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    vein-x's Avatar
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    Vein-X's *DETAILED* Cycle Log

    I started my cycle of...

    Test Enan @ 600mg/week for weeks 1-13 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs
    EQ @ 600mg week 1-12 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs (mixed in with Test Enan)
    Test Prop @ 150mg/EOD weeks 1-4 and weeks 14-15

    Nolva @ 40mg ED for weeks 16-17
    Nolva @ 20mg ED for weeks 18-19
    Clomid @ 200mg for first 2 days, then @ 100mg for remaining 2-4 weeks (depending on how I feel)

    ...last Monday and felt guilty I hadn't kept a log like I said I would. I'm 25 and in college not too sure what I'm working for, but I'm working towards a minor in a some writing classes, so I hope to get as many details as I can to you bros (excuse some errors, it'll usually be late at night when I post) I've been training for the past 3 years naturally, usually eating good with sufficient nutrition and the works. It was after watching the 2005 Olympia that I became entranced with professional bodybuilding. I'll still be in college as I keep this log, but if genetics and the Lord is with me well... we'll see what happens.

    Anyway, this log is about the transformation of a 25 year old on "Winter Bulk" cycle. I hope it's informative and entertaining, and I hope you all enjoy reading and subscribe to my nightly (hopefully) posts on progress and the days events on gear. I'm hoping to keep as detailed as possible descriptions of moods and events so you can see not only physical changes, but some mental ones as well. As a final note, you'll have to excuse the pictures, at least early on anyway. I had a shoulder injury about 4 months back and quit training for 1.5 to heal and recover everything. Since then I've gotten my diet back to 100% (and a lot more on-cycle) and I'm currently lifting about 90% as heavy as I used to be (thank the Lord for that) so don't be TOO quick to judge. This was the introductory post, leading you into an enjoyable and detailed cycle log. From here on out, I'll do my best to post the days events each night to keep you guys updated.

    And so it begins...

  2. #2
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quick Update...

    (Sorry to lump a week and a half's worth of events into one post, but it's necessary to bring you guys up to speed)

    Monday through the next Wednesday (12-05-05 through 12-14-05)

    No better place to start than the beginning, the Monday night. In preparation for it, I had set aside a half hour before bed Sunday night for prayer. If I was going to do this, who better to have on your side than the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing I could've done would prepare me for the following night's events...

    'Shouldn't be to hard. Most people say the first is the hardest, and then it goes downhill from there, so here we go' I thought perched on the toilet Monday night.

    I had gotten all the materials together: TEST PROP, EQ, TEST ENAN and all the syringes, rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs all laid out. Everything was ready to go. I had read up on spot-injections where to stick it and I must've read 5 or more different articles on the correct way to inject, from cleaning the site to aspiration, I thought I was the pro. Thinking it would be no problem, I unwrap the first syringe and plunge it into the TEST PROP multi-use rubber stopper.

    I pulled back on the plunger and was suprised by all the effort it took. I managed to pull the plunger back to the 1.5CC mark, but I was still straining to keep it there. I slipped up on the grip and *POP* is all I got. The plunger had somehow vacuumed it's way back to the top with no fluid left in it! I was stunned. If it was this hard to extract the damn liquid, how hard would it be to inject it? After searching on the boards for a little bit, I realized I had missed a vital step in the procedure: Injecting air into the vial.

    I went back at it this time confident that nothing else could go wrong. I pulled the plunger back to about 1.8CC and pushed the air into the vial. This time, the liquid oozed into the chamber and filled the emptiness relatively quickly. Feeling confident, I swabbed a spot on my right glute and stuck it home nice and slowly. The injection was actually no problem. It went in fine, injected smoothly and came out fine.

    'Ahhh, this really isn't a big deal. Prop pain? Fear of needles? I've got nothing to worry about. The road to the pros has never been more visible' the thought flashed through my mind, which was relived to have gotten the hardest step over with. I loaded up 1.5CC of EQ and 1.2CC of TEST ENAN in the next syringe and... shot again, in the right glute. Everything went well and there was hardly any blood at all. At this point, I was a little worried about it not making it into the muscle, but I realized I'd have to be a lot fatter than I am to not pierce any muscle at all. I pulled up my pants, had another meal and a protein shake before bed, and fell asleep with the biggest grin I've ever worn.

