My baby says NO MORE SHAVING!!! (body hair, that is). She wants it furry, so furry she gets. But I always had a problem with chest. Nair etc worked fine everywhere else, but my chest skin is just too sensitive, and the hair is too coarse and bristly there. Even if I leave a depilatory on until I am on fire, the hair is still stubbornly hanging tough. Plucking, believe it or not, wasn't so bad. I started out doing a square inch or two at a time. When I had covered, over the course of several days, the entire chest, I increased the area I covered with each session until I was actually doing half one day, half the next. My abdomen got the nair treatment. Mostly it is the "cleavage" area that was just impossible to do with a depilatory. Anyway after plucking for a couple of months, the hair follicles seem to sort of give up the game and they don't push the hairs out so diligently any more. When you need a super-smooth finish, just run a mach III over it. The stubble is micro-fine and you can't see or feel anything there for a couple of days.

I tried using an epilator... that is a medieval torture type gizmo that has whirring disks that snatch the hairs out, and not only was it painful as hell but on my chest, where the direction of growth is in all sorts of crazy circles, it was too hard to get the damn hairs pulling with the grain. I got a lot of broken hairs, ingrown hairs, bleeding, etc and it just made a mess of it. It doesn't do too bad on legs etc once you got the heavy stuff taken care of, and it doesn't hurt too bad. But I tell ya, nothing is kinkier than feeling your legs in the shower all slippery as hell after nairing! The girls (we are poly... I have two ol' ladies) used to get quite a kick out of that.

Anyway, good luck. Chest has got to be THE number one problem area for de-hairing. I actually am kind of glad to be letting it go wild again.