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  1. #1
    desrin is offline New Member
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    D-Bol/Sust/Fina First Cycle

    Started my first cycle yesterday, I'm frontloading the sust for the first two weeks.

    Taking the needle was an experience... not even close to as bad as I thought it would be, it took me about 5 mins to get relaxed enough to do it, and it was kinda hard to keep my hand steady when putting it in but all in all not bad at all. The charlie horse isnt very bad today, probably cause I put it in my ass for the first one.

    Anyways I'm taking 1cc Sust a week, 35mg D-Bol a day. Multi-vitamin, Vitamin C, Milk Thistle twice a day. 5000+ Calories a day (2000 for breakfast alone). I'm also waking up halfway through my sleep and taking an Nlarge2 shake every night. Taking Liquidex too, I'm kinda paranoid about gyno.

    I got up to 195 from 175 before I started, I'm hoping to gain 30lbs and keep 20lbs+. Its probably gonna be hard to hit 30lbs but I think the fina will be the kicker.

    Anyways heres my stats before:

    Bench: 190lbs
    Dead-Lift: 225 x 6 (I've never tried just my max)
    Squat: 225 x 6
    Leg Press: 450

    If anyone has any other tips to maximize growth feel free to give me tips, as long as I keep it above 5000 *good* calories a day I should get good gains I hope.

    Only thing i noticed today is that I have a sharp pain in my left shoulder, i did back yesterday but I havent had a pain like this since I first started working out.

    Thought I would add in my cycle too:

    Weeks 1-2 Sust 500 mg per week
    Weeks 3-10 Sust 250 mg. Per week
    Weeks 1-4 D-bol 35 mg. ED
    Weeks 5 – 8 Fina 100 mg. EOD
    Weeks 9 – 13 Winny tabs 50 mg ed
    Weeks 14-15 Clomid Therapy
    Weeks 1- 15 .25mg. liquidex

    Heres some pics, I've got a little chub from gaining the 20lbs before starting:

    Last edited by desrin; 09-11-2002 at 11:10 AM.

  2. #2
    latinherc is offline New Member
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    jesus! you are gonna blow your shirts! post your stats..cycle looks good its gonna kick you bigtime...enjoy

  3. #3
    Aragorn's Avatar
    Aragorn is offline Senior Member
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    No need for the frontload, keep the test at 500mg for the whole 10 weeks (2 shots a week).


  4. #4
    Jenseno9's Avatar
    Jenseno9 is offline Member
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    Desrin, how did you get your Fina (i'm not asking for a scource). Did you make it from the pills or did you get it from someone else? I'm just wondering b/c i think i would like to try it but i have read that it is not made anymore.

  5. #5
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    agree with aragorn
    no need to front load cause using dbol and do sus at 2 per week 1 on say mon and 1 on thurs---it will work a lot better
    other than that it looks good and welcome to board

  6. #6
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    First cycle? I really don't think you should be using tren (fina) at all. I'm not riding a high horse here bro, just using common sense. Although tren is one of the best (most effective) drugs out there, it is also one of the most toxic. You have no idea how your body is gonna react to these outside substances you are introducing to it, you may or may not have a high tolerance level. I would recommend erring on the side of caution and holding on to the tren for a later cycle, that would be the safest and most logical thing to do.

    Also, you look pretty old are you?

  7. #7
    BELLICOSE's Avatar
    BELLICOSE is offline Banned
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    How long have you been lifting? Serious, hard lifting?
    By looking at you development, i would guess one year

  8. #8
    desrin is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Jenseno9
    Desrin, how did you get your Fina (i'm not asking for a scource). Did you make it from the pills or did you get it from someone else? I'm just wondering b/c i think i would like to try it but i have read that it is not made anymore.
    pellets + kit. the guy im doing it with knows what hes doing so i didnt make it myself.

  9. #9
    desrin is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Pete235
    First cycle? I really don't think you should be using tren (fina) at all. I'm not riding a high horse here bro, just using common sense. Although tren is one of the best (most effective) drugs out there, it is also one of the most toxic. You have no idea how your body is gonna react to these outside substances you are introducing to it, you may or may not have a high tolerance level. I would recommend erring on the side of caution and holding on to the tren for a later cycle, that would be the safest and most logical thing to do.

    Also, you look pretty old are you?
    I'm 20, ill be 21 by the 7th week.

  10. #10
    desrin is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by BELLICOSE
    How long have you been lifting? Serious, hard lifting?
    By looking at you development, i would guess one year
    14 months SERIOUS lifting. Before that I would mess around and had a pathetic diet.

