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  1. #1
    therealachilles is offline New Member
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    i tore my achilles.....would hgh help heal me faster???

    im 25 and have been training for at least 10 years, played college football and now im a fighter. i tore my achilles in battle like the mighty crixus lmao. luckily i was already in good shape and healthy so my body is healing well anyway i was reading about aas's and prohormones and its seems like hgh is what will help me the most. agree??
    i have done 2 cycles of h drol so not to experienced with the gear, but my goal fo r the hgh is to help me repair myself so i can get back to fighting. and i was thinking, start at 2 iu's a day and up to 3 for about 3 months. i know at least 6 months is the consensus to see any results. but im not looking for muscle gain, not gonna lie maybe im lookin for some fat loss, cus i been sittin around obviously, i still train but i cant do rd work yet or anything to leg intensive. sooo since my goals are a lil different than the norm is 2-3 iu's a day enough to promote healing?

    i can afford to get the best pharm grade stuff, i was thinking serostim. but i have been reading about the risk of fakes and tainted chinese stuff and tops of all colors lol. so my concern is even if i intend to order the good stuff how do i know that is even what im getting? and i have read about the prego test, but that jus tells me what its not(hcg ) not what it is. done my research jus lookin for public opinion. if u guys help i will do a log
    sorry for all the questions but thanks!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by therealachilles; 03-21-2011 at 03:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    HGH will help heal you but it'll mess up other parts of your endocrine system. For your age, I would recommend you stay away from HGH and go with AAS for the joints. Anavar 's good, Deca is good, EQ is good. If you're taking them for your joints I'd recommend a low dosage like 200mg of deca and 200mg of test per week. In lower doses these compounds moisturize the collagen in the joints. In higher doses, 500mg/wk and above, they tend to dry out the joints. I got bum joints so I've done th deca/anavar/test cycle. It works good my joints feel much better.

  3. #3
    therealachilles is offline New Member
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    im turnin 26 in april and im talking about 2-3 iu's a day. am i really to young for hgh but old enough for deca and test? that scares me more to be honest, the possible sides are scarier to me. and its not so much my joint(ankle) but the tendon. and i have read that hgh helps with connective tissue specifically(tendon). also the sport im in, gaining alot of muscle mass is not really what i would want to do. and no matter how low the dose, deca and test will make me huge, its hard enough staying at 240 when i was 275 playin FB. plus if im gona take aas, im gona do it and get huge, get the full benifit. but thats not what i need, i need to heal. will hgh do that at 2-iu's a day??

  4. #4
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    The sides from Deca /Test is temporary. The sides from HGH can be permanent. You can PCT back to normal after an AAS cycle. If your natural pulses of growth hormones get messed up it might never be normal again. Taking low doses of Test/Deca will not make you HUGE. You'll grow some. You need to be taking significantly more then 150mg/wk of test to make you huge. It's up to you it sounds like you've pretty much made up your mind.

  5. #5
    therealachilles is offline New Member
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    yes but hgh helps with connective tissue, my tendon, its not my joints that need healing. i dont have trouble recovering from workouts and im already strong. i have done alot of research on aas's in the past, cus i have thought about it b4 and i just never did. but now that my leg is injured i cant do my road work and im gettin a lil fat lol. and i know they wont make me huge unless i eat and lift to get huge. my research jus tells me hgh would better fit my needs. u disagree and thats good cus i want to know y. i turn 26 in april and u r worried my endocrine system is a risk from hgh but my body is fully grown correct? and if im to young what age is old enough? i appreciate the input its very helpful

  6. #6
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    No, it isn't because you're not fully grown. At 26 I believe you're fully grown and sexually mater. That means your testicular system has fully developed. 25 is that age that's "safe" to cycle AAS. The issue isn't the AAS. It's your pituitary. It's continuing to pulse large amount of natural growth hormones right now and will do so till you're about 30. If you want to start on HGH and your research has told you that it is the best thing to do then go ahead and start. I'm just giving you information. AAS cycle as described is not only good for the joints but the connecting tissues. It's made my tendinitis in my elbows go away. I've also been on HGH for over 2 years and it's helped my healing process. It wasn't as fast as I had thought. The AAS actually affected my tendinitis faster then the HGH.

  7. #7
    therealachilles is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    No, it isn't because you're not fully grown. At 26 I believe you're fully grown and sexually mater. That means your testicular system has fully developed. 25 is that age that's "safe" to cycle AAS. The issue isn't the AAS. It's your pituitary. It's continuing to pulse large amount of natural growth hormones right now and will do so till you're about 30. If you want to start on HGH and your research has told you that it is the best thing to do then go ahead and start. I'm just giving you information. AAS cycle as described is not only good for the joints but the connecting tissues. It's made my tendinitis in my elbows go away. I've also been on HGH for over 2 years and it's helped my healing process. It wasn't as fast as I had thought. The AAS actually affected my tendinitis faster then the HGH.
    did some more research and i see what u r saying, good point. very valid concerns, but it seems that the solution is to dose in the morning so i dont mess up my own natural pulses that are released at night when im sleeping. my other concern is that an achilles injury takes much longer to heal than a cycle of aas. and because i have never done an aas cycle b4, it would be short and sweat so i could gauge how i react correct? i mean i would not dare go on a 8 week cycle for my 1st try. i would only do 5-6 weeks or shorter and while u r prob rt and it would help promote healing but its so short. i mean i can do hgh for 3-5 months and get more out of it cus i can run it longer. i mean an achilles injury takes a long time, so aas's are kinda limited to me, cus of the risks of long term use. so do u think dosing in the morning is a good enough way to avoid the risks of hgh?

  8. #8
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    A pretty standard first cycle would be a long ester Test for 12wks or a short ester Test for 8 weeks. It's not a good idea to run a stack like Test + Deca or Test + EQ or something like that. Keep the first cycle simple just in case you have sides. The major growth hormone pulse takes place during REM sleep but there are smaller pulses of growth hormones throughout the day. Even if you inject only in the morning the presence of synthetic HGH in the body signals to the pituitary to slow down the pulses. At your age right now you're pulsing about 2iu/ed of natural growth hormones. If you pin 2iu or 3iu ed, your body will draw down it's natural pulses significantly. As long as you're pinning synthetic HGH your body will continue to hold back natural production. When you're done with the synthetic HGH, say in 6 months after your heel is better, your body might not restart your natural pulses. Then you'll be 27 years old with the growth hormone levels of a 40 or 50 year old. Without growth hormones you stop synthesizing new muscle tissue, the collagen in your joints dry out, connecting tissues get weaker, you feel more stressed due to the slowing down of serotonin, etc. HGH will heal your injury a little faster (HGH isn't a miracle drug). Your natural pulses MIGHT not come back after your HGH cycle. Weight those two choices and see if it's worth the risk.

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