05-08-2008, 04:41 PM #1
Pics of results from 1st Cycle - Need suggestions for 2nd.
Hello. I finished my first deca and test prop cycle about three weeks ago. At least for me I was happy with the results. I have dropped 20lbs since the cycle ended ( high was 240 during cycle) but do not feel I have lost muscle. My goal is to have more of an athletic/swimmer's build than have huge muscles. That being said, here are my current stats:
42 years old
I don't know all my measurements, but my chest is approx. 47"
Body fat (taken by gym worker) = 18.5%
I have enough test prop for my second cycle and I am wondering what some of the more advanced/knowledgeable folks think I should add to it for my second cycle. I had no problems with gyno on the first cycle, nor was it a problem doing daily injections for me. Most of the novice/beginner cycles don't use test prop as part of the cycle. Since I have alot left over I would like to use it if possible. One cycle I saw in a thread titled, "Post your dream cycle," was :
weeks 1-8 prop 100mg eod
weeks 1-8 npp 100mg eod
weeks 1-4 tbol 60mg ed
weeks 5-8 var 60/70 mg ed
Letro on hand for gyno
clomid and aromasin for pct
Would this be considered too advanced a cycle. My feeling is the forum is going to say yes since I have one cycle under my belt. As it was considered someone's dream cycle though, I thought I'd put it out there. I have attached some pics as well. The black and white ones were closer to when my cycle ended. The color ones are from this morning.
Here is my current diet.
Fat Carb Protein Cal.
Breakfast 32 60 46 720
8AM:6 eggs, 1 cup oatmeat
Snack 6 3 19 147
11AM: Starkist Tuna pouch, 1 tblsp mayo
Lunch 3.5 33 32 280
1PM: Chicken breast and 1 cup brown rice
Snack 6 3 19 147
4PM: Tuna puoch and 1 tblsp mayo
Shake 19.5 76 35 590
6PM: 1 scoop whey, 2 tblsp peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 small low carb/sugar yogurt smoothie
PWO Shake 2.5 5 20 130
8/9PM: 1 scoop whey
Dinner 3.5 50 35 228
9/10PM: Chickenb breast, brown rice, broccoli spears
Totals 73 Fat, 230 Carb, 206 Protein, 2242 Calories
I look forward to your comments and suggestions. Thanks.
05-08-2008, 04:45 PM #2
I know this is not what you want to hear, but you are no where near your natural potential, and should not be cycling at all. Just my 2 cents.
05-08-2008, 06:54 PM #3
Point taken. That being your position do you have any comments on my diet or specific suggestions on areas you think I should concentrate on. As a point of reference, I had been working out regularly for approx. A year, 8 months of which were with a trainer. I saw minimal changes in my body. The lack of change didn't help in terms of motivating me. I did a cycle of test prop and deca and saw changes somewhat quickly. I dropped my spare tire, developed muscle mass (which was not the case prior), and more than anything my mental attitude changed in a positive way. I no longer felt defeated in the gym. I agree that I have room for lots of improvement. But at 42 the AAS helped jump start my body into making changes.
05-08-2008, 07:08 PM #5
I can't help with 2nd cycle advice because I only have 2 dbol cycles done.
I think you should re-check your BF% because it looks more like 12 or 13%. I could be wrong but you look nothing like 18.5%.
05-08-2008, 07:11 PM #6
Hit the diet forums, there are stickies at the top that will help in the overall direction you want to go. Good luck.
05-08-2008, 07:18 PM #7
At 42, I would have looked into TRT/HRT through a doc first. Diet needs some work. I would post it in diet section though.
05-09-2008, 01:10 AM #8
05-09-2008, 01:18 AM #9
Your bodyfat is way lower than 18.5 mate. I'd say 12%.
Your diet definitely needs some work. Consult the diet forum to get some great advices.
05-09-2008, 06:45 AM #10
Glad to see the concensus was that my BF was lower. I thought the 18.5 seemed high, but that's what they told me. Those BF scales (returned it) had me at 22 percent. Anyway, I did originally post in the diet forum on April 25 and got zero replies so I reposted here. Last night I reposted it in Narkosis (sp?) Thread he had started on diet advise. I'm old enough and smart enough not to be offended with constructive criticism. So far the concensus is delay any second cycle but there hasn't been much on specific things I should be doing except go to the diet forum. I will do that. If there is any other advise that would be great. Thanks all.
05-11-2008, 09:04 AM #11
first off, it takes some balls to post your pics and cycles on here bro, so let me thank you for that. that said, you have a lot of potential to grow and put on size naturally without oils, i know your're older and it will be a bit tougher for you. but if you want size get some good supplements like a gainer, maybe some creatine, glutamine, etc, change your diet up, and hit the gym constantly with a good routine. you can get all that information here on the forum, just read read read... then read some more. (it's what i had to do and am still doing)
all that aside, as the others mentioned i'd probably suggest holding off on another cycle until you have your diet, routine, and workout knowledge in check. cheers and g'luck bro
05-11-2008, 09:41 AM #12
Thanks for your post. I am and have been taking creatine and glutamine. I am working on the diet. I am sure I need to mix up my workout. Is there a place or thread you know of with good routines?
05-11-2008, 01:52 PM #13
Well done. Keep it up
05-12-2008, 06:01 AM #14
Thanks Gov.
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