    'There's absolutely no way this pain is real. This has to be a dream' I thought as I limped around the dorm getting ready for the day.
    'Something must've gone wrong'

    Truth be told, it hadn't! I'd done everything to near perfection and this was just "PROP PAIN" and a lot of gear in the same place... which resulted in a double golf-ball sized nodule on my right glute. I was fortunate that I hadn't shot in my right quad, or else I might not be moving AT ALL today. After taking care of the day's business, I took 800mg Ibuprofen and sat on a heating pad for an hour or so. The gym didn't feel much different, and I was expecting PROP to hit me within 36 hours, so I wasn't extremely disappointed. I finished off the night with more Ibuprofen and heat with an early night's sleep, hoping things would get better.

    Felt a little more aggressive, but that's probably a placebo effect to some effect. Although TEST PROP isn't supposed to hit that hard, I was making myself believe it was. Today there was less swelling, but still more Ibuprofen and heat. Limping reduced and for whatever reason, I had a good feeling for most of the day. Had another TEST PROP injection tonight, that went well. 1.5CC of that doesn't seem to be a problem, and goes a lot quicker for me.

    Still nothing really in the gym. Most of the swelling is minimized now. I have 300mg of TEST ENAN & 300mg of EQ tonight, but now that I'm 100% comfortable with injections, they aren't much of a problem. All goes well and again, there's very little blood. I shoot in the right quad this time, hoping the EQ will cut any TEST ENAN pain.

    Pretty much painless at this point. I think I feel a little different in the gym now, but could just be that placebo effect again. Heating pad and IB are still taken, just to minimize any other pains or swellings that might still be hanging around.

    Just resting and recuperating goes on. I had another TEST PROP inj. Friday night, but that's fine. I learn Saturday & Sunday that my delts take TEST PROP very very well. From here on out TEST PROP will be shot in the delts, and TEST ENAN & EQ in the quads and glutes.

    I could SWEAR I'm feeling something. Lately I've been a little hornier and my lifts in the gym have definitely gone up. PROP? No clue, but I'm almost sure something's kicked in by now. I have a better feeling for the most part, and I'm a lot happier and more confident. It's a whole new feeling for me, and I wonder if it'll only get better from here...

    Well, I'm sorry for the extremely long post, but I wanted to keep a detailed log and a log without your FIRST experience is no good at all. I'll get some pictures up here later tonight, along with my weight. I hadn't checked my weight last Monday, but you'll get one tonight before meal #5. I hope I've got at least one loyal reader by now, and I guarantee you all future posts will be much more detailed. You could probably tell that by the end, I was tired of typing and summed it up very briefly.

    Thanks for reading so far. I'll have some pictures up later tonight like I said, and don't go too hard on me. I'm still somewhat soft from being in bed for a month and a half. Subscribe and wish me luck...

  3. #3
    need2Bbig's Avatar
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    Sounds good bro, good luck to you! Ill be reading!

  4. #4
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    keep us posted...and good luck...

  5. #5
    chest6's Avatar
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    I like the long, detailed, organized logs. I'll be reading this..good luck.

  6. #6
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    I'm working towards a minor in some writing classes
    I can see that..the detail sold you out.

    Good luck with the cycle.

    Don't change the detail in your posts... it'll go a long way if you plan to cycle again.

    What's your diet and training programme look like right now?

  7. #7
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Hah, thanks a lot guys. The compliments and advice show people are reading and are interested... thanks again. BTW, Narkissos, would you mind if I PM you my diet and training setup for a quick evaluation later tonight? I'm 6'2" and I know the caloires, protein and carbs can be hard to keep up with on-cycle... especially when you're almost 6" taller than the average bodybuilder. Just wondering if you'd give me a couple pointers.

    Expect another update tonight. Hitting arms today and picking up some Nitrix (and hopefully do a little research into other vascularity enhancers. Any ideas?) later tonight at the gym. Then a big line-up of injections tonight, so stay tuned and be ready for another detailed post.

  8. #8
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Shoot me the PM man.. i'll help where possible

  9. #9
    Schwarz's Avatar
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    Awesome log style bro. Keep it up. So let me get this right the first prop injection did cause some pain but the subsequent ones have been OK?

