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  1. #1
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2012

    First cycle, take two


    I am relatively new to this forum (1st thread) but I have been reading it for a few weeks.

    I have a previous cycle (over a year ago) that was 12 wks of Test-E 500 mg/wk but it only gave me a ridiculous 2 pounds, so I guess that the gear was bunk.

    I have been training for 7 years.

    So here are my stats:

    Age 29
    Weight 217
    BF 11%

    My nutrition is perfectly clean (6 meals/day, high protein intake). I train 5-6 days a week, with a little bit of cardio (10 min heavy-bag) but I plan to go to 20-30 min jogging per day in a week or 2. For the time being I train at home (I have all the equipement needed) but I will be joining a gym some time next week to add diversity to the workouts (also I am easily distracted when training at home).

    I will not be posting any pics (too many distinctive tattoos lol) but I will try to post regular progress.

    So, the cycle is a lean bulking cycle. I am not necessarely looking only to add mass, but I would welcome strenght gains (MMA is one of my hobbys).

    It goes like thi:

    week 0 300 mg Test-E, 300 mg EQ
    week 1-12 500 mg Test-E, 300 mg EQ
    week 1-4 Anadrol 50 mg

    The PCT will be 4-5 weeks with nolvadex and hCG .

    I also have some Arimidex at hand and will probably be adding 0.25 mg EOD from week 2.

    Also, since I have acces to analytical equipement and the training to use it, I have determined the EXACT concentrations of my gear (witch was relatively good...) and the dosage posted are corrected for the slight underdosage.

    I know EQ does not have the best reputation on this forum, but I still want to give it a try as a supporting steroid , keeping in mind that I am not only after mass.

    So, what do ya think?

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Just stick with 500mg Test E @ 250mg 2/wk E3.5D. Forget about that "frontload" or whatever that is.

    Dump the EQ unless youre willing to increase it to 600mg +

    hCG is far more effective on cycle @ 250iu 2/wk from wk 1 - 14.5.

    AI on cycle, not on hand.

    PCT =

    Clomid 75/50/50/50 <---- if using tabs, 100mg first wk is fine.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  3. #3
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    The first week (wk 0) was just to assess tolerance, to be sure I don't react badly to the Test-E (one could argue that it is not necessary, and it's probably not, but I just wanted to be 110% sure).

    I'm gonna take your advice and take the AI on cycle. As for the hCG , if I get understand your reply, you would take it at 250 UI twice a week? At the beginning of the PCT, isn't it better to take it more often?


  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    hCG on cycle from wk 2 (long ester) @ 250iu 2/wk - day before your test injection for optimum results - up to 3-4 days before you begin PCT.

  5. #5
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    So here is a little update:

    I am currently in week 3, and I already see impressive gains of about 20 pounds (probably 95% water...) and strenght is trough the roof.

    I decided to follow Mickey's advice and bump the Eq to 600 mg per week. I also take hGC 250 ui e3.5D. I started taking arimidex in the first week at 0.25 mg eod, but I was feeling a slight soreness under my right nipple, so I bumped it to 0.5 mg eod and everything is fine. Should I lower the adex dose once things are settled down and I am off the anadrol ?

    As for side, I have a little bit of acne on the shoulders, but nothing dramatic. My BP was a little high (I am prone to that, even without gear, but I was experiencing side effects like nose bleed), and I am sure the A-bomb is in part responsible, but I got a script from my MD for B-blockers and that resolved the issue. I am going to check BP again when off the Adrol to see if the medication is still necessary.

    So, well, so far so good!

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Grant View Post
    So here is a little update:

    I am currently in week 3, and I already see impressive gains of about 20 pounds (probably 95% water...) and strenght is trough the roof. Wow, that's pretty good. Hows your diet?

    I decided to follow Mickey's advice and bump the Eq to 600 mg per week. I also take hGC 250 ui e3.5D. I started taking arimidex in the first week at 0.25 mg eod, but I was feeling a slight soreness under my right nipple, so I bumped it to 0.5 mg eod and everything is fine. Should I lower the adex dose once things are settled down and I am off the anadrol ? Yes.

    As for side, I have a little bit of acne on the shoulders, but nothing dramatic. My BP was a little high (I am prone to that, even without gear, but I was experiencing side effects like nose bleed), and I am sure the A-bomb is in part responsible, but I got a script from my MD for B-blockers and that resolved the issue. I am going to check BP again when off the Adrol to see if the medication is still necessary. Any liver support like NAC, LIV52?

    So, well, so far so good!
    Good job. And yeah, bump your EQ if you want resluts.

  7. #7
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Good job. And yeah, bump your EQ if you want resluts.
    Diet is similar to what I was running off cycle. But now that I do 30 min cardio 4-6 x/ week, I consume a little more calories. I also bumped my protein intake from 1.5g/lb to (almost) 2/lb. It's hard to tell if my BF is up or not since I just have a cheap 3 points caliper, but I think it is pretty much the same, maybe a little more.

    And for liver support a take a Liver Support Advanced Series (essentially milk thistle) since I already had some.

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_Grant View Post
    Diet is similar to what I was running off cycle. But now that I do 30 min cardio 4-6 x/ week, I consume a little more calories. I also bumped my protein intake from 1.5g/lb to (almost) 2/lb. It's hard to tell if my BF is up or not since I just have a cheap 3 points caliper, but I think it is pretty much the same, maybe a little more.

    And for liver support a take a Liver Support Advanced Series (essentially milk thistle) since I already had some.
    Fair enough. Good luck, and post back periodically.

  9. #9
    jrlabat's Avatar
    jrlabat is offline Associate Member
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    good luck man hope it gos well for ya will be following this !

  10. #10
    A_Grant is offline Junior Member
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    Soooo, it's the beginning of week six. I am now at 243 pounds, and I gained a little bit of fat, but not too much. strenght gains are still relatively constants.

    I dropped the adex to 25 ug eod as soon as I stopped taking the anadrol and I have not had estrogenic side effects since then so I think it's good. During the 4th week (last one of anadrol) I developped a lot of acne on the upper trunk, mainly on the shoulders. But it has stopped progressing and resorbed a little since I stopped Adrol. Appetite is also a lot better, and now I feel the increase in appetite caused by the Eq.

    I got my BF% checked at the gym and it seems to be closer to 14 %.

    So things seems to work out quite well for me!

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