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  1. #1
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    AAS Experience Log


    The meaning of this thread is to inform only, since I do not condone either promote any use of AAS among the readers.

    Whatever I write is for entertainment purposes only and do not take any responsability for any misuse of the information here reported.

    Furthermore, this thread is to be viewed only by those who are at least 21 years of age.

    Seek a professional consultation for any medical advices.

    This thread is best viewed at a resolution of 1920x1200.


    Steroids and anabolic steroids do have side effects. Do not be fooled into thinking there is a perfect steroid out there. That is not true. All steroids carry some type of side effects in one form or another. There is no such thing as a side effect free steroid. There are many side effects of using any medical treatment, including steroids. Here are some things an athlete might experience through the use of steroids:

    • Your body wants to maintain a balance of hormones, so by undertaking a steroid regimen will send a signal to your body to shut down its own natural hormonal production. The levels of inhibition vary depending on the type of hormone ingested and most often, but not always, the endogenous hormone production resumes after the athlete stops his/her steroid regimen.

    • The liver can be affected with orally ingested steroids . This means that studies have shown the levels of liver enzymes to increase after ingesting oral steroids which is an indication of liver activity. While some experts say that this is a sign of possible liver damage, other studies have shown that enzyme levels return to normal when the athlete stops taking the steroids.

    • Steroids can affect levels of cholesterol. Athletes who use steroids show increased levels of LDL’s (the “bad” cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL’s (the “good” cholesterol). This may also explain why anabolic steroids have been linked to cardiovascular problems.

    Anabolic steroids increase the levels of estrogen in the body which can lead to female-like breast tissue in males. However, there are anti-estrogen drugs that can help reduce this risk. Likewise, females who use anabolic steroids might begin to develop male characteristics such as hirsuitism or deepening of the voice, as well as clitoris enlargement.

    • Athletes who use anabolic steroids might also experience increased acne; this is often related to the type and amount of steroids used.

    • One of the most commonly suspected side effects of steroids use is increased aggressiveness. This is a real but rare side effect of steroids use; in fact most studies show that this increased aggressiveness or sometimes mania is more prevalent in people who were aggressive to begin with.

    • There are other effects on internal organs (caused by the types and doses of steroids as well as the effects of the exercise/training regimen that goes along with trying to “bulk” or “cut”) that are often reversed at the cessation of steroids use. These include enlarged prostate, high blood pressure, kidney problems and changes in the immune system.

    • Sterility is also a possible side effect as the hormones in the body are altered during use of anabolic steroids. This can often be reversed or remedied with proper hormone treatments.

    Some steroids will stop the growth of people who use them before they have finished growing. This is one of the few side effects that cannot be reversed through stopping a steroid regimen.
    • Always remember, effects of steroids are very serious. Users do experience bad and negative side effects, so be warned! Do your own researches.
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-14-2010 at 01:40 PM.

  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Post OXANDROLONE Cycle 1/2

    BULKING (23/09/2009 - 17/11/2009)
    Week 1-8 Oxandrolone [UG] 60 mg ed (ttl 2.940 mg) (Breakfast/Lunch)
    Week 4-7 Mesterolone [PG] 50 mg ed (ttl 1.400 mg) (Breakfast/Dinner)
    PCT (18/11/2009 - 28/12/2009)
    Week 9-10 Clomiphene Citrate [PG] 50/50 mg ed (ttl 700 mg) (Breakfast)
    Week 9-11 Tamoxifen Citrate [PG] 20/20/20 mg ed (ttl 420 mg) (Breakfast)
    Week 11-12 Clenbuterol Hydrochloride [PG] 60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60 mcg ed (ttl 800 mcg) (Breakfast)
    Week 12-13 Glutathione [PG] 600 mg ed (ttl 6.000 mg) (Morning)


    BMR: 1.954 Kcal
    Daily Diet (3.159 Kcal): 300 g of Protides, 55 g of Lipides, 366 g of Glucides
    Protides/Glucides Relation: 0,81
    Supplements: Multi Vitamins/Minerals, Vitamin C/Ester, EFA complex, ALA, LIV.52, CLA, ZMA, Chromium Picolinate, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine, BCAA, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Glycine, l-Arginine, Alpha-Ketoisocaproic Acid Calcium.

    STRENGTH (8 reps):__________________________________________Da y 56
    Squat (legs) 100 kg (220 lbs)_______________________________________130 kg (286 lbs) +30%
    One Arm Dumbbell Row (back) 30 kg (66 lbs)___________________________44 kg (96,8 lbs) +46,66%
    Bench Press with Dumbbells (chest) 30 kg (66 lbs) each_________________40 kg (88 lbs) +33,33%
    Military Press with Dumbbells (shoulders) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) each____________34 kg (74,8 lbs) +41,66%
    Dumbbells Curls (biceps - seated) 24 kg (52,8 lbs) each_________________30 kg (66 lbs) +25%
    Dumbbells Curls (triceps - lying down) 18 kg (39,6 lbs) each______________24 kg (52,8 lbs) +33,33%

    Strength Acquisition: 35% estimate
    Formula: (current-previous)/previous*100 = (+) increase% or (-) decrease%

    STATS:__________________________________________Day 16_____________________________Day 35_____________________________Day 56______________________________________Day 62 (1W PCT)
    36 years old, 187 cm (6'2" ft)
    Body Weight: 87,5 kg (192,5 lbs)_________________________94,5 kg (207,9 lbs) +8%_____________98,9 kg (217,6 lbs) +13,02%_________96,5 kg (212,3 lbs) +10,28%__________________94,7 kg (208,3 lbs) +8,23%
    Body Fat: 12,9%______________________________________14% +8,52%_______________________14,6% +13,17%____________________14% +8,52%________________________________12,3% -3,14%
    Body Water: 63,2%____________________________________63,6% +0,63%_____________________63,8% +0,94%_____________________64% +1,26%
    Estimated Muscle Mass: 73,5 kg (161,7 lbs)________________77,3 kg (170,6 lbs) +5,17%__________80,3 kg (176,66 lbs) +9,25%_________78,9 kg (173,58 lbs) +7,34%__________________79,6 kg (175,1 lbs) +8,30%

    Lean Body Mass Acquisition (LBM): 9,043 kg (19,89 lbs)
    New Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 2.053 Kcal

    __________________________________________________18__________36__________51__________56__________98 (4W PCT)_____122 (8W PCT)

    ERYTHROCYTES: 5,18 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]__________________________________________________ ___5,2_________5,34
    LEUCOCYTES: 7,3 mila/mmc [4 - 9]__________________________________________________ _______8,6_________7,5
    - NE: 4,1 / 55,8 % [2 - 6 / 37 - 80]__________________________________________________ __________________4,1 / 54,8
    - LY: 2,4 / 33 % [0,6 - 36 / 10 - 50]__________________________________________________ _________________2,7 / 35,6
    - MO: 0,6 / 8,6 % [0 - 0,9 / 0 - 12]__________________________________________________ __________________0,5 / 7,1
    - EO: 0,2 / 2,1 % [0 - 7 / 0 - 7]__________________________________________________ _____________________0,1 / 1,8
    - BA: 0 / 0,5 % [0 - 0,2 / 0 - 2,5]__________________________________________________ ____________________0,1 / 0,7
    HEMOGLOBIN: 14,9 gr/dl [14 - 18]__________________________________________________ ________13,6________15,6
    HEMATOCRIT: 45,3 % [42 - 52]__________________________________________________ __________44,1________45,5
    MCV: 87,5 femtol [82 - 98]__________________________________________________ ______________84,8________85,2
    MCH: 28,8 picogr. [27 - 31]__________________________________________________ _____________26,2________29,2
    MCHC: 32,9 gr/dl [32 - 36]__________________________________________________ ______________30,8________34,3
    RDW: 13,5 % [11,6 - 16]__________________________________________________ ___________________________14
    GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 55,8 % [37 - 80]__________________________________________________ ____60,7________54,8
    GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,1 % [0 - 7]__________________________________________________ ________1,9_________1,8
    GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,5 % [0 - 2,5]__________________________________________________ ________0,7_________0,7
    LYMPHOCYTES: 33,0 % [10 - 50]__________________________________________________ ________28,4________35,6
    MONOCYTES: 8,6 % [0 - 12]__________________________________________________ _____________8,3_________7,1
    PLATELETS: 163000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]________________________________________________336000_____164000
    PCT: 0,12 % [0,1 - 1]__________________________________________________ ______________________________0,12
    MPV: 7,3 fl [5 - 10]__________________________________________________ ________________________________7,2
    PDW: 17,4 % [12 - 18]__________________________________________________ _____________________________18,5

