03-01-2007, 01:23 AM #1
Test E/Deca/DBOL ~ Operation Get Massive or Die Trying
Operation Get Massive or Die Trying
Sup. Im about to embark on my Test E/Deca /DBOL cycle tonight. i was originally supposed to start this upcoming sunday but got a little excited and thought i would start today. Cycle info is below.
Test E (Iran) - week 1-14 500mg/week (Week one, frontloaded first shot)
Deca - week 1-12 400mg/week (Week one, frontloaded first shot)
DBOL - 30mg/day for 16 days
*letro on hand to combat gyno,, may use 0.25mg/day throughout tho
Letro - 2.5mg/day for a month or so
Nolvadex - 20mg/day for a month
Clomid - week 1-2 100mg/day , week 3 50mg/day
The reason i am only doing dbol for 16 days is cuz lack of gear and $ so i will frontload as well rather than just DBOL.
Injection frequency will be every Sunday afternoon and Wednesday nights.
GOALS: To get as strong and muscular as possible
STATS: 175 lbs, 6', 10% BF, 21 years old, 2nd cycle, MMA fighter
SUPPLEMENTS: I will be taking glutamine, whey protein, multivitamin, vitamin B6, essential fatty acid oils, creatine, and aminovol (amino acids made by Nxcare). Taking in about 3000-3500 calories at the moment, intend to increase intake soon.
Bench: 185lbs
Squat: 255lbs
Deadlift: 225lbs
Cleans: 135lbs
Military Press: 145lbs
Dumbell curls: 50lbs per arm
Pics will come soon.Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 03-01-2007 at 01:30 AM.
03-01-2007, 03:29 AM #2
Just did first injections. It was creepy. Test E took a LONG time to take up into the syringe. Deca was fast to take up. Test E shot didnt hurt at all (in right glute). Deca shot was a bitch the whole way. The penetration by the needle was not as smooth and stung a bit and injection hurt a little (in left glute). As i injected it started to feel numb. It still feels numb and its been about 20 mins since injection. Ive been massaging areas but one still feels numb. Both shots were 2mL each. I feel really tired now for some reason. Hah i was so paranoid i used so many rubbing alcohol pads, the ones that are packaged with alcohol already on them. The pharmacist chics at the pharmacy looked at me all weird when i got the needles. And then i asked if they had rubbing alcohol and their like no and are like this is the downtown area and we seem to have a problem with people if u know wut i mean. She wasnt insulting me but trying to give me a hint that the area is cracked out. lol i was so embarassed.
03-01-2007, 01:48 PM #3
dude you should wait untill your like 23-24 to start another cycle.You have so much nat test right now you are gonna regret it.You should try to build a natural foundation first,look at your stats bench 185 and you claim you already did one cycle,come on do some research around here anybody will tell you.Iam only 21 I did two cycle a while back at 19 and I regret it.I plan on getting as strong as possible then when I turn 24 I will hit the juice again.I know you are gonna do it anyway goodluck!
Last edited by LegendKiller85; 03-01-2007 at 01:52 PM.
03-02-2007, 11:58 AM #4
It been about a day and a half, since my first shot. It was the first shot i had ever done myself. My 1st cycle which was 4 years ago, my cousin injected me. My ass is still sore from the shots. It feels like how a bruise feels, no redness or swelling just sore. Anyone know how long this is supposed to last? Im feeling the mental effects of it already. Not roid rage yet but the feeling of euphoria. Perhaps it is a placebo effect because i doubt that i would feel that this quick. I remember from my first cycle the feeling was more than i am experiencing now, so the evidence points to it possibly being a placebo effect.
03-03-2007, 08:36 PM #5
i guess ill help you out a little. seems like you should have done a little more research before you started but o well. on this cycle you should go ahead and use .25mg/day letro throughout. on the pct, letro is kinda unnecessary. nolva and clomid is fine. although, i would pyramid the nolva. maybe 20mg/day first two weeks then 10mg/day second two weeks. if you're feeling any affects at all so far its because of the dbol but you definately wont feel anything from the test for a good 3-4 weeks. period. as far as the soreness goes, thats normal. sometimes it can be pretty unbearable at first but your injection sites should get used to it midway through the cycle. whats ur diet like??
03-03-2007, 08:42 PM #6
Hes a vegetarian. LOL.
sorry sorry Im done.
03-03-2007, 09:24 PM #7Originally Posted by chest6
he also gained 10lbs off his first cycle with a starting weight of 145lbs...
03-05-2007, 03:15 PM #8
injected test e and deca last nite in both delts, 2 mls each. Muscles are sore, not as sore as glutes were with first shot but manageable. Deca hurts like a biatch tho when i injected, like it hurt as soon as i pressed the plunger like i could feel it going in, big time. Gained 5 lbs (morning weight). I suspect from DBOL , all water retention. Felt gyno hitting me big time this morning. LIke a 10 second stint, my nips hurt big time, outta nowhere. So took a spray of letro. I have existing gyno from puberty.
03-05-2007, 04:32 PM #9Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
If you already have gyno you dont want to make it worse.
Letro will lower SHBG levels to, so more free test will be available to bind your recepters.
03-05-2007, 04:37 PM #10
Damn your weak + small.
You on a cycle is ridiculous.
Sad but true.
03-05-2007, 04:59 PM #11Originally Posted by Hellmask
03-05-2007, 08:00 PM #12Originally Posted by Hellmask
03-05-2007, 08:29 PM #13
That is a horrible cycle for mma and any mma fighter would know that. Your mma experiance is probably about real as stats.
03-05-2007, 10:02 PM #14Originally Posted by mn_fighter
03-06-2007, 03:00 AM #15
I know its not an mma geared cycle and i didnt say it was sposed to be. Its geared for gaining mass as it states in my first post. MMA is on backburners because of torn ACL. Stats are real. When i first posted on this board, i wasnt working out which is why i was small. Think wut u want tho. I took everybodies advice and revamped my nutrition which is how i gained so much weight. No definition at all tho anymore. And oh by the way has anyone of you ever trained with any UFC champion. Well i have, chuck liddell. I have pics to prove, if ur that skeptical. LOL and why is tym sylvia on that cover lol. Im glad he got his ass kicked. And i am kinda small lol, which is why im cycling duh.hah
Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 03-06-2007 at 03:07 AM.
03-06-2007, 08:29 AM #16Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
NO thats not why you cycle. Thats why you eat like you were taught how to and then gain naturally for a few years.
03-06-2007, 09:13 AM #17Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger
Last edited by Johny-too-small; 03-06-2007 at 09:23 AM.
03-06-2007, 09:21 AM #18
This thread is going down hill in a hurry
03-06-2007, 12:11 PM #19Originally Posted by dhriscerr
03-06-2007, 12:27 PM #20
threads like this started by someone who shouldn't be juicing always go down in flames.
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