    Also you're not running any anti e during your cycle? Be interesting to see if bloat and other estrogenic sides become an issue here....

    Good luck and train hard!!


  10. #10
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Where's my PM?

  11. #11
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Haha, sorry Narkissos. I've been sort of busy lately. Now time for the update...

    THURSDAY 12-15-05
    Arm day today at the gym, and good lord it was something else. I usually hit Bi's then on to Tri's. I started off with some light warm-up barbell curls, those went normal, but then I went heavier. 60.. no problem. 70.. no problem. 80.. no problem. 90.. managed 4 reps before form started to slip, but I stuck to it and slammed out a couple forced-reps. With a good pump in the biceps, I pulled up a flat bench and slammed a couple quick skull-crushers out. The weight started going up as well.. 60, 70, 80 for a couple reps. Really good pump. From there I preceded to the Tri pushdown machine... and pushed the entire stack minus the bottom plate. After that last set, I did 2 drop-sets to half-stack and quarter-stack. Really felt amazing... but I wanted some more...

    Heading back over to the barbells I noticed the country racist lookin' old man was there (I think he has a problem with me, I'll elaborate sometime later) and decided I'd had enough. He has a little b*tch skater kid followin' him around like he's the LORD OF IRON. From time to time he'll say stupid sh*t like "WELL... It's a lot heavier than most people can go!" after a half-assed set. 'Ahhh... the time has come' I thought as I slowly walked over to the rack, anticipating my M.O. That's when I noticed him bangin' out a set with the 60lb barbell, and his face was suggesting that he was really trying on this one. Laughing inside of me, I casually sat down on an empty bench and waited for him to finish, so he could focus his full attention on my power. After dropping the 60lb bar, groaning and hobbling over to an empty bench, I got up and mentally readied myself. I picked up the 50lb bar and slammed about 6 quick reps out, all the while noticing that 'Captain Ignorant' was grinning and looking at me in the mirror... I grinned back, dropped the bar imitating the way he had, and located the 90. I strapped myself in for the lift of my lift, and growled to let the two know I wasn't f*cking around. The first rep was heavier than I thought, but it always is. Once I locked in at the top, it was all pain and glory from there. I managed 5 reps while staring at my Bi's and looking him dead in the eye through the mirror. I did an extremely slow negative, hoisted the bar to shoulder height and re-racked it. I sat down and looked over at him, but he was already leaving.

    'This is only the beginning...'

    FRIDAY 12-16-05
    Too tired to go to the gym today. Seemed like a very long day, so I held off. It's not worth it to half-ass my routine because then I'm tired and on top of that I feel like sh*t because I'm not sore. Today, sadly, not much to report.

    SATURDAY 12-17-05
    A day I'll never forget. As I mentioned a couple posts back, I'm still not at 100% of my strength. After a shoulder injury that kept me out of the gym for quite some time, my power began to drop. Today, I became re-addicted to the iron...

    After eating a shitty lunch that sat in my stomach for what seemed like half the day, I decided to head to the gym and get a good shoulder workout in (one day I hope to look as wide and freaky as Ruhl...) I warm-up with a couple light shoulder presses, and then I get to wondering... 'What's my bench at right now? After lying in a bed for a month, it can't be anywhere NEAR what it used to be... can it?' That's all the invitation I need to rack up the weight. I start with a 45 on each side. Not a problem. Throw on 50 more pounds. 'God this is light...' 50 more... 'No way I can do this, let's just see what happens' A guy walks past me and I ask for a quick 1-rep spot. After agreeing I start revving myself as hard as I can. I start growling, thinking about all the things I'm ashamed of, and the one that always gets me "what if someone broke in my mother's house while I'm there over the holidays... and manages to kill everyone because he over-powered me and slaughtered them in front of my weak eyes??" I lay back with a roar and roll the hooks from the Smith machine's catch. 'GOOOO!!' the spotter screams... but I don't need him. I power through 235 pounds of iron, and then do it again. After racking the bar on a double-rep attempt I couldn't POSSIBLY have hoped to hit so soon off recovery, I just lay there. 'Good work' is all I get from my spotter, but it doesn't matter now. Everything else has become obsolete. There was no way I did that... no way in hell. After finished up some good shoulder and trap work, I head out of the gym STILL shaking my head in disbelief. 'Did I really do that? Did something aid me? The spotter didn't even touch the bar... but... did I really do that??'

