH can be increased, however it is age dependent, the older a man is, the less likely the GH release will be effective..

    So having a 35-50 yr old man do resistance training in the 20 rep range with moderate weight will NOT increase GH release to effect FAT loss to any degree of effectiveness.. your paper and another one..

    Is that what i am reading??
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    so... what i found out is that GH can be increased, however it is age dependent, the older a man is, the less likely the GH release will be effective..

    So having a 35-50 yr old man do resistance training in the 20 rep range with moderate weight will NOT increase GH release to effect FAT loss to any degree of effectiveness..

    Is that what i am reading??
    Yes, GH release declines as a person ages after the age of about 30-35 both with resistance exercise and in normal circadian release. Along with Testosterone in men and estrogen in women of course until the reach menopause were it arrests almost completely. GH is not the only factor that causes the reduction of Fat mass, it may not even be a major factor. I think that is up for some debate still. GH in older adults is more thought of as its effects on fat free mass (skeletal muscle) and the relative reduction of FFM as a person ages. This can account for some of the associated increase in fat mass (FM) or the lack of reducing it. I think that most authors would conclude that GH's ability to change a persons Body Comp is more a factor of its ability to increase FFM and the associated caloric expenditure that is associated with increased FFM. Verses a purely lipolytic mechanism to which there is some evidence to suggest that GH can cause fatty acid release directly from fat cells. However not a lot because of the inherent difficulties in trying to design a study that is sensitive enough to give reliable data.

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    you sir are the man.. i do appreciate the clarification..
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    you sir are the man.. i do appreciate the clarification..
    No problem, makes me feel like I am in the halls of academia again with all the carefully worded language and dancing around so that someone cant hang me on something that they are the worlds leading expert

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    yea, This information will be used to convince/educate a trainer that keeps trying to bust my balls, college kids, what ya going to do....

    He's already injured 4 clients, 2 days ago he had a 45 yr old man pass out doing resistance training...20x3 rep range, stating "training in the 20 rep range increases lactic acid that causes GH release and that's the fastest way to fat loss" it's not that he's not good at training athletes, problem is he trains 45 or 83 yr old men the same way..

    He's a liability to good paying clients.. No one likes to be wrong, but he crossed the line tonight.. I like it when i'm right, not that i'm opposed to change or new information but.... , we'll see how he does with the new information..

    I had the GM come to me and ask me "I don't see why anyone would train in that rep range, what's the benefit to that style of training??" so we discussed endurance training... he's a big boy, very strong but doesn't train nor has in that range..

    thanks again..
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    Thats bad Spy, I dont think I have hurt anyone in 9 years of training. Even when I was like 21 and thought I knew it all. You need to explain to him the whole risk vs benefit concept, assuming he would understand that. There is a great series of books that you can find on the Human Kinetics website that is specifically about training older adults. You should get your GM to invest in one of them and make that kid read them cover to cover or just fire him...LOL

  11. #11
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Thats bad Spy, I dont think I have hurt anyone in 9 years of training. Even when I was like 21 and thought I knew it all. You need to explain to him the whole risk vs benefit concept, assuming he would understand that. There is a great series of books that you can find on the Human Kinetics website that is specifically about training older adults. You should get your GM to invest in one of them and make that kid read them cover to cover or just fire him...LOL
    there's good advice right there..

    thanks again...
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