Ok, hey I'm 19 YO(soon 20) And I have a big problem...

I have plenty of test but due to my High SHGB my bioavaible test(free test) Is ****ing low... 370pmol/L to be precise...

So... I'm already taking some supplements to fix this but... My trust is supplement are very limited... I'll go pass BW again when my protocol will be finished but!!
I want to have a plan B... I read that IGF-1 could highly help to reduce SHGB.(plus it's give some other effect really appreciated )
SO!!! I were wondering if IGF-1 could be taken effectivly for that purpose by an almost 20 YO man. PLUS, do you have an exemple of cycle it will save me a bit of research XD but if not I'll be able to find it by myself XD