    To this second, I still can't believe it, so I'll ask you guys: If I bench pressed 235 for two reps on a Smith machine, can I really bench 235 pounds? Even for one rep? I really am in shock at that kind of quick recovery, I was not expecting to be able to do the 185. Please ease my conscience here... and thanks for reading. I hope you've enjoyed the updates so far.

  12. #12
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    that old man got owned...

    I gotta get you to write my training journal.. it's in this forum.

    Nice going man...

  13. #13
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Just a note... pictures and weight will start becoming regular parts of my updates. I'm going to take a picture in 3 poses every other night in the EXACT same spot with the exact same poses so in the end, I can have 100+ pics and just 'flip-book' through them.

    I'll weigh in tonight (after meal 5 or 6, so some weight will be food) and get a couple pictures up. Thanks for checkin' in.

  14. #14
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Got your PM...will address it next time i'm online... 'k?


  15. #15
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Got your PM...will address it next time i'm online... 'k?

    Not a problem. Thanks for your time.

  16. #16
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Hah, thanks a lot guys. The compliments and advice show people are reading and are interested... thanks again. BTW, Narkissos, would you mind if I PM you my diet and training setup for a quick evaluation later tonight? I'm 6'2" and I know the caloires, protein and carbs can be hard to keep up with on-cycle... especially when you're almost 6" taller than the average bodybuilder. Just wondering if you'd give me a couple pointers.

    Expect another update tonight. Hitting arms today and picking up some Nitrix (and hopefully do a little research into other vascularity enhancers. Any ideas?) later tonight at the gym. Then a big line-up of injections tonight, so stay tuned and be ready for another detailed post.
    Im not a big fan of nitrix myself other than looks (pretty good pumps). I only read down this far cuz I gotta take off but I will def. read the rest later tonight. Good goin with the detailed updates, Im lovin it .

  17. #17
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Im not a big fan of nitrix myself other than looks (pretty good pumps). I only read down this far cuz I gotta take off but I will def. read the rest later tonight. Good goin with the detailed updates, Im lovin it .
    Thanks a lot man. Like I said, it's good to know people are actually reading and following my progress. Now on to the update...

    SUNDAY 12-18-05
    Sunday was a rest day. I laid around and watched some football, making sure to take it easy and get my protein and carbs in. Finished off the weekend right with a Red Stripe (Jamaican beer) and a good solid sleep.

    MONDAY 12-19-05
    From the time I woke up, I was in somewhat of a pissed mood. I'm not really sure why, the sleep was good and a good amount (about 8 hours) but I still just felt... aggressive. It's hard for me to go through the day knowing that eventually I'll have a big set of injections later that night.

    The day was decent. More than one time I found myself STARING and dreaming about raping some of the girls in a class of mine. Also worth mentioning, I got my first in-class boner in a long time, something I don't normally get unless I'm trying. I found myself looking at this girl's ass shake in her sweatpants when she walked and honestly... got hard. Is the TEST PROP kicking in? I'm not too sure until later that day. After a good workout with on arms, I head back to the dorm and get ready to inject. I'm prepping everything, when I start to get a little annoyed. At first, it's just a pain in the ass to have to wait for the oils to extract, then it's 'Why can't they just make these into orals?? Are they just too f*ckin' lazy???' Then I start picturing some girls in my class earlier that day, and what I'd do to them if I kidnapped them and had my way. All that railed around in my brain until I was damn near growling! I took a couple deep breaths, washed my face with some cold water and finished extracting. The injection went smooth, they're no longer really a problem to me. A good meal and protein shake and bed for me.

    TUESDAY 12-20-05
    The day started off a lot better, because I knew I had no injections. Nothing really worth mentioning about the day, except that my sex-drive has definitely increased. I'm a certified assaholic, and now I lose my mind and erectile control when I get to fantasizing about punishing some of these little freshmen girls. GOD I need one... and at this point I have outbreaks where I'm so horny I think about raping and killing, bloody and painful. Yes, I have a sick inner side, but it doesn't normally come out this much. Everyday I'm finding it more and more interesting what AAS do to your mind...