    Anyways status report on my cycle:

    No gains at all yet, only my third day in. My ass is still kinda sore where the shot was but not too noticeable, I'm going to double my glutamine intake per day.

    Started a new thing at the gym yesterday, we were doing shoulders and say I barely get 10 reps my gym partner helps me do two more even tho I wouldnt be able to do them myself. I'm sure theres a name for it but i cant remember right now. Anyways adding the extra two forced reps makes a huge difference on the pump, and my shoulders are feeling it today.

    Also when I woke up today at 7 my stomach felt like it was eating itself, putting 5 eggs in it made it calm down but I have NEVER been that hungry in the morning, and since I took a 3 scoop Nlarge2 at 3:00am my appetite is definately increasing. 5900 calories yesterday, 409g protein.

  11. #11
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    bro thats a lot of protein. i am 242lbs at 5'10" and i do about 250 grams protein per day. 490 is way too much for your size and it will be hard on kidneys. if you insist on doing that much then drink ALOT of water

    agree with pete i'd hold off on fina for next cycle or longer. at your age and experience id do basics which is the sus dbol and winny with clomid to follow. maybe do deca and test next one then a year or so hit the fina. fina is hard on kidneys(with all that protein youll be on dialysis)and causes pimples and HARD HPTA SHUTDOWN.

    as far as training on gear be careful---when doing forced reps to negative failure(name you wanted) you can cause serious injury. the muscles are getting bigger and stronger but tendons and ligaments are not. i never do negative failure always positive failure if my partner has to do the weight for me i rack---did i still get big---i got over 19" arms and best bench 445lbs so yes you can still grow

  12. #12
    desrin is offline New Member
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    I have 6 litres+ of water going through me a day, yesterday was an abnormally high protein day, usually im at 300-330g, i think i took one too many scoops of whey.

    If i take out the fina I dont have the money to replace it with something else, so its fina or just a dbol /test cycle. I am taking down the fina tho to 75 mg, 100mg is too much.

  13. #13
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Up your water intake to 8 litres a day (2 gallons). How much protein are you getting from powders (shakes)? Powders should be used as a suppliment to protein intake...not a replacement. I try not to use any more than 3 shakes per day (2 scoops max) and it's usually only 2 shakes per day. How are you getting 5900 calories in one day? Could you please break down what you are eating. I'm not doubting you but I think you may be a little off with your calcualtions. I agree with Tapout....too many cals and too much protein for your size.

    As far as taking the tren out completely, that is your best bet. You could still see good results from dbol /test only but my recommendation would be to hold off until you can afford some deca or EQ. There's no rush to start this cycle is there? Just be patient and make sure you have everything.

  14. #14
    desrin is offline New Member
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    Cycle is already started.... hence my first post, this is supposed to be a progress report thread.

    Heres what i ate, my gf messed up and put one too many shakes into my calculator, I only got 5400 cals/ 396g protein... thanks for makin me look like an idiot honey....

    195lbs today

    2 scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet

    2 Scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet
    5 Eggs scrambled
    1/2 cup Cottage Cheese
    1/2 cup Yogurt (Lowfat)
    1/2 cup Slow Oats
    1/4 cup raisins

    2 Scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet

    1 Chicken breast, without bone, roasted, skin not eaten
    1 cup Mashed Potatoes
    1 Whole Wheat Bagel
    1 Tsp butter
    2 Scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet

    1 Carbo Blast (high carb drink after workout)
    2 Scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet

    3 cups Spaghetti, cooked, whole wheat, fat not added in cooking
    1 cup tomato sauce
    1 cup, cooked, ground beef, lean

    2 scoops Nlarge2, 1 scoop Whey Gourmet
    Last edited by desrin; 09-12-2002 at 11:19 AM.

  15. #15
    desrin is offline New Member
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    Anybody know why i have such a bad headache now? I get a headache like once a year and I was just wonderin if it was normal to get em or not. It seems to be going away now but it was pretty bad right after my workout today.

  16. #16
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    dbol causes head aches
    water retension and bp goes up

    for eating-- bro you eat more than me almost 2x as much where the hell do you put it and how do you have time for it

    i still like what pete said and drop the fina---test and dbol cycle will be fine but if you insist try 35mg per day(1/2 cc) and if not enough go up

  17. #17
    desrin is offline New Member
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    i dunno man i just eat and eat and then when i cant eat i call myself a pussy and eat some more. I have a nice easy desk job too so all day I just sit there on my comp and eat.

    thanks for all the feedback guys.

  18. #18
    boomer 28's Avatar
    boomer 28 is offline New Member
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    I've done a similar stack but it only lasted 3 weeks, Get ready to buy some new clothes junior. I hope you enjoy your new body

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