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  1. #1
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    Bets way to get Rid of the Forearm Pain

    Just ice it and motrin.. I did a search and found it occurs from the straight bar... any suggestions... thanks

  2. #2
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't do the straight bar anymore?

  3. #3
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    You may have tendonitis. Ibuprofen to reduce inflamation and rest (minimum of two weeks).

    As Renesis says, don't do straightbar anymore as well.

  4. #4
    jojo2002 is offline Associate Member
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    you can switch to ez curl bar for a while if you decide to go back to straight rest the bar more on our palms and curl you finger tips onto the bar so your holding it with your tips... i had that exact same pain for awhile switched to DB's for awhile and asked an ex body builder that owns a shop here told me to do what i mentioned above worked great...

  5. #5
    scottish is offline Associate Member
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    But when are you feeling the pain? During the workout, or after? What part of the forearm?

  6. #6
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i use to get this alot when i would do heavy curls either with straight or curl bar.... it seem to always come if I would let the bar go fast.... I have yet to get them since i started putting the bar down and opening my hands slowly off the bar..... I might be wrong but there similar to shin splints only there in your forearms....

  7. #7
    ftony is offline Associate Member
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    I am going through the same thing...extreme pain in my left forearm on the preacher bench with an ez bar.It feels like a small explosion everytime i put the wieght back on the rack....upright rows ,dumbell fukd but wont stop lifting yet...

  8. #8
    ftony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i use to get this alot when i would do heavy curls either with straight or curl bar.... it seem to always come if I would let the bar go fast.... I have yet to get them since i started putting the bar down and opening my hands slowly off the bar..... I might be wrong but there similar to shin splints only there in your forearms....
    dam,just read this after i posted...I have to try letting weight down sloooow...good lookn.
    Last edited by ftony; 09-30-2007 at 08:30 PM.

  9. #9
    ftony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    dam,just read this after i posted...I have to try letting weight down sloooow...good lookn.
    tryed letting bar down slow today,and the pain was much less.Hope the poster who started this thread read this and tryed it...tks

  10. #10
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    wow went back to the straight bar.. worst pain ever.. I will stay away for a few weeks... my right forearm is killing me...

  11. #11
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ftony
    tryed letting bar down slow today,and the pain was much less.Hope the poster who started this thread read this and tryed it...tks

    glad it helped... i know it helped me alot ....

  12. #12
    rock357 is offline Junior Member
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    I had tendon problems in my left forearm from boxing. It hurt like hell to rotate my wrist and throw a left hook. It took four months for it to heal to the point i could hit the bag again. I don't think it would have healed if I didn't start doing rehab exercises for it twice a week. With light weights that seemed to help more than just complete rest.

  13. #13
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777
    Just ice it and motrin.. I did a search and found it occurs from the straight bar... any suggestions... thanks
    you can try tens treatment, but just using a curved bar does the trick for me..
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  14. #14
    Diamonite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i use to get this alot when i would do heavy curls either with straight or curl bar.... it seem to always come if I would let the bar go fast.... I have yet to get them since i started putting the bar down and opening my hands slowly off the bar..... I might be wrong but there similar to shin splints only there in your forearms....

    wow sounds like me almost. thanks for that pewn. i'll update here.

  15. #15
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    I am beyond confused. i have taken some time off from the gym. I fooled around today and felt pain trying to bench 135lb. I went to the ER last week, and the guy said I have probably tendonitis in my forearm. He put me on lodine anti- inflammatory last week. He said this should knock it out by now. I hate being out of the gym this long, but I feel I will continue to do more damaged to it. I think I will go to another doctor and maybe get a cortizone shot or maybe get some predisone.

  16. #16
    DrBell is offline Junior Member
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    heal naturally

    Dude this maybe ironic for me to say, but stay away from the shots. Cortizone can destroy joints. That's why they limit the amount you can have in a year. You don't need any of that. You have to lay low for a while. Let the microtrauma heal. Get a compression band to change where the insertion of the muscles are at. Is it the flexors or extensors? Also, get a chiropractor. He/she can adjust the head of your radius and sometimes the problem goes away. Chances are you will need to keep icing for the inflammation and use ultrasound and/or cold laser. Low level laser therapy is great for deep tissue healing. Too many inflammatory drugs will give you leaky gut syndrome. Read on that issue. You don't want your undigested proteins being able to pass through your GI system because your body will recognize them as foreign bodies and set up a reaction to them and cause allergies.

  17. #17
    midnight777's Avatar
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    well went to the chriopractor on Friday he did the ultrasound treatment on my forearm, he suggested I go to the Massage therapist, so I went today, hope all goes well. I plan on getting back in the gym Monday. I bought a wrist wrap brace to use lifting, I will keep up getting this thing checked on. I know I will stay away from the straight bar.

  18. #18
    Mista Massive's Avatar
    Mista Massive is offline Senior Member
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    i've had the same forearm pain that you're all talking about for a long time. it seems to help when you release your grip slowly from the barbell/dumbbell.

    but it even hurts too much to do that i stay away from the barbell when doing biceps. it sucks i know but i have no choice.

    i have just recently gotten into gymnastics and the pain is only getting worse...must be from the handstands and stuff.

    does anyone else get the forearm pain when you shake it really hard????

  19. #19
    TAPPER is offline Junior Member
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    I have experienced three distinct forearm pains:

    “forearm splints” – w/ the palm up the pain was roughly ˝ way in between the wrist and elbow (maybe a little more towards the elbow) and down right at the bone. This seemed to develop from too much weight too fast with the curls (ez bar or dumbbell). Backing off on the weight and concentrating on form has been working so far.

    “release-pain” – shooting pain from the hands up to the elbows. This seemed to develop from gripping a bar or dumbbell too hard and quickly releasing. Easing off slowly on the grip and squeezing so hard has cleared this up for me.

    “forearm tendonosis” – w/ the palm down the pain would run from the outside of the elbow across at ~ 45 degrees to the ˝ way point between my elbow and wrist. This seemed to develop from doing upright dumbbell rows with far too much weight and horrible form. I followed Doc Sust’s sticky on tendonosis and all seems to be on the right track.

  20. #20
    facile's Avatar
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    Make sure you aren't squeezing the bar, when I loosen my grip a bit the pain goes away in a week or so. I also find releasing my grip slowly helps as others have mentioned.

  21. #21
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I have my TENS on right now, it's how I deal with a compression between C4 and C5. It works wonders. I would look into Super Cissus RX by USP Labs. It also does wonders for tendonitis.
    Good luck,
    TENS= Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator.

    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    you can try tens treatment.

  22. #22
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    i have stopped lifting for 3 weeks. I am waiting for this to go away. I don;t want to mess it up anymore..

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