    GLYCEMIA (basal): 90 mg/dl [70 - 110]__________________________________________________ ________________98
    QUICK PROTHROMBIN TIME: 13,7 s_________________________________________________ ____________________13,1
    PROTHROMBIN ACTIVITY: 69,6 % [70- 130]__________________________________________________ ___________86
    INR: 1,18__________________________________________________ ________________________________________1,09
    APTT: 27,5 s_________________________________________________ ______________________________________27,8
    FIBRINOGEN: 185 mg/dl [180 - 350]__________________________________________________ __________________184,7
    HOMOCYSTEINE: 10 mcmoli/l [6 - 15]__________________________________________________ _________________9,5
    MYOGLOBIN: 26 ng/ml [10 - 46]__________________________________________________ ______________________38
    AZOTEMIA: 49 mg/dl [15 - 40]________________________62__________57_______________________56_________53______________52,8
    CREATININE: 1,2 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]_____________________1,2__________1,2______________________1,3_________1,3
    HYPERURICEMIA: 5,9 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2]__________________________________________________ ________________5,5
    CHOLESTEROL TTL: 168 mg/dl [140 - 220]______________179_________205______________________232________194
    CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 33 mg/dl [20 - 40]__________________________________________________ _______________30
    CHOLESTEROL LDL: 105 mg/dl [<150]___________________157_________199_____________________202_________129_____________101
    CHOLESTEROL HDL: 41 mg/dl [>40]_ ___________________13__________11_______________________13__________45
    INDEX RISK HDL: 4,1 [till 5]___________________________13,76_______19,2_____________________17,8________4,3
    APO A1: 185 mg/dl [115 - 220]__________________________________________________ ______________________190
    APO B: 77 mg/dl [55 - 125]__________________________________________________ __________________________79
    RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,41 [0,35 - 1]__________________________________________________ _____________________0,41
    TRIGLYCERIDES: 95 mg/dl [<150]__________________________________________________ _____________________104
    GAMMA (YGT): 28 u/ltr [15 - 85]______________________29__________28_______________________26__________40
    ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 71 u/ltr [50 - 136]__________________________________________________ ___________72
    BILIRUBIN TTL: 1,98 mg/dl [0,2 - 1]___________________0,83_________0,78_________________________________0,93____________1,54
    BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,22 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]______________0,1__________0,1__________________________________0,1_____________0,53
    BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 1,76 mg/dl [till 0,7]________________0,73________0,68_________________________________0,83____________1,01
    TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 21 u/ltr [15 - 37]_____________55__________50_______________________46_________28______________58
    TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 41 u/ltr [30 - 65]_____________86__________66_______________________95__________71______________77
    FERRITIN: 124,5 ng/ml [24 - 336]__________________________________________________ ____________________124
    LIPASE: 236 u/ltr [114 - 284]__________________________________________________ ________________________298____________216
    AMYLASE: 62 u/ltr [25 - 115]_________________________55__________63_______________________64__________75_____________76
    LDH: 160 u/ltr [100 - 190]__________________________________________________ __________________________155
    CPK MB: 200 u/ltr [35 - 232]__________________________________________________ ________________________230
    CK NAK: 150 u/l [till 167]__________________________________________________ ___________________________165
    PROTIDES TTL: 7,4 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]__________________________________________________ _______7,8_________7,7
    ALBUMIN: 59,1 % [51 - 63,3]__________________________________________________ ____________60,3________63,1
    ALFA 1: 2,9 % [2,2 - 4,3]__________________________________________________ _______________2,4_________2,3
    ALFA 2: 10,1 % [9,5 - 14]__________________________________________________ ______________12,6________8,5
    BETA: 9,6 % [10 - 14,5]__________________________________________________ _______________11,3_________9,3
    GAMMA: 18,3 % [12 - 20]__________________________________________________ _______________13,4________16,8
    A/G RATIO: 1,44 [1 - 1,7]__________________________________________________ _______________1,52________1,71
    PSA: 0,64 ng/ml [till 4]__________________________________________________ _________________0,39_________0,58
    PSA FREE: 0,22__________________________________________________ ____________________________________0,24
    PSA FREE/TTL: 0,40 [>0,15]__________________________________________________ _________________________0,41
    PAP: 4,8 u/ltr [<=4,7]_ __________________________________________________ _____________________________5,1
    IGG: 1447 mg/dl [681 - 1648]__________________________________________________ ________________________1455
    IGA: 304 mg/dl [87 - 474]__________________________________________________ ___________________________321
    IGD: 50 u/ml [till 100]__________________________________________________ _______________________________57
    IGM: 99 mg/dl [48 - 312]__________________________________________________ ____________________________97
    IGE (prist): 37,47 iu/ml [1,31 - 165,3]__________________________________________________ _________________39,77

    HIV-Ab (1+2): 0,16 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ __________0,18 non-react
    HCV-Ab: 0,13 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ _______________0,12 non-react
    HBS-Ag: 0,37 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ _______________0,39 non-react
    HAV-Ab (IgT): >85 react miu/ml [<35]__________________________________________________ _________________>85 react
    HAV-Ab (IgM): 0,08 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]__________________________________________________ __________0,07 non-react
    TAS: 110 ui/ml [0 - 166]__________________________________________________ ____________________________111
    VDRL: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________________________negative
    CRP: 2 mg/dl [till 5]__________________________________________________ _________________________________2,1
    REUMA TEST: <20 iu/ml [<20]__________________________________________________ ________________________<20
    ESR: 5 mm/h [till 15]__________________________________________________ ________________________________5
    LYSOZYME: 7 picog/ml [4 - 13]__________________________________________________ _______________________7
    ACE: 9 mcg/l [6 - 12]__________________________________________________ _______________________________8,5
    RAST Egg: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Yolk: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Crayfish: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Yeast: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Pork: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Fish Mix: 0,1 [<0,3]
    RAST Olea Europaea Pollen: 0,1 [<0,3]

