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  1. #1
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Test Prop @ 600mg log

    Hello All,
    Almost a week into the cycle, First pin was on the 1st of OCT. Will keep this thread updated to record my progress.

    Just one week into the cycle, Wondering whether I have chosen the correct ester ? I can not see me pinning ED for 8 weeks straight. I'm already feeling the heat lol. I think EOD is bearable.

    Question: Can I mix Masteron prop and Test prop in one syringe ? if so can I use the same needle to draw from both vials ?

    As of now, No real strength gains or increased libido. I do understand prop takes about 3 weeks to kick in.

    I have pinned only on my Glute till now.. felt the pip last time around, Got little sore the next day, subsides after couple of days. I didn't have any problem with Masteron though.

    While searching for rotating Inj sites for prop... I came across horror threads about "quads and prop" don't go well together ? What other sites do you guys suggest for prop ? can i try Delts ?? Fyi, Never pinned anywhere else other than Glute. All Virgin.

    Will keep you guys posted with updates.

    Age: 30
    Weight: 75kg
    Height: 5'7

    Ditched my old cycle plan, This is my new Cycle

    Week 1-8: Test Prop 600mg/week (200mg x 3 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
    Week 1-8: Masteron 200mg/week (100mg x 2 on Tues and Thur) -> Base dose for Anti-Estrogen benefits.
    Week 1-8: Unigen xavar Anavar : 30 mg ED
    Week 3-8: HCG 500IU per week (250 x 2 on Monday and Thursday)
    Week 1-9: 25mg Aromasin ED (till PCT starts or shall I run it until when PCT ends ??)

    Update: Cycle edited

    Week 1-8: Test Prop 600mg/week (200mg x 3 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
    Week 3-8: HCG 500IU per week (250 x 2 on Monday and Thursday)
    Anavar : Last 4 weeks ??
    Week 1-9: 25mg Aromasin ED (till PCT starts or shall I run it until when PCT ends ??)

    Starts 4 days post the last pin

    Clomid : 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex : 40/20/20/20

    Will attach a present pic, Once I get hold of my camera. btw Pre-BW attached for vets to comment. Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0017.jpg   My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0016.jpg   My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0014.jpg  
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by THAMIZHAN; 10-08-2015 at 04:07 AM.

  2. #2
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    200mg mast a week? Running 3 compounds first cycle? I think you need to reconsider honey bun

  3. #3
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100
    200mg mast a week? Running 3 compounds first cycle? I think you need to reconsider honey bun
    I doubt it's his first cycle!Look at the blood results,his test is at the bottom.

  4. #4
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    200mg mast a week? Running 3 compounds first cycle? I think you need to reconsider honey bun
    David, I already have mentioned in my post that, mast at Base dose for its anti estrogen benefits and in addition it also acts against water retention and bloated look. Let it do Wat ever little it can do to harden up. Do you think it's not needed at alll? As I'm already on aromatic 25mg ed.

  5. #5
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrFreshmaker View Post
    I doubt it's his first cycle!Look at the blood results,his test is at the bottom.
    Yep, this is my third. Previous 2 were crazy. If I reveal it then I would come under lot of flack lol.

  6. #6
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    6 days Update

    Attaching recent pics ( taken 1 hr post gym session, so i think pumps still going on lol). 6 days into cycle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0069_new.jpg   My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0074_new.jpg   My 1st <Proper> cycle ( Test Prop + Masteron Prop + Anavar) log-dsc_0084_new.jpg  

  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Cut your gear, I'd say to test only at a low dose - i.e. 350mg a week

    And fix your diet, you can keep the mast and the Var - but, it won't do anything too beneficial < Your Bf% is just too high

    I've done it all - twice - fat & gear is a waste IMO - Well, unless you are a true power lifter

  8. #8
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Cut your gear, I'd say to test only at a low dose - i.e. 350mg a week

    And fix your diet, you can keep the mast and the Var - but, it won't do anything too beneficial < Your Bf% is just too high
    Thanks for the input, Samson. Vets over here recommended "test only" cycle to see how I react. After lot of deliberation, I decided to follow their advice. Hence I have decided to remove "Masteron " from the cycle.

    With regards to Anavar , shall I include it during the last 4 weeks of the cycle or do i have to remove it altogether and Use only test for the 8 weeks ?.

    Though 350 mg is slightly above the TRT dose, do you think its enough to show physical changes that i looking for ??.

    (if anavar is not recommended) Let me change this to Test only cycle at 600mg/week. With HCG and Aromasin . Thanks.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by THAMIZHAN View Post
    Thanks for the input, Samson. Vets over here recommended "test only" cycle to see how I react. After lot of deliberation, I decided to follow their advice. Hence I have decided to remove "Masteron " from the cycle.

    With regards to Anavar , shall I include it during the last 4 weeks of the cycle or do i have to remove it altogether and Use only test for the 8 weeks ?.

    Though 350 mg is slightly above the TRT dose, do you think its enough to show physical changes that i looking for ??.

