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  1. #1
    ray_ray86 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    Deca Durabolin for ACL Surgery Recovery? or HGH?

    So I have ACL reco surgery booked for June and I want something to assist my recovery with the outlook of coming back to being active as soon as I can. Would Deca help the healing process at all?

    My research has come back generally positive and having people say that HGH would be the better option, although it's quite expensive. Would deca be anywhere near as good for the recovery process?

    I'm aware its not magically going to get better and be good in a short time, but I just want something to help the process. Any feedback at all would be good!

    Also if you have any ideas on what would be best to stack it with would be great? I was thinking stanozolol to prevent bloating or should I be doing with test?

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I definitely wouldn't touch winny as thats going to dry your joints out.

    Also the fact that you asked if you should be doing it with test tells me you are no where ready to be cycling. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    ray_ray86 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    Ok sure, Ill rule that out then.

    Sorry I probably should have phrased it correctly. I have cycled before this (Test E + Deca Durabolin ), but my goal this time round isn't necessarily about getting gains. My main priority is to assist my recovery as best as I can. I was wanting to find out if Test is needed to retain muscle mass around the leg and assist the healing process or should I used something else. From my research information I have gathered, it seems I need to be stacking it with Test, but just wanted to re-clarify. If i'm off the mark still, id appreciate any feedback you have?

    Stats are:
    29 years old
    Approx 12% body fat

  4. #4
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HGH would be the better option if you can afford it.

    From personal experience I had good results from test e at 500 deca at 600 and anavar at 60mg ED. I remember reading after my cycle that I really only needed half my deca dose to help with recovery but at the time of starting my cycle I did not know that. I have heard a lot about anavar helping people recover from injuries but for some reason I haven't come across it much online (maybe I've missed it).

    This can be considered bro science as I don't have any real science to back this up. Maybe some other members can chime in with specifics.

  5. #5
    ray_ray86 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    Thanks heaps bro, really appreciate the feedback.

    If finances permit, I'll run hgh. But if not, I'll go with what you advised. It's definitely the option I'm leaning towards and your feedback has reassured that.

    Thanks again bro!

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2014
    Luv deca but it doesnt really heal anything.

    Deca is a powerfull anti-inflammatory and that is why ppl tend to feel better on it. It can actually be bad for injuries as you dont feel pain you will push harder, extra weight, extra reps, etc. After cycle this anti-inflammatory effect will cease.

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