    VITAMIN A: 779,2 mcg/l [300 - 650]__________________________________________________ _________________692,1
    VITAMIN E: 12,6 mg/ltr [5 - 20]__________________________________________________ ______________________100
    VITAMIN C: 0,9 mg/ml [0,5 - 1,5]__________________________________________________ ____________________1,2
    VITAMIN B12: 587 pg/ml [179 - 1162]__________________________________________________ _________________787
    VITAMIN D3: 60 ng/ml [10 - 45]__________________________________________________ _____________________40
    VITAMIN H: 82 ng/ml [70 - 100]__________________________________________________ _____________________90
    VITAMIN K: 22 mcg/ml [15 - 30]__________________________________________________ _____________________26
    VITAMIN PP: 0,7 mg/ml [0,5 - 0,8]__________________________________________________ ___________________0,7
    SODIUM: 142 meq/l [136 - 145]__________________________________________________ ______________________139
    POTASSIUM: 4,0 meq/l [3,5 - 5,1]__________________________________________________ ____________________4,4
    CALCIUM: 9,0 mg/dl [8,5 - 10,1]__________________________________________________ ______________________9,1
    MAGNESIUM: 2,0 mg/dl [1,8 - 2,4]__________________________________________________ ____________________2,2
    PHOSPHORUS: 3,7 mg/dl [2,7 - 4,5]__________________________________________________ ___________________4,3
    IRON: 148 mcg/dl [35 - 150]__________________________________________________ _________________________96
    ZINC: 103 mcg/dl [80 - 125]__________________________________________________ _________________________132
    CHLORINE: 103 meq/l [98 - 107]__________________________________________________ ______________________99
    COPPER: 88 ku/l [76 - 153]__________________________________________________ __________________________88

    GASTRIN: 31 pg/ml [28 - 125]__________________________________________________ _______________________33
    MELATONIN: 47 pg/ml [20 - 85]__________________________________________________ ______________________50
    C-PEPTIDE: 1,2 ng/ml [0,78 – 1,89]__________________________________________________ ___________________1,25
    INSULIN : 3,34 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]______________________3,6_________3,04_________________________________2,39
    GLUCAGON: 55 pg/ml [40 - 130]__________________________________________________ _____________________55
    ACTH: 20 pg/dl [till 50]__________________________________________________ _____________________________21
    CORTISOL: 12,53 mg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]__________________________________________________ ______13,64_______18,7
    FT3: 3,48 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]__________________________________________________ ______________4,82_______3,13
    FT4: 1,26 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]__________________________________________________ ________________1,29_______1,16
    MSH: 9,7 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]__________________________________________________ _________________________9,8
    HTG: 7,65 ng/ml [0 - 35]______ __________________________________________________ _____________________6,61
    TBG: 18 mcg/ml [15 - 32]__________________________________________________ ___________________________18,6
    TSH: 2,92 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]__________________________________________________ __________3,88________3,92
    FSH: 4,16 miu/ml [1,27 - 19,26]_______________________2,09________2,56_____________________1,42________3,9
    LH: 3,80 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]_________________________2,19________2,58_____________________2,61________4,84
    PREGNENOLONE: 155 ng/ml [10 - 230]__________________________________________________ ________________160
    ANDROSTENEDIONE: 1,77 ng/ml [0,3 - 3,1]__________________________________________________ ____________1,79
    ALDOSTERONE: 180 pg/ml [10 - 160]__________________________________________________ _________________184
    DHEA: 7,3 ng/ml [2,5 - 9,5]__________________________________________________ _________________________6,2
    DHEAS: 191 mcg/dl [106 - 464]_______________________209_________209,6________________________________221,6
    DHT: 71 ng/ml [31 - 146]__________________________________________________ ___________________________70
    TESTOSTERONE TTL: 3,86 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]___________0,72________0,61_________________________________6,29
    TESTOSTERONE FREE: 11,7 pg/ml [8 - 47]______________5,2_________4,8_______________________9,6_________13,5
    SHBG: 38 pg/ml [13 - 71]____________________________10__________<0,1_________________________________36
    ESTRONE: 47 pg/ml [40 - 60]__________________________________________________ ________________________45
    ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 36 pg/ml [<20 - 47]__________________________________________________ __9__________30
    ESTRIOL: 5,7 pg/ml [4,7 - 7,1]__________________________________________________ _______________________5,5
    PROGESTERONE: 0,93 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]__________________________________________________ _____________0,87
    PRL: 9,88 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]__________________________________________________ ___________12,78______13,05
    IGF-1: 190 ng/ml [96 - 424]__________________________184_________163__________________________________392
    HGH: 0,2 ng/ml [0 - 10]______ ______________________<0,1________<0,1__________________________________0,3

    COLOUR: straw-coloured____________________________straw-coloured____________________________________straw-coloured
    APPEARANCE: lightly opalescent [limpid]_______________lightly opalescent__________________________________limpid
    PH REACTION: 5,5 [5 - 6,5]___________________________6________________________________________________5,5
    SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1020 [1015 - 1028]_________________1016_____________________________________________1018
    PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0 - 10]________________________none_____________________________________________none
    HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]___________________________present +_________________________________________none
    GLUCOSE: none gr/litre [0 - 0,2]_______________________none_____________________________________________none
    KETONE BODIES: none [none]_________________________none_____________________________________________none
    UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0 - 0,2]___________________none_____________________________________________none
    BILIARY PIGMENTS: none [none]______________________none_____________________________________________none
    NITRITE: none [none]_______________________________none_____________________________________________none

    SHAPE: solid [homogeneous]__________________________________________________ ________________________caprina
    CONSISTENCY: compost [poltacea]__________________________________________________ __________________solid
    COLOUR: brown [brown]__________________________________________________ ____________________________brown
    ODOUR: sui generis [sui generis]__________________________________________________ _____________________sui generis
    MUCUS: absent [absent]__________________________________________________ ___________________________absent
    BLOOD: absent [absent]__________________________________________________ ____________________________absent
    PH REACTION: 7__________________________________________________ ___________________________________7,4
    PARASITOLOGICAL: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ _______________negative
    SALMONELLA: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________________negative
    HELICOBACTER PYLORI: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ___________negative
    GIARDIASIS: negative [negative]__________________________________________________ ____________________negative

    VOLUME: 2,8 ml [>=2]__ __________________________________________________ ____2,5____________________________________2,6
    PH: 8,1 [7,2 - 8]__________________________________________________ __________7,2_____________________________________7,3
    APPEARANCE: own__________________________________________________ _________own____________________________________own
    VISCOSITY: increased + [within limits]__________________________________________within limits_____________________________within limits
    FLUIDIFICATION 45': finely irregular [physiologic]_________________________________physiologic______________________________physiologic
    SPERMATOZOON CONCENTRATION: 89.000.000 /ml [>=20.000.000]_ _________________42.000.000______________________________85.000.000
    EJACULATE SPERMATOZOON COUNT: 249.200.000 [>=40.000.000] __________________105.000.000_____________________________228.000.000
    2ND HOUR MOTILITY: 60 % [>=50]______________________________________________45______________________________________57
    TYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 30 % [>=35]_____________________________28______________________________________35
    ATYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 70 %__________________________________72______________________________________71
    LEUCOCYTE: 300.000 /ml [<=1.000.000]_________________________________________500.000_________________________________335.000
    ERYTHROCYTE: absent [absent/rare]____________________________________________absent__________________________________absent
    GERMINAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]____________________________________________present_________________________________absent
    EPITHELIAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]___________________________________________absent__________________________________absent
    SPERMAGGLUTINATION ZONES: rare [absent/rare]_________________________________absent__________________________________absent

    by "Whole Body Hologic QDR-4500W DXA Fan-Beam Scanner"

    Last edited by BJJ; 08-16-2010 at 02:27 AM.

