Ah, you raise a valid point, and one I neglected to mention. This is the problem with answering questions that require a ton of information.

When you do multiple GHRP doses a day, you need to space them out sufficiently 3 hours apart at minimum. This usually works out anyway because remember you want to not eat a minimum of 2 hours prior to the shot and 30 minutes after the shot. Since 3 hours is better, we are ultimately looking at one shot every 3.5 hours max.

With your workout schedule, a post workout shot would not be as well as going with the pre-bed shot. Regardless, you should start with once a day, work up to 2 a day, then consider a 3rd daily dose if you can work it into your schedule. Just two a day will be of great benefit.

If you inject subq do it whereever. Stomach fat is easy to reach. Thighs work out well too. Move to different areas every shot. I do stomach and thighs. But I don't do subq consistently because I get a little irritation swelling about 12 hours later. And it itches! I just take my slinpin and push it into the muscle. It will be in the muscle shallow, but good enough. For stomach I just crunch to feel where the thickest part of a stomach muscle band is, relax and inject where the thick part is. Thighs are pretty obvious. Hit a muscle. No need to asparate. Just jam and gently inject fluid.

If you tolerate the subq well, just stick with that since it is easier. FYI, the irritation swelling for me seems to be tied to estradiol levels. When mine are lower I get irritated more. When E2 is in the good zone I have little or no reaction.