I am 53 years old. Over a year ago I was introduced to HGH by a friend. Before I ever touched the HGH, I had a very high libido and the staying power of a young man, when with the right woman, of course. I ordered HGH from an online source and the first time I tried it, I took very small amounts. Still, I noticed a libido drop, such I had never felt that way in my entire life. I started taking it in larger amounts and I don't think I ever returned to my normal libido level. Not long after that I did a Test E cycle and of course, my libido went skyrocketing. I stopped taking the HGH during the Testosterone cycle. I did an eight week test cycle and was caught in a peculiar situation where I didn't do a proper PCT coming off the test. Even with improper PCT, my libido seemed to be stable after that cycle, though I don't think it was completely back, it was very close though. During my first round of HGH I noticed that my skin looked very good. So, I thought I would try to reap those benefits again and I had about 600 iu available on hand that I hadn't used prior. So, I started it again taking 3 iu per day. Guess what... my libido has gone to shit again. WTF??

I read on this forum where someone was talking about some fake HGH that causes estrogens to build up. Does anyone think that this is happening with me ? Does anyone have a theory of what the hell is going on ?? I can catch a hard on but it's takes a lot and the ejaculations are very weak.

Also, let me add that when I add water to it some does not dissolve, like real shit is supposed to do and it looks like some of the flakes may even float for an instant. I roll it around for about2 minutes or so and then it becomes fully dissolved.