  3. #3
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    OXANDROLONE Cycle 2/2

    60 oxa - 3.436 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    60 oxa - 3.550 Kcal - (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Bursts of Heat

    60 oxa - 3.199 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness

    60 oxa - 3.340 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, 8 mg Loperamide

    60 oxa - 2.799 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Diarrhea, Tiredness, Face Swelling, Yellow Skin (left biceps & shoulder), 8 mg Loperamide, 25.000 iu Neomycin

    60 oxa - 3.646 Kcal - (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Tiredness, Yellow Skin, 1 g Acetylsalicy Acid

    60 oxa - 3.912 Kcal - (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.411

    The first week was very hard to go through. No will to eat at all and lots of problem to understand if the diarrhea was due from oxandrolone or liv.52; also I got a persistent sore throat.
    The strength increase was considerable, especially on legs and shoulders.
    As daily supplements throughout the cycle: (Multi Vitamins/Minerals 1 tb, Vitamin C/Ester 3 g, EFA complex 6 g, ALA 600 mg, LIV.52 2 tabs, CLA 4 g, ZMA, Tribulus Terrestris 3 g, Chromium Picolinate 400 mcg, Acetyl L-Carnitine 600 mg, Coenzyme Q10, Glutamine 35 g, BCAA 20 g, MT Gakic Hardcore 8 tbs (only before w/o), UN Animal Flex 1 pckt.

    Day 8
    60 oxa - 2.415 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite,Tiredness, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 8 mg Loperamide, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Day 9
    60 oxa - 3.400 Kcal - (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 10
    60 oxa - 2.760 Kcal - (Cardio 35’)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Appetite

    Day 11
    60 oxa - 4.208 Kcal - (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Oxandrolone kicked in

    Day 12
    60 oxa - 3.332 Kcal - (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 13
    60 oxa - 3.645 Kcal - (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 14
    60 oxa - 3.976 Kcal - (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.392

    At day 11 finally Anavar showed me its potentiality by improving my strength incredibly. Not only the power to lift was improved but also the reps needed to exhaust the muscles.
    Furthermore, I am starving again especially after the work-outs.
    The diarrhea was given by Liv.52. I solved the problem by taking only 1 tab in the morning.

    Day 15
    60 oxa – 3.698 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 16
    60 oxa – 3.645 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 17
    60 oxa – 3.591 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide

    Day 18
    60 oxa – 3.016 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Back pain on the lumbar right region
    Blood Work:

    Day 19
    60 oxa – 3.125 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 20
    60 oxa – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, 400 mg Acetylsalicy Acid

    Day 21
    60 oxa – 3.129 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Headache, 2 g Paracetamol, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.362

    I understood that the best time to take oxandrolone is after the meals, not before or during, otherwise I get diarrhea and this apart from ingesting Liv.52.
    Unfortunately, I got a bit sick yesterday and today is even worse. Every year I suffer from sinusitis which I hope to cure as fast as possible.
    In regards of the results of blood analyses above reported, my bilirubin values decreased within the normal range, as expected. Oxandrolone seems "to cure" Gilberts's syndrome (which I have).
    Of course, either LDL, HDL and Transaminase went up; as well as azotemia which was already a bit higher and surely it could not start declining during the cycle.
    Strangely, creatinine stayed at the same level but this is good in relation with azotemia.
    What I do not understand are the values related to LH, FSH and HGH compared with DHEAS. Hopefully my endocrinologist, if not someone in here before, will explain this issue.

    Day 22
    60 oxa – 5.096 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), Sinusitis, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide, 500 mg Acetylcysteine Antibiotic, 600 mg Acetylcysteine, 25.000 iu Neomycin, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 23
    60 oxa – 4.003 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request), 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 24
    60 oxa – 3.650 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 25
    60 oxa – 4.021 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 26
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.374 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Loss of Libido (only on request)

    Day 27
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.338 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Libido is Back, Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 28
    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.071 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.221

    Fortunately sinusitis, which I had between day 20/22, went away quickly.
    At day 26 I added 3 g of Tribulus Terrestris daily.
    Since also from day 26 I am ingesting Mesterolone, my libido is back and I have very hard erections. Furthermore, I feel I can last longer while having sex.
    My daily Kcalories intake was brought up to more than 4.000 (just checking how much fat I will store comparing to when I was eating/training the same, naturally).
    This afternoon I underwent a full abdominal echography to see the overall situation and try to figure out if the pang I felt sometimes around my lower back was due to a kidney problem. The response was negative, all the organs are fine and was told it might be a problem related to training, probably a muscular micro-lesion less than 1mm, therefore not visible.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is still there.

    Day 29

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 5.723 Kcal – (Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Problems to fall asleep because I took the last tabs of Oxandrolone around midnight, 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 30

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.790 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 31

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 5.999 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region

    Day 32

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.461 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 8 mg Loperamide, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 33

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 2.763 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 200 mg Nimesulide, 4 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 34

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 4.321 Kcal – (Chest & Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 35

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.973 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, Diarrhea, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.432

    So, in 19 days I took 6,6 lbs of lean mass (estimate) while fat increased a bit more but still under control (considering also I am not eating low glycemic index carbs at all) and water kept at the same value.
    I would say so far, oxandrolone is showing its ability to increase the lean mass controlling either the fat and the water.
    I am quite satisfied because I think I can easily go down to 12% bf retaining most of the lean mass acquired. I will act so the last ten days of the cycle. Till that time, I want to continue eating that much calories and proteins. Perhaps I can start eating more oats instead of pasta and rice.
    At day 30 I started to ingest 10 mg more of Oxandrolone daily, for a total of 70 mg.
    At day 35 I went back to 60 mg since I noticed no differences at all and the back pain on the lumbar right region came back again in a vigorous way. I am getting tired of this also because in spite of the echography I took lastly (which was fine), the pain is always there and seems to get worse after I ingest Oxandrolone. I had no possibility, as previously stated, to go taking blood analyses a few days ago, but I’ll go tomorrow morning. I want to see if the values related to the liver and the kidneys have stabilized or not. In negative case, it could be an explanation for the pain. Surely, I cannot keep taking nimesulide to get rid of the pain since it is very liver toxic too and gives diarrhea.
    Strength keeps increasing.
    The persistent sore throat, reported at week 1, it is finally gone.

    Day 36

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.640 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Work:

    Day 37

    70 oxa / 50 mes – 3.511 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Back pain on the lumbar right region, 100 mg Nimesulide

    Day 38

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.332 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 39

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.042 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 40

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 3.046 Kcal – (Cardio 30’)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 41

    80 oxa / 50 mes – 4.050 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (several hours)

    Day 42

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 4.824 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Diarrhea, Dizziness late after dinner (just a few minutes)

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.635

    On day 41 I tried to raise the input from Oxandrolone by ingesting 20 mg more, for a total of 80 mg. The results were dizziness and confusion. The morning after I felt also some kind of hallucination and both yesterday and today the diarrhea came back. I decided not to push my luck and from day 42 I went back to 60 mg ed. After all, I had good results so far and see no reasons to screw everything up.
    This week I ate a bit less to see if I could obtain a better definition but I also had the possibility to work-out only two days, so this made my effort fruitless.
    Regarding my sperm, I realized it is more viscous than before and it seems also heavier.
    Wondering if PCT is required since both LH and FSH are (and always were) within the normal ranges.

    Day 43

    60 oxa / 50 mes – 2.637 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) by mistake

    Day 44

    60 oxa / 75 mes – 2.659 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 45

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.511 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 46

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.373 Kcal – (Back)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 47

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.754 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears/Head, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 48

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 2.564 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat/Ears, 2 g Paracetamol

    Day 49

    70 oxa / 75 mes – 3.237 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Sore Throat, 2 g Paracetamol

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.819

    On day 43, I wrongly took 150 mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) at breakfast. I had an intestine discomfort, which lasted the entire morning.
    On day 44, I raised the Mesterolone (Proviron ) daily intake of about 0,25 mg.
    On day 45, I raised the Oxandrolone (Anavar) daily intake of about 0,10 mg.
    I did not notice any improvement of any sort.
    I figure out that strength increase ceased, even though I have not pushed to the limit to avoid injuries since I work-out in solitude.
    This week I lowered my daily Kcalories intake because I realized I was putting on too much fat. I should be now back to 14% or less maybe, while by the end of last week I surely was above 15%.
    In any case, in the next weekend I am going to check my stats again.
    In the following and last week (8th), I am going to lower the daily intake of anavar down to 60 mg while starting from tomorrow morning I shall not ingest proviron anymore.
    I need to see if mesterolone is related to the upsurge of my LH and FSH values. So, next Saturday I shall take the last blood work on cycle and accordingly, I set up the proper pct.

