Hey guys, I wanted some serious input on this as I am starting to get worried about my back, because it did happen 5 months ago! I woke up on Xmas morning and could NOT move whatsoever. Even moving my back a few degrees forwards to backwards caused an incredible pain that shot a bit into my upper glutes but mainly just radiating lower back pain. I did not train for a good 3 weeks or so and could barely move, it was not fun!

Now a days, it is mainly just sore when sitting for long periods of time or just after waking up as it gets REALLY stiff. It's more of a DULL ACHE than a sharp pain. The only real pain comes when I LEAN BACKWARDS! When I get going on my day or leave the gym, it is just about 95% fine!! Sometimes when I lean forward too much I feel a little bit of cracking but I think it's due to normal stiffness!

I did consult my family doc and he believes it was a little tweak I did in my sleep and to start getting chiropractor adjustments or to see a deep massage therapist. Many docs obviously don't give the time of day to their patients but he's a nice guy and usually listens, he doesn't think it's anything major but I'm in my early 20's and should not have back pain like this..

Any suggestions/comments???? (Thanks for reading I really appreciate it guys, really!)