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  1. #1
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012

    Tren/Test E Cycle Clomid Nolva HCG

    Hello everyone,
    I've started a new cycle and am posting this for your benefits only.
    I've started Test E about 3 weeks ago and just recently started Tren Ace.
    I'm also using HCG twice a week to keep the boys healthy and so far so good everyone.

    5'10" 23 years old.
    Started at 196 lbs and about 16-17% body fat
    After 3 weeks of test and about a week of tren ace, ive gone up to 206 lbs and noticeably lower body fat.
    my strength is through the roof. so is aggression and libido. no side effects so far at all except im being paranoid about hair loss. which probably isnt paranoia and i actually am losing a bit of hair. after i shower i usually have 3 strands of hair on my hands so i will be taking hair loss shampoo soon.
    will be posting pics.

    im not looking for advice, but it is definitely welcome. but, im doing this for your motivation and curiosity. stay big everyone.

  2. #2
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    I take it you have done previous cycles? Also what's your diet and workut plan like?

  3. #3
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    No sir this is my first cycle. I just researched for a long time before I started to make sure everything would be nice and dandy. Though most would say to just start with test e, I've seen others results with tren and had to have it.
    As far as my diet, it's different every day but is always over 4300 cals a day and I do eat healthy. Every meat is lean, nothing fried, plenty of veggies, and I have cheated three times and have noticed no gains in fat what so ever. no alcohol at all by the way. As for my workout-
    Day 1 chest/back only bars for chest. Heavy

    Day 2 legs/shoulders heavy on both
    Day 3 arms heavy
    day 4 rest
    Day 5 chest/back only dumbbells on chest. Light
    Day 6 legs/shoulders light
    Day 7 arms light
    Day 8 rest

  4. #4
    ironpumpindoc's Avatar
    ironpumpindoc is offline Junior Member
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    Tren on your first cycle is ballsy. You will get a lot of mixed reviews from everyone on here about not going the single Test route on your first round. But, its your body right? You will find that the side effects from Tren (if you get them) can make or break your opinion of the drug. Beware of the night sweats and if you feel like you can taste something metallic when you breathe, that is not in your head. The tren is going to make you stronger than you have ever been, but it will fade a lot post cycle imo. Also, make sure you run your PCT by some of the older Vets to make sure it is on par.

  5. #5
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    No terrible side effects so far. The night sweats I've been getting since I started test e, but they're not terrible like everyone explains. no cough so far. no gyno yet. Also, this is an 8 week cycle. I'm almost half way through. Though I do weigh more I cannot see the difference. But, I know it's there. My previous 1 rep max for bench had gone up to 4 reps now. Incredible. Side note, I heard of trens ability to lose lots of body fat. I am curious if this requires cardio at all.

  6. #6
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    I think people will advise on a longer cycle as your using a long estered test. But anyway GL Bro

  7. #7
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Thanks Johnny. Considering getting more test e. not sure yet tho.

  8. #8
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    my strength is rapidly increasing. arms are around 19 inches now which is very nice (to me. i know a lot you guys have .50 cals that are 23 inches +)
    but, im not seeing that rapid fat loss everyone talks about from tren . im in about 2 weeks on the tren. should i start incorporating cadio? if so, how much and at what intensity? im just afraid of inhibiting any gains, but losing this gut of mine would be very nice.
    also, did decide to add another 5 weeks to the test cycle.

    thanks guys. pics coming in about a week.

  9. #9
    dooie's Avatar
    dooie is offline Senior Member
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    Syd, Aust
    You could of had these gains with test alone! Why add something else which dramatically increases your chance of sides and damage with minimal results??

  10. #10
    sjamal1023 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Tren is definitely not 'minimal' in any way. it by itself makes want to lift a building.

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