    Day 50

    60 oxa – 2.589 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 2 g Paracetamol, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 51

    60 oxa – 3.299 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol
    Sperm Analyses:

    Day 52

    60 oxa – 3.051 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Cough, 1 g Paracetamol

    Day 53

    60 oxa – 2.978 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 54

    60 oxa – 2.897 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 55

    60 oxa – 3.040 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 56

    70 oxa – 2.598 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil
    Blood Wok:

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.921
    Daily Average Bulking KCalories Intake (56 days): 3.159
    Oxandrolone Daily Ingestion Average (56 days): 63 mg

    Nothing particular to report on this final week, except I lowered the total daily intake of Kcalories to prepare myself for the following three weeks of PCT, where I am going to use 3.000 Kcalories on a daily average with 300/330 grams of protides.
    Furthermore, after discontinuing the Mesterolone at day 49, the FSH dropped back while testosterone free doubled, +100%.

    Being on my first cycle, I believe I had good results especially in strength.
    After almost 20 years of martial arts as well as training in the gym plus other spare sport activities, I started this cycle with a bit of concern in relation to some elbows pangs I have felt in the last months. So, I never pushed to the limit really and always trained in solitude to avoid that.
    Furthermore, I was not able to accomplish a ”perfect” diet regime throughout the cycle, as I wanted to, due to personal reasons which also led me to sleep no so goodly and enough.
    Said that, I believe I could have achieved better results but I am satisfied anyway.

    As reported during the cycle, Oxandrolone gave me some strong dizziness at 80 mg ed.
    For the rest, except a total loss of appetite the first week or so and some diarrhea till I understood when to ingest the drug (after main meals), I would say I have gotten only benefits. The pang on my elbows disappeared after one week supporting what I read regarding the ability of Oxandrolone to cure problems related to ligaments and tendons, or in case to relieve the associated pain.
    Another good ability was in regard of water percentage in the body. I ate a lot, compared to what I have burned especially in the first weeks, and I got just a little fat on and no water retention at all. This is good for martial artists or any other sport where the “not useful” weight is an issue.
    Regarding vascularization, I cannot say I noticed any improvement because I did not mean to use this compound to get ripped, while I wanted more strength and see how much lean mass I could obtain. I started the cycle at 12,9% bf, went up to 14,6% bf and then back to 13% bf now, more or less. However, I tried to reduce the daily Kcalories at the end of the cycle but mostly helped me to reduce the fat I have put on, not to see any veins on my chest.

    Day 57
    Day 1 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.555 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Flatulence, 20 mg Tadalafil

    Day 58
    Day 2 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.556 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Increased size of testicles

    Day 59
    Day 3 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.484 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 60
    Day 4 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.596 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 61
    Day 5 pct

    50 clo / 40 nol – 2.708 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Testicles back to normal

    Day 62
    Day 6 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.383 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 63
    Day 7 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.513 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.399

    Strength kept being at the same level while muscles, right after I stopped the ingestion of Oxandrolone, started to ache for a few days.
    Testicles increased the day after I started my pct, but after a few days came back to their normal size.
    At day 5 (61) I ingested 40 mg of Tamoxifen Citrate to see if I could notice any difference but that day I could not eat as much as I had to, so I thwarted the attempt. In any case, having also used 50 mg of clomid, 20 mg of Nolva should be enough.
    While, I shall get a full blood work to be compared to the one taken before the cycle, after my detox protocol (GSH), which will start three days after the end of PCT.
    Regarding Tadalafil, I took it at day 1 to give it a try, in spite of during the entire cycle I had loss of libido but never problems to have sex normally. Anyway, I noticed no differences while my intestine became full of gas in about two hours. Fortunately, the morning after I was fine again.

    Day 64
    Day 8 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.907 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 65
    Day 9 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.583 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 66
    Day 10 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 4.345 Kcal – (Legs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 67
    Day 11 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.697 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 68
    Day 12 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.510 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 69
    Day 13 pct

    50 clo / 20 nol – 3.912 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 70
    Day 14 pct

    20 nol – 3.093 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.721

    Strength decreased a bit. If I could achieve a “x” weight for 10 reps, now I go up to 8 max.
    On day 14 (70), I ceased ingesting clomid, so the rest of the final week will be only nolva 20 mg ed.

    Day 71
    Day 15 pct

    20 nol – 3.373 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil

    Day 72
    Day 16 pct

    20 nol – 4.365 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 73
    Day 17 pct

    20 nol – 3.566 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 74
    Day 18 pct

    20 nol – 3.366 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 75
    Day 19 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.552 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 76
    Day 20 pct

    20 nol / 0,06 cln – 3.607 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 77
    Day 21 pct

    20 nol / 0,08 cln – 3.014 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.549
    Daily Average PCT KCalories Intake (21 days): 3.556

    On day 75 I started a ten days cyle of Clenbuterol (60/60/80/80/100/100/100/100/60/60). After that, 3 days off in order to start a 10 days GSH detox protocol. Then, I shall have my final and complete blood work done.

    Day 78
    Day 22 pct

    0,08 cln – 2.700 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 79
    Day 23 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.416 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 80
    Day 24 pct

    0,10 cln – 2.907 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 81
    Day 25 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.038 Kcal – (Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 8 mg Loperamide, 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 82
    Day 26 pct

    0,10 cln – 3.094 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 2 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 83
    Day 27 pct

    nil – 3.324 Kcal – (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)
    Sides & Notes: 3 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 84
    Day 28 pct

    0,06 cln – 3.233 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.101

    Nothing to report.

    Day 85
    Day 29 pct

    nil – 3.229 Kcal – (Biceps & Triceps)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 86
    Day 30 pct

    nil – 3.019 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: 1 g Ketoprofen foam

    Day 87
    Day 31 pct

    600 gsh – 3.229 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: Started GSH injections

    Day 88
    Day 32 pct

    600 gsh – 3.101 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 89
    Day 33 pct

    600 gsh – 3.555 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 90
    Day 34 pct

    600 gsh – 3.112 Kcal – (Legs)
    Sides & Notes: 25.000 iu Neomycin, 4 mg Loperamide

    Day 91
    Day 35 pct

    600 gsh – 3.336 Kcal – (Chest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.225

    I noticed by keeping (more or less) the same amount of Kcalories and proportion among macronutrients, a visible improvement of my LBM, especially on my ribs.

    Day 92
    Day 36 pct

    600 gsh – 3.156 Kcal – (Shoulders)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 93
    Day 37 pct

    600 gsh – 3.484 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 94
    Day 38 pct

    600 gsh – 3.053 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: 10 mg Vardenafil, 10 mg Diazepam

    Day 95
    Day 39 pct

    nil – 3.124 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Day 96
    Day 40 pct

    600 gsh – 3.036 Kcal – (Rest)
    Sides & Notes: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.170

    Nothing to report.
    Last edited by BJJ; 07-11-2010 at 07:54 AM.

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    BJJ's Avatar
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    Last edited by BJJ; 08-11-2010 at 11:13 AM.

