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  1. #1
    Dkny is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Mixing question?

    I don't know if im a ****en retard or im just out of it today.....

    My female friend will be doing a dose of 1.4 iu a day of somatropin....

    now this somatropin is 15 iu vial not 10iu vial so thats where its ****ing me up lol

    she will be using a .3 ml slin pin

    she wants to do .7 iu in the morning and .7 iu at night

    the somatropin vile can hold 3ml of water in it.....

    can someone please help me figure out how many units or .something ml she should be taking in order for one shot to be at .7 iu

    i hope this wasnt confusing but im really mind ****ed lol

    anyhelp would be great

    cheers guys and girls

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you put 2ml of BW into the vial you'll have 7.5iu/ml and .75iu is .1ml or 10 on an insulin syringe. It's really impossible to measure out .7iu exactly. This formula should get you close.

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