    WEDNESDAY 12-21-05
    Good day. A little skimpy on the diet, which is something I'm going to need to sit down and evaluate soon. The heavy artillery (EQ & TEST E) are going to hit sometime in the next 2-4 weeks and I want to be eating way MORE than enough protein/carbs/calories than needed, not less. Not a whole lot to mention today, sorry guys. I had a TEST PROP injection a couple minutes ago, and that seemed to go OK. No problems, just horny as hell still. I hope to see some huge gains somewhat soon. Starting with this post, I'm going to post some questions at the end of my update, and could anyone reading please try and help me out? I'll list them off like 1. 2. 3. so it's easy to read and understand. A couple quick questions for the night, and I'm sorry there wasn't a whole lot to read. It's been a pretty slow week except for the rage outbreak on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted when anything new happens...

    1. As I mentioned, I want to make SURE I'm getting enough protein in my diet. A lot of guys say make sure you have solid and liquid (protein shakes) sources for protein. I was wondering if 3 shakes (6 scoops) of 'Optimum Nutrition' Whey Protein would be such a bad thing? Mixed in milk, they offer about 55 grams of protein, 40-50 of which probably get easily absorbed. At 225 pounds and 6'2" it's hard to get in all the calories and other things that I need. I still have a small stomach from dieting all summer, and I just can't seem to eat enough. Any suggestions or warnings?

    2. As far as calories go, if I eat ~6000 a day, would there be any problems with that? I was recently over at (what a joke forum) and all the kids there b*tch and moan about how that one extra calorie will make them fat. That's really a laugh to me, because I find it ironic that they're trying to get big, but don't want to eat big at the same time. One more reason I think 90% of them are 18 and under... but that's not really the subject. I want to make SURE that I get MORE than enough calories to fuel muscle growth. 6000 is probably a solid amount. Do you see any problems?

    Thanks to all who have stayed subscribed to my log. It's good to know people are still following along and interested in what's going on. If you could answer any of those questions, I'd really appreciate it. Enjoy your night and happy holidays.

  18. #18
    chest6's Avatar
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    interesting about you wanting to rape girls etc. I'll sit in my class and be like "id do her..her." etc and like picture it..I think every guy has done that. Dont gotta give me the macros but lay out your meals..quick and easy or whatever and I'll take a look at it for you. Want to make sure you are doing everything picture perfect.

    Edit..sorry I just figured out my account was deactivated..cuz i never reactivated it or I would have responded when I was reading it when I was deactivated..

  19. #19
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    ur nuts bro...but anyway in the first question u said that you have a hard time puttin alot of food down and the second question u said u put down 6000 cal's that a shit load. i would be interested in the layout of ur diet also. 3 shakes is fine i have that many too. breakfast, pwo, and after my ppwo meal right before bed...

  20. #20
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    ur nuts bro...but anyway in the first question u said that you have a hard time puttin alot of food down and the second question u said u put down 6000 cal's that a shit load. i would be interested in the layout of ur diet also. 3 shakes is fine i have that many too. breakfast, pwo, and after my ppwo meal right before bed...
    No no, if that's what I typed it's a mistake. What I meant was that I believe once the heavy artillery (Test Enan & EQ) kick in I should be shooting for around 5000-6000 calories. I'm just worried about protein and most importantly, absorption.

    If I get 150g of protein between 3 shakes, how much of that really gets utilized? Then you move on to solid protein sources, and I usually have quite a bit of lunch meat and a chicken breast or two throughout the day. Followed up by eggs in the morning and scattered small snack throughout the day and that's a very rough outline of my diet.

    Any idea how much of the 150g through protein SHAKES get absorbed?

  21. #21
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    I personally think this..your body can only absorb X amount of protein is overrated. Sure, if you were to eat a 50oz steak your body would dispel a large amount, but I don't think you should really worry about it. As long as you space out your intake over 6+ meals, you should be fine.

  22. #22
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    THURSDAY 12-22-05
    Back at home for the holidays (I've got a couple days away from classes for winter break) and it's been quite a trip...

    First thing 90% of them say to me, 'Wow! You're really looking big! You been hittin' the books or the weights? You're not spending all that money we gave you on steroids are you? Hahah...'