  5. #5
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Day 1
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.327
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Stomachache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Delt (22g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 60 DIA (mmHg), 68 BPM [morning]

    Day 2
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.374
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Light headache, Tummy ache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu), Loperamide (16 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (22g 1¼")

    Day 3
    50 mg mes
    Kcal: 2.001
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Tummy ache, Flatulence, Light headache
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: None

    Day 4
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.296
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 5
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.106
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Headache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1¼")

    Day 6
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.301
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Thigh (23g 1¼")

    Day 7
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.691
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Flatulence, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Glute (23g 1")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.156

    After a tough beginning where I experienced severe diarrhoea, my organism seems to have accepted the oil dissolved with the testosterone propionate , ethyl oleate (
    Regarding strength, I did not notice any important improvement so far.
    Starting from week 2 till week 8, I will inject 500 mg weekly of boldenone undecylenate (250x2), to experiment with the stamina effect and to avoid tendons injury since I am also practising Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

    Day 8
    70 mg test prop / 250 mg eq / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.665
    Training: Cardio 30', Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Light headache, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Trap (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 50 DIA (mmHg), 74 BPM [morning]

    Day 9
    70 mg test prop / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.705
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (75000 iu)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 10
    60 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.493
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Tricep (25g ⅝") - L Delt (23g 1")

    Day 11
    70 mg test susp / 250 mg eq / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.591
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Bicep (25g ⅝") - R Bicep (25g ⅝") - L Calf (23g 1¼")

    Day 12
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.406
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Anal burning
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Calf (23g 1¼") - R Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 13
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.300
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Anal burning
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: L Forearm (25g ⅝") - L Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 14
    70 mg test susp / 250 mg eq / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.402
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Anal burning, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Loperamide (6 mg), Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Pect (23g 1¼") - R Trap (23g 1") - L Pect (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.651

    On day 8, I increased the daily intake of testosterone propionate up to 70 mg for a total of 490 mg weekly.
    On day 9, I increased the daily intake of mesterolone up to 75 mg for a total of 525 mg weekly.
    On day 10, I swapped the testosterone propionate for the suspension.
    On day 11, I increased the daily intake of testosterone suspension up to 70 mg for a total of 490 mg weekly.
    On day 12, strength finally showed up. I think it came a little late because of the diarrhoea problems I had to cope with, which still come and go.

    Day 15
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.672
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (1 g)
    Injection Site: L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 123 SYS (mmHg), 52 DIA (mmHg), 68 BPM [morning]

    Day 16
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.695
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Fexofenadine Hydrochloride (180 mg)
    Injection Site: R Lat (23g 1") - L Lat (23g 1¼")

    Day 17
    80 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.670
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Bicep (25g ⅝") - L Bicep (25g ⅝")

    Day 18
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.648
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Thigh (23g 1") - R Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 19
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.777
    Training: Chest, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Fem Bicep (23g 1") - R Fem Bicep (23g 1")

    Day 20
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.966
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Chest (23g 1¼") - R Chest (23g 1¼")

    Day 21
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.181
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Glute (22g 1¼") - R Glute (22g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.944
    Total Injections So Far: 34

    On day 17, I increased the daily quantity of testosterone suspension up to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    On day 18, I got rid of boldenone undecylenate since the arachis oil was also causing the persistent diarrhoea I had since the beginning of this cycle. Also, I increased the daily intake of mesterolone up to 100 mg, for a weekly total of 700 mg.
    Finally, it seems I can concentrate on my diet.
    Once I raised the mesterolone up to 100 mg ed, I felt more lean and vascularized.

    Day 22
    80 mg test susp / 60 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.442
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 50 DIA (mmHg), 64 BPM [morning]

    Day 23
    80 mg test susp / 60 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.073
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Loss of appetite
    Additional Drugs: Ephedrine (90 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Calf (25g ⅝")

    Day 24
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.031
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Severe pulsating pain on my calf injection sites, which prevented me from walking
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Calf (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 25
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.701
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Light fever, Face and hands swelling, Calfs pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (4 g)
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g 1") - R Trap (25g 1")

    Day 26
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.715
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Calfs pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1") - R Pect (23g 1")

    Day 27
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.898
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Face swelling
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1") - R Lat (23g 1")

    Day 28
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.205
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu), Fexofenadine Hydrochloride (180 mg)
    Injection Site: L Fem Bicep (23g 1") - R Fem Bicep (23g 1")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.009
    Total Injections So Far: 48

    Randomly this week, after injecting testosterone suspension I felt a burst of heat.
    I am definitely growing.

    Day 29
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.572
    Training: Back
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteine (2,7 g), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 128 SYS (mmHg), 56 DIA (mmHg), 67 BPM [morning]

    Day 30
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.345
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1") - L Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 31
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.498
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ephedrine (90 mg), Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 32
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.015
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ephedrine (90 mg), Neomycin (50000 iu), Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g ⅝") - R Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 33
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.351
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Cough
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (100000 iu), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 34
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.927
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1") - R Lat (23g 1")

    Day 35
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.055
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.823
    Total Injections So Far: 62

    Since a few days a noticed a little shrinkage of my right testicle during the evening hours. Then, the morning after its size goes back to normal. With these occurences, I think I will not use HCG .

    Day 36
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.543
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1") - R Pect (23g 1")
    Blood Pressure: 131 SYS (mmHg), 51 DIA (mmHg), 76 BPM [evening]

    Day 37
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.346
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ephedrine (120 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 38
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.609
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")
    Blood Work, Blood Pressure & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 39
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.701
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1") - L Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 40
    90 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.960
    Training: Chest, Abs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Trap (23g 1") - R Trap (23g 1")

    Day 41
    90 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 150 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.515
    Training: Nil
    Sides: Light fever, Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")

    Day 42
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 150 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.492
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.595
    Total Injections So Far: 76

    I noticed that ten hours of continuous sleep are necessary to wake up full of energy and well rested.
    At day 40, I increased the daily dose of testosterone suspension to 90 mg, for a total of 630 mg weekly.
    At day 41, I increased the daily ingestion of mesterolone to 150 mg, for a total of 1.050 mg weekly.
    At day 42, I decreased the daily dose of testosterone suspension to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    At day 42, I increased the daily ingestion of oxandrolone to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    Regarding sides, nothing to report so far except lethargy and light fever when pinned 90 mg of testosterone suspension.
    Also, dosing mesterolone more than 100 mg ed, seems not to bring any improvements.

    Day 43
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 12.5 mg exe / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.687
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light fever, Thigh pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (1 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 105 SYS (mmHg), 42 DIA (mmHg), 73 BPM [evening]

    Day 44
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.50 mg cab
    Kcal: 2.861
    Training: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 45
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.177
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Tiredness, Swollen finger (middle, right hand)
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 46
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.668
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Swollen finger (middle, right hand), Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Vardenafil (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 47
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.875
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Swollen finger (middle, right hand), Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - L Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 48
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa
    Kcal: 3.373
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - L Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 49
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.439
    Training: Chest, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (20 mg)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1¼") - R Lat (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.440
    Total Injections So Far: 92

    At day 43, I decreased the daily dose of mesterolone to 100 mg, for a total of 700 mg weekly. Also, I started taking either cabergoline and exemestane to reduce the high amount of estrogens accumulated so far in this cycle.
    At day 45, I got rid of cabergoline but kept exemestane at 25 mg ed for about ten days (before bed). Also, I reduced the daily injection of testosterone suspension to 60 mg, for a total of 420 mg weekly (due to the androgenic affinity of exemestane). Furthermore, I reduced the daily intake of oxandrolone to 70 mg.
    At day 45, I started to ingest either oxandrolone and mesterolone at breakfast and lunch since I have problems to sleep at night, whereas I keep the ingestion of exemestane before bed.
    At day 46, I started taking exemestane in the morning at breakfast before the testosterone suspension injection.
    At day 47, I found a monograph explaining my finger problem was due to exemestane ( Also, I decided to start pinning 3 times per day to see if I notice any difference.
    At day 48, I got rid of mesterolone to see if it has something to do with the lethargy problem after the injection. In fact, I felt better during the entire day and slept deeply the following night.
    At day 49, my swollen finger problem solved by itself ( Also, I added again mesterolone at 50 mg ed to see if I can cope with that amount.
    I got rid of my legs as injection spots, too much pain to cope with in the following days.
    I decided to stop growing. 100 Kg is more than enough and noticed that above that weigth I have problems to perform Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Diet will be changed accordingly.

