01-25-2013, 12:08 AM #1New Member
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Hypothyroidism: Is it safe to stack Clen, T3, Tren, and Test?
Xavier here. New to the Clen /Test/Everything world. I have a very serious question that I hope someone, who is knowledgable in the area, can answer for me. I have hypothyroidism, which means my thyroid sucks and doesn't produce enough thyroid on its own, so I take thyroid medicine (Levothairoxine NA 0.125mg tab) to bring it up. I've read a lot of people talking about taking clen with T3. I cannot find a forum where anyone talks about hypothyroidism and T3's affects on it. With my hypothyroidism, is it safe for me to take T3? Is T3 really necessary? Also, I just started my first cycle last week of test e-400 stacked with tren -e and clen. I read a few threads about if one is not taking T3 to be taking some sort of test with it. Is my stack good or should I add/remove something? My roommate does this stack, but doesn't have thyroid issues. He doesn't take T3 and is just fine. Also, some posts talk about taking L-Taurine and/or Magnesium with clen. Good or bad idea and why?
Here is me and what I am trying to achieve. 33 y/o male, 6'3", 255lbs (down from 350 two years ago), with probably about 30%bf. I eat VERY healthy. I'm training for triathlons so I do a lot of cardio. I naturally have a very large build (big chest and quads) so I have no real interest in bulking. I want to cut as much fat as possible, while gaining some muscle in areas that can make me a more efficient swimmer, runner, and cyclist. I love to run but haven't been able to do much of it because of all the weight I gained after my major reconstructive surgeries from battle injuries, so I've stuck mostly to cycling and swimming. But as I lose weight I am able to run more, being that my joints have less stress on them. I would love to get back down to the 220 I was back in the military and I would to get back to running full-time. These last few pounds seem damn near impossible to lose. It's like I hit a plateau or something. That's why I've turned to other means. My first triathlon is in March. Can I get down to 220 by the end of March or is that too much weight to cut?
I'm soooo sorry for the long post everyone. I just wanted to make sure everyone has enough info on me to make an educated guess on what I should/shouldn't be doing. I've read a lot of forums and most seem like a bunch of jackasses replying to things they know nothing about. I like many of the well thought out responses ya'll give here. Any input on any one of my questions would be so helpful and appreciated.
01-25-2013, 02:41 AM #2
Hey man I'm no expert or anything but I have hypothyroidism as well and i take medication at 150 mcg and there is no way I'd touch Clen . You don't want to mess with your thyroid man that regulates everything in your body. There are other compounds you can use to accomplish your goals. I'm sure an expert on here can inform you further.
That's just my 2 cents.
01-26-2013, 12:22 PM #3New Member
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Thanks man. My T4 dose is at 250 mcg. I read a study conducted on hypo patients that proved 95% of the patients given T3 at 50 mcg benefited in all ways: less depressed, more energy, better memory, less aggression, and overall felt better. So I started the T3 and all seems well so far. I started the clen at 20 mcg and it doesn't seem so bad, just messes with my breathing.
I don't know if it's because I'm stacking with test and tren but I've actually gained a few pounds. My chest and arms look more defined but the scale is going up instead of down. Could it be the test and tren?
01-29-2013, 07:37 PM #4New Member
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Xavier...I have hypothyroid as well. Kel a member on this board suggested I read up on stopthethyroid madness website...I think after reading up I may switch over to Armour and follow some of the other supplements they suggest. You should read up, might really help you.
Also, I have been reading this forum for about a year and am contemplating TRT vs. Cycles at the moment and have learned that people with hypo do often suffer from low t...so might want to check that out too.
Lastly, and I am no pro by any means but the general rule of thumb is to start your first cycle with test, AI, and HCG . And of course a good PCT. This will let you see how your body reacts to each compound as you add things into your cycle. Also, it is suggested to start off with your bf in the 12-13 percent range.
I have found cutting weight is simple if you know your tdee and strictly regulate your food intake to meet your specific goal. Cardio helps burn off calories that are over said goal...or the lack thereof helps to get to your goal depending on cutting or bulking.
Not trying to knock you only help pass on what I have gathered here. Good luck bro
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