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  1. #1
    Andresfgiraldo is offline New Member
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    I need urgent help with Deca-Durabolin

    Hi my name is Andres I am 6'0" and about 210lbs and I am starting a 6 week cycle of Deca Durabolin in about a week or so...
    I was wondering what kind of side effects are normal and what I should be expecting when i start this cycle?
    Should i stack this with Cell-Tech Creatine?Will it do to much liver damage if I do?
    Also, I was wondering once I get off this cycle will I lose all muscle gain?
    Thanks please help a "newbie",

  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    Post ok now

    Ok man, hold off the cycle for just a little me youll never regret it. Read somemore info on this board (theres tons of it.) Now a few questions:

    How old are you?
    what are your stats?
    training experience?

    I cant say that CELL TECH or Creatine would give you more liver damage..i could be wrong. Also you may wish to add some DBOL to the cycle in weeks 1-4 to jumpstart the DECa . YOu will need Clomid for the aftercycle. This will help you bring your natural TEST levels back to normal and keep your gains. Since you are using Deca you may want some BROMO. This will help you if you show signs of deca gyno (bitch tits.)

    hope this helps for now


  3. #3
    XXX is offline New Member
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    bro fisrt thing u have to do urself for own good is read read till at least u know what ur getting
    into bro, u will regret u didnt no u started a cycle and had no clue, read the drug profile,
    cycle info....

  4. #4
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    I certainly agree that you need to learn about gear before jumping in. I have several questions for you to think about.
    1. What kind of goals do you have?
    2. Will the Deca help you reach your goal, and do you know what to do post cycle to keep your gains?
    3. How much Deca are you thinking about using?
    4. Why 6 weeks?

    As for the side effects...Deca is one of the safer AS but some experience progesterone induced gyno, and as far as I know the anti E's like Nolvadex and Arimidex won't help that aromatization. (Though some say Winny will.) Creatine studies on liver function seem to say now that you should not injest it with protein because it stresses the liver and may cause problems. Most injectables don't stress the liver like the orals can.

    Finally if you don't know exactly what you're doing, how you're doing it, and what you'll do when it's will be wasting your money and your time. Be careful please.

  5. #5
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    You need more research bro.

    6 weeks is a little short on the deca .

    side effects include getting tits and having a limp dick.

  6. #6
    Andresfgiraldo is offline New Member
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    Ok I'm 18 years old and i want to gain about 15-20 lbs of muscle and reduce my body fat.
    Iv'e been training for almsot 2 years now, but i want to start "juicing" because I want to get biggger quicker...
    Now I was recommended Deca -Durabolin , but what else do you guys recommend for a " 1 st timer". Im only doing a 6 week or 9 week cycle because I want to see if i like it and what kind of side effects i can expect....
    Also, is there anything that is good for 1st timers that wont cause "bitch tits" or gynco etc....What should i do "Post" my cycle to keep my gains...?
    Please reply

  7. #7
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    OK bro, no flame but 18 years old is a little young to start using AAS. Yout natural test levels must be very high. If you eat a Whole HELLOVA LOT you will gain weight very quickly. IMO hold off on the roids.

    however, if you are not going to take this advice then i would recommend the following.

    run the deca for a full 10 weeks
    you may wish to stack it with a test (prob. enanthate or cyp..esentially the same) this will 1)combat the Deca Dick 2)test is a good foundation (many will tell you)
    bitch tits caused by deca need to be treated with BROMO if I am not mistaken. get some!
    post cycle you need to run clomid...starting 3 weeks after your last deca shot run 300mg day 1... 100mg next 10 days...50mg next ten days.
    you will learn all this with some careful reading. Steroids are serious business and can lead to serious problems if not taken correctly. Please wait and learn some more first..

    again no flame just my humble opinion


  8. #8
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    Bro do not run the deca for 6 weeks because u will see little next to NO results whats to ever. I know you are worried about side effects just as i was before i was starting this first cycle of mine, (deca only 400mg a week 10 weeks) im on week 7 now 10 pounds up. I added winny in my cycle but i regretfully did not start with test, which i should have. Although you are only 18 and everyone here will flame you for being too young, i know you will do the cycle either way so do a bit of research on this board at other members cycles before you decide to start yours. 15-20 pounds is a lot to gain and you would definatly need test with your deca to gain it unless you consume 5000+ cals a day for your whole cycle.

  9. #9
    still growin is offline Member
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    6 weeks is too short imo. especially to gain 10-15lbs! Takes 3+ weeks for deca to start kicking in for me. If you are worried about sides, use lower doses, not shorter times. I would reccommend 400mg for 10 weeks. You probably won't get gyno at this low a dose. Some people will get, some will not. I have done 600 week with no probs. "deca dick" may be a concern. This happens because deca shuts down your hpta hard, your natural test production is extremely low, more than likely non-existent. That is why people recommend you take test with it. Clomid as symatech described 3 weeks after last shot (week 13)
    D-bol is a good jump start, but If you are concerned with sides, probably not the best choice for a first cycle.

  10. #10
    still growin is offline Member
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    Oh, to combat deca gyno caused not by estrogen, but by progesterone, you would use bromocriptine. Very hard to find though. Wouldn't worry too much, but its nice to have some, or at least know where to get it just incase.

  11. #11
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    In my opinion you can get just about the same results from natural traing as you can with 200mg / week of deca , i wish i was 18 and knew what i know now, i would have been's all about nutrition and a proper exercise program, at you age you already have a surplus of all hormons, HGH, Test, IGF-1, your insulin sensitivity is probably high as well, now that is so much to work with and get bigger on your own without the use of for wanting it quick well we all do, but see my back in my avatar, well that was 10 years in the making Bro, and i have used stuff, see what i mean it all takes time no matter how you do it, so be patient and work hard at your age you can gain that 15 lbs in 1/2 year maybe even less, and guess what no sides and you get to keep it all...remember it's all about Nutrition and Proper Workout...good luck...XXL

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