    Day 50
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 2.781
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu), Loperamide (6 mg), Nimesulide (100 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 115 SYS (mmHg), 50 DIA (mmHg), 70 BPM [evening]

    Day 51
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.167
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 52
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.181
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (23g 1¼") - L Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 53
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 50 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.130
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (23g 1¼") - L Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 54
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.339
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Nimesulide (100 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (23g 1¼") - L Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 55
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.411
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (23g 1¼") - L Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 56
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.467
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Delt (23g 1¼") - L Delt (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.210
    Total Injections So Far: 106

    Nothing to report.

    Day 57
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.484
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ottatropina Metilbromuro (20 mg), Diazepam (2.5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")

    Day 58
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 0.5 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.137
    Training: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Theophylline Hydrated (396 mg), Ephedrine Hydrochloride (96 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")

    Day 59
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.141
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (23g 1¼") - R Tricep (23g 1¼")

    Day 60
    60 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.316
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 61
    50 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.498
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (23g 1¼")

    Day 62
    50 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.247
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: R Trap (23g 1¼")

    Day 63
    50 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.192
    Training: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Theophylline Hydrated (396 mg), Ephedrine Hydrochloride (96 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Chest (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.287
    Total Injections So Far: 117

    On day 61, I decided to taper testosterone suspension to 50 mg ed, for a weekly total of 350 mg. Also, I bumped again mesterolone to 100 mg ed, for a weekly total of 700 mg.

    Day 64
    50 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.001
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Vardenafil (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 65
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.917
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Headache, Burst of heat, Face bloating
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Day 66
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.363
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Face bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Day 67
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.565
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Face bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Day 68
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.594
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Face bloating, Headache
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Day 69
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.864
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g ⅝") - R Trap (25g ⅝") - L Tricep (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Day 70
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.707
    Training: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Back pump (left)
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ketoprofen foam (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 116 SYS (mmHg), 41 DIA (mmHg), 81 BPM [morning]

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.573
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.570
    Total Injections So Far: 137

    On day 65, I lowered the daily ingestion of oxandrolone to 70 mg, for a weekly total of 490 mg. Furthermore, I started somatropin at 2.5 iu daily. Also, I decided to start injecting again twice per day the testosterone suspension because I felt a little more bloated with only one pin.
    On day 66, I started to feel tired again so I lowered the daily intake of mesterolone to 75 mg, for a weekly total of 525 mg.
    Somatropin is definitely working even on such a low dose. I wish I could have started it from week 1.

    Day 71
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 2.816
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Night sweatiness
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ketoprofen foam (2 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - Ribs (25g ⅝")

    Day 72
    50 mg test susp / 2.5 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.481
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝") - Ribs (25g ⅝")

    Day 73
    50 mg test susp / 5.2 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.5 mg cab
    Kcal: 2.756
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - Oblique (25g ⅝")

    Day 74
    50 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 2.990
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Face and hands swelling
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 75
    50 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.000
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Mepivacaina Chloride (200 mg), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (22g 1¼") - L Glute (22g 1¼")

    Day 76
    50 mg test susp / 2.6 iu hgh / 70 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.446
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Budesonide (600 mcg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (22g 1¼") - L Glute (22g 1¼") - Oblique (25g ⅝")

    Day 77
    50 mg test susp / 2.6 iu hgh / 40 mg oxa / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.003
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Night sweatiness
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: R Glute (22g 1¼") - L Glute (22g 1¼") - Umbilical (25g ⅝")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.070
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.523

    Total Injections: 171
    Lost Attempts: 15
    Trapezius: 13
    Deltoids: 40
    Pectorals: 15
    Dorsal: 8
    Biceps: 4
    Triceps: 27
    Forearms: 2
    Gluteus: 20
    Quadriceps: 8
    Femoral Biceps: 4
    Calfs: 4
    Umbilical: 7
    Ribs: 2
    Oblique: 2

    On day 72, I swapped the brand of testosterone suspension.
    On day 73, I started the 5on/2off protocol related to somatropin. So, in order not to waste what left into the vial I injected the remaining liquid all in once (5.2 iu). I woke up with a bad mood and did not feel any energy increase like the days before.
    On day 77, I decided to stop the cycle since the brand of testosterone suspension I am using forces me to inject with a 22g needle and since I do not pin my legs anymore neither I can keep injecting into my glutes (I cannot sit), the best thing I can do is to go on PCT and get rid of the 12th week.
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-11-2010 at 11:13 AM.

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Day 78
    Day 1 pct
    hgh iu 3.3 / mes mg 50 / exe mg 25 / clo mg 150 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.328
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Diarrhoea, Fever, Headache, Tiredness, Night sweatiness
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Budesonide (400 mcg), Procaine (ml ?), Phenazone (ml ?)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")
    Blood Pressure: 118 SYS (mmHg), 39 DIA (mmHg), 64 BPM

    Day 79
    Day 2 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.368
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Fever, Headache, Tiredness, Night sweatiness
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (2 g), Diazepam (15 mg), Ottatropina Metilbromuro (40 mg)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 80
    Day 3 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.092
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Fever, Headache, Tiredness, Night sweatiness
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (3 g), Ciprofloxacin (1 g)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 81
    Day 4 pct
    clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.251
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Headache
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (2 g), Ciprofloxacin (1 g)

    Day 82
    Day 5 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.233
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Headache
    Additional Drugs: Ciprofloxacin (1 g), Paracetamol (1 g)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 83
    Day 6 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 2.851
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (600 mcg), Ciprofloxacin (1 g), Paracetamol (1 g)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 84
    Day 7 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40
    Kcal: 3.502
    Training: Biceps & Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ciprofloxacin (1 g), Paracetamol (1 g), Nimesulide (1 g)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.232
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.499

    The first week of PCT has been hard to cope with since I had a high and continuous fever which lasted almost three days.

    Day 85
    Day 8 pct
    clo mg 100 / tam mg 20
    Kcal: 3.379
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Acne
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg), Ciprofloxacin (1 g)

    Day 86
    Day 9 pct
    hgh iu 4.2 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20 / exe mg 25
    Kcal: 3.556
    Training: Triceps
    Sides: Acne
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 87
    Day 10 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20
    Kcal: 3.171
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Acne
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 88
    Day 11 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20 / cab mg 0.5
    Kcal: 3.278
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Acne
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (1 g)
    Injection Site: Ribs (26g ½")

    Day 89
    Day 12 pct
    hgh iu 3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20
    Kcal: 3.271
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Mepivacaina Chloride (200 mg)
    Injection Site: Ribs (26g ½")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 90
    Day 13 pct
    hgh iu 3.1 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20 / exe mg 12.5
    Kcal: 3.451
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (800 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 91
    Day 14 pct
    hgh iu 5.3 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 20
    Kcal: 3.504
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (1000 mcg), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (240 mg), Cetirizine (10 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.372
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.489

    This second week of PCT was fine, just in the last two days I had a new allergic rhinitis and I was forced to start taking again either budesonide and cetirizine.
    Since I started to use budesonide again, I experienced a loss of libido.