    It's as if I placed my order through them

    Anyway, the ride from the airport to the house is pretty eventful. Apparently if you have a couple veins in your arms you're the next Mr. Olympia, according to them. My mom kept looking at my arms and because I was getting warm in my sweater, she saw veins snaking all over the place. 'What happened to your arms??' she asks. 'It's study, lift & eat back at the dorms, mom' I try brushing her off quickly and efficiently, and I think it works until we sit down at home...

    My grandma seems more pushy than normal and both my dad and grandpa are drunk. They get into a political debate and I'm stuck listening to them and my grandma arguing over stupid sh*t. Eventually I wind up in it, and for the first time in my life, I believe 'Roid Rage ' is a little more than a myth. If a point is brought up that I don't agree with, I shoot it down... violently. I didn't hit anyone, but my body language and eyes did more than enough to change a couple subjects. It's amazing the confidence and 'on-point' feeling more testosterone will give you. By 'on-point' I mean I'm a lot quicker and my mind seems to take everything in like a steel trap. I didn't lose a single debate tonight...

    As far as the gym and juice goes, Thursday is my Test Enan/EQ shot. 300mg of each in the left glute is successful with no leaks or blood. Heating pad and Ibuprofen for insurance, and extra sleep after a healthy helping of grama's chicken finishes out the night well.

    FRIDAY 12-23-05
    A prop shot and the gym is how the day started off. Lately I'm finding myself more and more out of breath. Looks like a couple hours of cardio is going to become part of the training protocol soon. Shoulders went really well, but I was very winded when I moved on the biceps. Oddly enough, I was sitting on a bench resting and I overheard these guys that had been talking for the past 15 minutes. Sounded like they were talking about gear and law enforcement... couldn't quite make much out, still interesting though...

    Not many fights with the family today, just more delicious food. I can guarantee you I'll be getting PLENTY of calories and protein this week.

    SATURDAY 12-24-05
    Christmas eve. F*ck all this 'Happy Holidays' sh*t... it's been like this for the past 250 years, suck it up and move on. Lately these soccer moms have been PISSING me off. I see them at the stores, the movies, all over this town!! It's infested, and they all stare and push their little carts down the isle. I love walking next to them ('blindsiding' as I like to call it) in the isle until they feel awkward and I overpower them. Women? Yes. Should I be doing it? Nope... but aggression and me getting tired of their 4 year olds in Abercrombie and Eagle sh*t is too tempting.

    Anyway, just a TEST PROP shot tonight, nothing special. All PROP is shot in the delts, works fine for me. We go out to a China Buffet for Eve dinner and God was it good! After eating a solid pound and a half of chicken and rice, my little brothers wanted to rent 'Scary Movie 3' and watch it before bed. Being the big guy I am I took 'em a couple stores down to the Blockbuster and picked it out. Fell asleep in my old bed... 25lbs heavier than the last time I'd laid down...

    SUNDAY 12-25-05
    Wasn't expecting much at all.. but damn was I suprised! My parents went all out for me! I guess they felt bad that I wasn't at home anymore(??) but I got a Motorola RAZR, a bunch of sweatpants, nice jeans and shirts, Ronnie Coleman bobblehead, 'On The Road' DVD and f*ckin' SIGNED posted from him. What a good set of parents I've got...

    Anyway, the day was lazy, and I feel like shit that I haven't been eating good all weekend. Today was really bad. I had about 2000 calories worth of pancakes and cake in the first 2 hours I was awake, and didn't eat again until dinner. There is no word for dinner... the BEST thing I've ever eaten in my entire life, hands down. Better than any restaurant, better than... anything at all. Steak, shrimp, GIANT King Crab, lobster, potatoes... all washed down with 3 Bud Lights. I easily had 2-3 lbs of food tonight.

    Shot TEST PROP a couple hours ago, and I'm winding down, planning out next week. With so many days off, I'm taking advantage of this and training like I've never trained before. Extremely heavy, mean amounts of weight, drop sets... goin' ALL OUT. Hoping to pack on the mass when the Test Enan & EQ kick in. DAMN it was a good day. One of the best Christmas' I've ever had...

    Thanks for checkin' in on me. I hope your Christmas was as good as mine. I'll be writing even more indepth updates next week. I plan to be in the gym puking my guts out... and then bangin' out a few MORE sets. It's gonna be no mercy for the next 7 days or so, and I'm actually looking forward to it...

