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  1. #1
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    Making the switch...Advice appreciated

    Thanks for reading. I am currently on my 4th cycle (sust 175 EOD, .25 ldex, clen 2 wks on 2 off, hgh blue tops 6 iu/day 3iu morning SC, 3iu IM PWO bi-lat, oh and 3 week VAR kick start 50/day)

    Im 6'1" 245 at this is good as of late, taking in about 300g protein (casein at night and afternoon, whey pre and PWO)

    This has been the first time I have been successful at adding lean mass (18 lbs so far - 4 weeks in) without turning into a bloated giant.

    I am thinking this will be my last "cycle" and I want to put together a regime of hgh, igf-1, etc. that will allow me to continue on my path without compromising my health so much. I am reluctant to take slin b/c diabetes runs in my family and I am hypoglycemic.

    Please, someone experienced, I would greatly appreciate your input.


  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    PLEASE HOLD TIGHT BEFORE CONSIDERING SLIN.....especially with your family history. I hope you stay reluctant. What are your goals? Are you competing?
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I'm not clear on your question (though I am pretty damn sleep deprived).

    If you're reluctant on taking slin, then it's simple: don't take it.

  4. #4
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post

    PLEASE HOLD TIGHT BEFORE CONSIDERING SLIN.....especially with your family history. I hope you stay reluctant. What are your goals? Are you competing?
    Well, originally I wanted to be huge. But, I just turned 29 and I would like to have a leaner, trimmer physique as I get older. My ideal would by about 220 lbs 7 bf. Right now I'm 245 at around 12 or 13. I have a large frame but genetically poor physique (huge arms and shoulders but hard to develop chest, propensity to hold water) in my opinion. I would like to be ripped for once in my life but I would like to do so without using aas anymore. I think with the advances in science and chemistry, this very well may be possible. I was thinking of staying on the hgh and after this cycle and pct beginning igf-1, continuing the clen and adding t3. I have no experience wih igf or t3. Also is mgf worth anything? I want to put together a highly scientific and specific protocol to maximize performance and mitigate any possible sides, both long term and short. I'd like something that, in theory, a person could run forever and not risk personal shut down or other sides. What about serms? How safe are those? I was thinking of adding S4 into my pct.

    Again, advice very much appreciated. I think there are better solutions than "take more test"to getting these results...who's with me??

  5. #5
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I'm not clear on your question (though I am pretty damn sleep deprived).

    If you're reluctant on taking slin, then it's simple: don't take it.
    That's very insightful..No, but in all seriousness I guess my question could be more specific. Do you feel as if insulin is a crucial part of the gh, igf1 routine? If so, is it possible/suggested for someone hypoglycemic with a family history of diabetes? Surely the risk to reward would not be present, at least that's what I would think. I have never used slin before. Gotta sleep to grow my friend, get some rest ;-)

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgbody View Post
    That's very insightful..No, but in all seriousness I guess my question could be more specific. Do you feel as if insulin is a crucial part of the gh, igf1 routine? If so, is it possible/suggested for someone hypoglycemic with a family history of diabetes? Surely the risk to reward would not be present, at least that's what I would think. I have never used slin before. Gotta sleep to grow my friend, get some rest ;-)

    What's your current body fat?

    Sounds to me like legit GH is what you're after.

    I really don't have much experience with peptides so I can't comment on them, but I will say that IGF-1 LR3 is nothing more than an expensive GDA. I don't think slin without the addition of AAS will help with your specific goals. Slin with AAS is great for putting on the pounds, but if you just want to stay lean then you can do that with some dedicated dieting and GH.

    Serms are safe for the duration that we run them for PCT, yes. And I wouldn't run T3 in PCT either.

  7. #7
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post

    What's your current body fat?

    Sounds to me like legit GH is what you're after.

    I really don't have much experience with peptides so I can't comment on them, but I will say that IGF-1 LR3 is nothing more than an expensive GDA. I don't think slin without the addition of AAS will help with your specific goals. Slin with AAS is great for putting on the pounds, but if you just want to stay lean then you can do that with some dedicated dieting and GH.

    Serms are safe for the duration that we run them for PCT, yes. And I wouldn't run T3 in PCT either.
    Bodyfat is around 12 or 13. I'm with you on the GH, but I am quite fearful of losing muscle size. I was only thinking the igf-1 would give me localized growth benefits while lowering my bf percentage. I want to stay the same size while increasing density and definition. Idealistic? You bet

  8. #8
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    stay away from slin.. that shit can kill you.. stay on the HGH if you can afford it 6-8iu a day.. you will notice the results over time.. as for the clen why not run it 30days with keto?? you should be able to obtain that with what you proposed cycle wise and clen wise..

  9. #9
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    At 6iu/day is it recommended to stop for any period of time? When do you run the risk of larger organs, etc? Also, am I better off doing the entire 6iu PWO bi-laterally? Or keep it with half sub Q and half I'm PWO? With the Keto, AR is sold out! Lol also,is it a 30 day max even with the Keto? What do you know about S4?

  10. #10
    jgbody is offline New Member
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    Ok, so definitely no Slin. Got it. Being that this will be my last AAS cycle, I was thinking of stretching out my Sust (175mg EOD ) cycle to 16 weeks total and add Primo now ( I am currently in week 4 so I would run it the last 12 weeks ). The idea is I want to drop as much BF % as possible while adding lean quality mass and hope that a solid PCT and continued use of GH will allow me to change my body composition for life without having to use AAS again. By the time a 16 week cycle would be up, I would be in my 4th month of GH at 6iu a day so Im hoping the gains stay and the BF stays down at that point.

    So, in short, my questions are...Is it a good idea to add Primo in now? If so, what dose do you recommend?

    Also, do you think I should end my sust cycle with prop the last 3 weeks to keep levels consistent until HCG and PCT?

    Thanks a bunch guys, I had it mapped out from the beginning but I've changed my mind after I saw some positive lean body changes. I was always chasing size because I thought my body lacked potential for the definition I desired but it seems the Clen and EOD sust shots have made a difference from the 2X/week sust 250...I highly recommend EOD shots with Sust to anyone who will listen. Sides are practically non-existent and bloat is MUCH less than 2x a week.

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