    Day 92
    Day 15 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 40 / t4 50 mcg
    Kcal: 3.337
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (400 mcg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 93
    Day 16 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 50 mcg
    Kcal: 3.615
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Headache
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 94
    Day 17 pct
    hgh iu 8 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 100 mcg
    Kcal: 3.670
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½") - Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 95
    Day 18 pct
    hgh iu 8 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 100 mcg
    Kcal: 3.000
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½") - Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 96
    Day 19 pct
    clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 50 mcg
    Kcal: 3.000
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil

    Day 97
    Day 20 pct
    hgh iu 8 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 50 mcg
    Kcal: 2.000
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Loperamide (8 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 98
    Day 21 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 100 / tam mg 30 / t4 50 mcg
    Kcal: 3.639
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (1 g), Nimesulide (100 mg), Carbocisteina sale di lisina (1,35 g)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")
    Blood Pressure: 122 SYS (mmHg), 57 DIA (mmHg), 75 BPM

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.180
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.467

    The difference between 2 iu or 4 iu ed of somatropin is substantial.
    In spite of the usual Kcalories intake, not even training so often since in PCT, I am definitely losing fat.
    In this third week I experienced a loss of libido while in the first two it was the opposite.

    Day 99
    Day 22 pct
    hgh iu 12 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500 / ana mg 0.25
    Kcal: 3.013
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Bloating
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteina sale di lisina (2,7 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: Ribs (26g ½") - Ribs (26g ½")

    Day 100
    Day 23 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 30 / t4 mcg 50 / hcg iu 1000
    Kcal: 3.286
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Headache, Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteina sale di lisina (4,05 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½")

    Day 101
    Day 24 pct
    hgh iu 4 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 50
    Kcal: 3.450
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteina sale di lisina (2,7 g)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 102
    Day 25 pct
    hgh iu 8 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500 / exe mg 12.5
    Kcal: 3.205
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteina sale di lisina (2,7 g)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 103
    Day 26 pct
    hgh iu 10 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500 / exe mg 12.5
    Kcal: 3.319
    Training: Shoulders, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Mepivacaina Chloride (200 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 104
    Day 27 pct
    hgh iu 10 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 50
    Kcal: 3.414
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 105
    Day 28 pct
    hgh iu 10 / clo mg 50 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500 / exe mg 25
    Kcal: 3.091
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (26g ½") - Umbilical (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.254
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.453

    Nothing to report.

    Day 106
    Day 29 pct
    hgh iu 10 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500
    Kcal: 3.004
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Oblique (26g ½")

    Day 107
    Day 30 pct
    hgh iu 10 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100 / hcg iu 500 / let mg 1.25
    Kcal: 3.153
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½")

    Day 108
    Day 31 pct
    hgh iu 15 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.152
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 109
    Day 32 pct
    hgh iu 15 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.071
    Training: Biceps & Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 110
    Day 33 pct
    hgh iu 8 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 111
    Day 34 pct
    hgh iu 8 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 112
    Day 35 pct
    hgh iu 8 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.118
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.432

    HCG was useful in recovering my testosterone level within the normal range.
    I shall surely use it in my next cycle from the beginning.

    Day 113
    Day 36 pct
    hgh iu 8 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Ribs (27g ½")

    Day 114
    Day 37 pct
    hgh iu 16 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 100
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Ribs (27g ½")

    Day 115
    Day 38 pct
    hgh iu 16 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Ribs (27g ½")

    Day 116
    Day 39 pct
    hgh iu 24 / tam mg 30 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Ribs (27g ½")

    Day 117
    Day 40 pct
    hgh iu 16 / tam mg 30 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 118
    Day 41 pct
    hgh iu 16 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 200
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 119
    Day 42 pct
    hgh iu 16 / tam mg 20 / t4 mcg 200
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (26g ½") - Oblique (26g ½") - Ribs (27g ½")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.150
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.415

    Somatropin is showing its effects.

    Day 120
    Day 43 pct
    hgh iu 16 / t4 mcg 150 / fur mg 50
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 121
    Day 44 pct
    hgh iu 20 / t4 mcg 200
    Kcal: 3.150
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½")

    Day 122
    Day 45 pct
    hgh iu 8 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 2.000
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½")

    Day 123
    Day 46 pct
    gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 2.872
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 110 SYS (mmHg), 54 DIA (mmHg), 74 BPM

    Day 124
    Day 47 pct
    hgh iu 8 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.084
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 125
    Day 48 pct
    hgh iu 17 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 2.846
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 126
    Day 49 pct
    hgh iu 12 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.300
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating, Ankles bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Ribs (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - L Thigh (23g 1¼") - R Thigh (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 2.914
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.387

    On day 120 I tried for the first time ever the effects of furosemide.

    Day 127
    Day 50 pct
    hgh iu 9 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.036
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Tadalafil (20 mg)
    Injection Site: Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 128
    Day 51 pct
    hgh iu 19 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 200
    Kcal: 3.070
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (75000 iu), Loperamide (12 mg)
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Oblique (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - L Delt (23g 1¼") - L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")
    Blood Work & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 129
    Day 52 pct
    gsh mg 1200 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 3.321
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Tight (23g 1¼") - R Tight (23g 1¼") - L Tight (23g 1¼") - L Tight (23g 1¼")

    Day 130
    Day 53 pct
    hgh iu 8 / gsh mg 600 / t4 mcg 150
    Kcal: 2.945
    Training: Cardio 20'
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½") - R Delt (23g 1¼") - L Delt (23g 1¼")

    Day 131
    Day 54 pct
    hgh iu 8 / t4 mcg 150 / t3 mcg 25
    Kcal: 3.205
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 132
    Day 55 pct
    hgh iu 8 / t4 mcg 150 / t3 mcg 25
    Kcal: 3.308
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: Oblique (27g ½") - Umbilical (27g ½")

    Day 133
    Day 56 pct
    t4 mcg 100 / t3 mcg 25 / exe mg 25 / cab mg 0.5
    Kcal: 2.832
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Sweating
    Additional Drugs: Nil

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.102
    Cycle Average KCalories Intake: 3.372

    Total Injections: 291
    Lost Attempts: 15
    Trapezius: 13
    Deltoids: 51
    Pectorals: 15
    Dorsal: 8
    Biceps: 4
    Triceps: 27
    Forearms: 2
    Gluteus: 20
    Quadriceps: 15
    Femoral Biceps: 4
    Calfs: 4
    Umbilical: 51
    Ribs: 12
    Oblique: 50

    PCT Stats
    Day 07: 99,8 kg - 12,6 % - 64,1 %
    Day 14: 97,5 kG - 12,3 % - 64,3 %
    Day 21: 97,7 kg - 12,0 % - 64,3 %
    Day 28: 95,0 Kg - 11,0 % - 63,8 %
    Day 35: 95,0 kG - 10,5 % - 63,7 %
    Day 42: 95,0 kG - 10,3 % - 63,7 %
    Day 49: 96,5 Kg - 10,1 % - 63,1 %
    Day 56: 96,0 Kg - 10,0 % - 63,5 %

    I am experiencing bloating either in my ankles and in my hands.
    I am experiencing pain either in my elbows, knees and sole feet.
    Sweating manifest itself especially at night.
    Last edited by BJJ; 08-05-2010 at 05:02 AM.

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  10. #10
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    damn what a post!! good info and good job. u look great bro well done

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