    (if anavar is not recommended) Let me change this to Test only cycle at 600mg/week. With HCG and Aromasin. Thanks.
    You can throw in the anavar...Why not? lol i would say if you have it you can absolutely throw it in...But i agree that the mast is too low of a dose to make any difference...I didn't see that you've already done a few cycles...If you wanna still run the mast i would put it at around 600mg but then test would have to be higher IMO....In any case i'd replace mast with tren and still run your anavar...Still run your test of corse and just eat around maintenance or a little below and try to recomp to prime yourself for blowing up....Just my opinion though

  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    What are you trying to do, anyway? Cut, bulk - recomp

    Diet seriously will dictate your outcome more than the juice - or dose

    I have ran into the 3 gram territory & I seen damn near positives compared to less than half of the gear

    Not knocking you down by any means - shit, I just met a guy who runs the same amount of gear as me & doesn't even lift. Just does it for the well being factor - to each is own, I don't judge

  11. #11
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    You can throw in the anavar...Why not? lol i would say if you have it you can absolutely throw it in...But i agree that the mast is too low of a dose to make any difference...I didn't see that you've already done a few cycles...If you wanna still run the mast i would put it at around 600mg but then test would have to be higher IMO....In any case i'd replace mast with tren and still run your anavar...Still run your test of corse and just eat around maintenance or a little below and try to recomp to prime yourself for blowing up....Just my opinion though
    Deciding on AAS is complex that I initially thought it would be lol. Other Vets over here want me to do test only cycle. So you suggest to include Anavar 30mg/day for 8 weeks, okay will do.

    With regards to Masteron , Like I already mentioned, I understand 200mg is a very low dose but Its only for its anti-estrogen properties. It will act against bloating, water retention etc.. I already have done Tren , winny cycle, My second cycle that is, but had to cut short mid way due to personal reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    What are you trying to do, anyway? Cut, bulk - recomp

    Diet seriously will dictate your outcome more than the juice - or dose

    I have ran into the 3 gram territory & I seen damn near positives compared to less than half of the gear

    Not knocking you down by any means - shit, I just met a guy who runs the same amount of gear as me & doesn't even lift. Just does it for the well being factor - to each is own, I don't judge
    Plan is to cut. but I believe Re-comp is the right word. Would like to lose the belly fat and gain some lean mass if possible.

    I seriously cant decide, whether to continue with Masteron or not... Would appreciate other Vets opinion in this regard.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by THAMIZHAN View Post
    Deciding on AAS is complex that I initially thought it would be lol. Other Vets over here want me to do test only cycle. So you suggest to include Anavar 30mg/day for 8 weeks, okay will do.

    With regards to Masteron , Like I already mentioned, I understand 200mg is a very low dose but Its only for its anti-estrogen properties. It will act against bloating, water retention etc.. I already have done Tren , winny cycle, My second cycle that is, but had to cut short mid way due to personal reason.

    Plan is to cut. but I believe Re-comp is the right word. Would like to lose the belly fat and gain some lean mass if possible.

    I seriously cant decide, whether to continue with Masteron or not... Would appreciate other Vets opinion in this regard.

    Grow a pair and throw the anavar in ....For anti estrogen purposes get yourself an AI from a good research chemical place....

  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Grow a pair and throw the anavar in ....For anti estrogen purposes get yourself an AI from a good research chemical place....

    You mean shrink a pair - lol

    Or get pharma Ai - I'd really suggest a HG Ai

    You won't notice shit from the mast - guaranteed - but, you can run it. It won't do much if anything at all negative

  14. #14
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    You mean shrink a pair - lol

    Or get pharma Ai - I'd really suggest a HG Ai

    You won't notice shit from the mast - guaranteed - but, you can run it. It won't do much if anything at all negative
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Grow a pair and throw the anavar in ....For anti estrogen purposes get yourself an AI from a good research chemical place....

    lol talking a pair, No it has not shrunk in size yet and no increase in libido either ..... . F**k ditching Mast for good, no more *mast* in my cycle/thread. Moving on.

    With regards to AI, I'm on Aromasin 25 mg/ED.

    I have pinned only on my Glute till now.. post inj pip is a concern, though bearable, I need to rotate sites. Came across few horror threads about "quads and prop" don't go well together ? What other sites do you guys suggest for prop ? is Delts option ?? if yes, can it accommodate 2ml ??

    Fyi, Never pinned anywhere else other than Glute. All Virgin.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by THAMIZHAN View Post
    lol talking a pair, No it has not shrunk in size yet and no increase in libido either ..... . F**k ditching Mast for good, no more *mast* in my cycle/thread. Moving on.

    With regards to AI, I'm on Aromasin 25 mg/ED.

    I have pinned only on my Glute till now.. post inj pip is a concern, though bearable, I need to rotate sites. Came across few horror threads about "quads and prop" don't go well together ? What other sites do you guys suggest for prop ? is Delts option ?? if yes, can it accommodate 2ml ??

    Fyi, Never pinned anywhere else other than Glute. All Virgin.
    Yes 2ml is fine honey...and you can look on site to see where to pin in your delts ( you probably already know this)

  16. #16
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Just an Update

    While on Prop, Is it normal to be lethargic, I mean tired all day OR is AI the culprit? I think Aromasin killing all the E's. I doing 25mg/day, Shall I change it to 12.5 mg/day or something.

    No real strength gains yet.. Waiting . Weight is hovering between 75 to 76 Kgs.

  17. #17
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Go get BW

  18. #18
    THAMIZHAN is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Go get BW
    Apologies for the late response, I actually feel better now. I'm not sure if its anyway related to stopping "Aromasin " for few days.

    I think strength gains starting to kick in last week. libido is awesome- through the roof, I get hard on just looking at girls, feels strange so much so that even my wife is turning me on from last week lol.

    I'm hesitant with the aromasin ED, because I am worried about hindering gains. I know some people say it doesn't hurt gains, but its just gonna keep the bloat down. btw I don't mind a lil temporary bloat, for increased gains.

    Going forward, I will take Aromasin E3D. I know the half life is less than 24 hours but I went through few studies stating that Aromasin effectiveness of eliminating Aromatase enzymes is about (70-80% ) after the first administration. Since this is suicidal AI, estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. So this means due the effect of aromasin, body takes (72 if not more) hours to bring back to baseline normal estrogen values.

    btw my Mid cycle BW comes in 2 weeks. it should clear all my doubts.

  19. #19
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    Any update?

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