  23. #23
    Slow~Mo's Avatar
    Slow~Mo is offline Banned
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    Love the pics your huge...

  24. #24
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slow~Mo
    Love the pics your huge...
    He doesnt need pictures. Its like back in the old days hes using descriptive writting to give you a mental image

  25. #25
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN
    He doesnt need pictures. Its like back in the old days hes using descriptive writting to give you a mental image
    Thank you. That's partially it, and it's also because I'm wating on a decent camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slow~Mo
    Love the pics your huge...
    You can wait on pictures or you can ignore the thread. No one's making you read it...

  26. #26
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    that last dinner sounds ****in amazin...i wish my parents would cook for me like that, there is shit in the fridge...those are pretty cool gifts too...

  27. #27
    Slow~Mo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    You can wait on pictures or you can ignore the thread. No one's making you read it...
    No, no, no, trust me I could care less if I ever see your body. I like your writing it's very intresting keep up the great work man. I hope you reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

    My Regards,

  28. #28
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slow~Mo
    No, no, no, trust me I could care less if I ever see your body. I like your writing it's very intresting keep up the great work man. I hope you reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

    My Regards,
    why the sarcastic comment then?

    oh well nvm dont wanna mess with my mans thread here..

  29. #29
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Hey, thanks a lot both Slow~Mo & Chest6. One QUICK thing I'd like to add:

    I just woke up and felt slightly... 'pumped' I walk into the bathroom to check it out, and I'll be damned if there weren't veins and cuts starting to appear in the mirror. It's only the beginning of Week 4, which means the good sh*t hasn't even kicked in yet and I'm already feeling the 'bigger & bigger each morning' feeling some people report.

    One quick question: I'm getting more winded lately in the gym and require longer rest periods inbetween sets to catch my breath and slow my heart rate. I love training, but the heart gets beating uncomfortably fast. I'm 95% sure it's the 5+ lbs of water I'm carrying around, but what are your opinions? I've got a much more descriptive explanation and a solution in another thread. If you've got any ideas at all, feel free to post them here:

    Winded... Holding WAY Too Much Water?

  30. #30
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Great log VeinX, hope mine is half as good. I don't know if I have the time or patience to keep such a detailed log. Mine will be more like "gained x lbs, etc etc" haha. Keep it up.

  31. #31
    chest6's Avatar
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    Im really not sure about your breathing problem..

  32. #32
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    this should be a documentary..very neat and organzied log..i can actually sit hear and want to read. keep it up man goodluck

  33. #33
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    vein x did u disappear?...

  34. #34
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ditto.. where you been man?

  35. #35
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Haha, sorry boys! I've honestly been so absorbed with the gym and diet that I just decided 'f*ck the board... for a bit' I wanted to make sure I was 100% focused and mentally there. I've got a big update for you all in a little bit. Thanks for staying faithful, and I hope you can help answer a couple questions I'll post on the bottom of my next post.

  36. #36
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Haha, sorry boys! I've honestly been so absorbed with the gym and diet that I just decided 'f*ck the board... for a bit' I wanted to make sure I was 100% focused and mentally there. I've got a big update for you all in a little bit. Thanks for staying faithful, and I hope you can help answer a couple questions I'll post on the bottom of my next post.
    too..just up tomorow, id like to see how things are goin...

  37. #37
    chest6's Avatar
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    I'll be waiting..but you gotta make time for the board

  38. #38
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    I see this too often. Someone gets on the roids and after they really kick in it's like, "**** the internet, **** those stupid boards, I'm going to train and get some poonanny..." God I can't wait to start my first cycle. You bitches won't see me until the clomid kicks in...

  39. #39
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    In the words of McDonalds: "I'm lovin' it"*.

    This log is awsome, and it shows that you are a writer. The detail that oyu put into each post is amazing. Ive actually been laughing quite hard while reading it due to the images im getting in my head.

    Good job, and good luck with what remains of your cycle

    *On an absolutely unrealated note, 'I'n lovin' it' is obviously short for 'i am loving it'. Incidently, this is an anogram for 'ailing vomit'... i guess that says alot abouy Maccas
    Last edited by Milky87; 01-10-2006 at 06:53 AM.

  40. #40
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    damn, and i actually thought my log was detailed... Mine was crap to this... I love it man, keep it up!

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