01-18-2017, 07:52 PM #1
Myers cycle log
Well , haven't logged in for a while...
Okay so:
Height : 192 cm
Weight : 111 kg
BF : 16%
Age: 22 ( been on TRT for year and a half).
Goals : drop my bf down to 10% , keep the muscle loss to a minimum.
Consuming 3100 calories daily.
Training 5 times a week.
I'll start doing cardio 3x a week for 30 mins , then increase if needed.
Cycle itself:
Pharm grade test e 400 mg/week for 12 weeks.
Arimidex 0.25 eod ( I had puberty gyno , guess i'm e2 prone, will do bw on the 3rd week, or earlier if i feel like i crashed e2). Starting day after the injection.
Might add winny last 4 weeks. If my bf gets low enough.
Not running HCG , don't have access to it , doc didn't prescribe it , neither i got source , ppl here don't even use adex barely found that ( also pharm grade ).
i guess that's it, let's roll!Last edited by Myers; 01-18-2017 at 08:50 PM.
01-19-2017, 05:14 PM #2
Back today , i had a strong placebo effect , killed it, feeling literally exhausted now. Will probably post updates every 3-4 days or weekly .
01-19-2017, 05:38 PM #3
What put you on TRT at 22?
HCG is available on line at multiple places.
01-19-2017, 07:31 PM #4
Isn't it better to run cycles instead of TRT at your age? not hating ot anything just asking
01-20-2017, 02:00 AM #5
That's a very young age for TRT I'm curious too.
01-20-2017, 07:32 AM #6
I made a thread like year and a half ago about my low T here, you actually helped me a lot with it lol but u probably forgot by now.
Anyway, I didn't cycle before , i went to see doc about my puberty gyno , discovered low T, went to an MRI and all that , got nothing , my thyroid was a bit lower , but since it didn't cross the line so it could be classified as hypothyroid, no1 would treat that. So even after multiple BW , scans and etc. never found a real reason for it.
Got put on clomid , didn't really help me , went to other doc and got put on Nebido.
On the next appointment i wanna convince my doc to prescribe HCG , everything is cheaper here when it comes directly from a pharm. Living in a 3rd world country.Last edited by Myers; 01-20-2017 at 07:42 AM.
01-20-2017, 07:35 AM #7
Nah , i felt like crap with low T, tbh I'm really thankful thing like TRT exists and i'm not feeling bad at all that i have to pin for 60+ years( i plan to live long ). My life is so much better now.
01-20-2017, 07:38 PM #8
Just my opinion. If you're cutting your calories may be too high. If I were trying to drop weight slowly I would aim for "net" calories of about 1800 a day. At that point I would lose about 2lbs a week. If you have testosterone this should help you keep muscle as long as you still keep lifting along with your cardio. Now this doesn't mean I'm saying only eat 1800 calories... You could eat 2800 calories and still get down to 1800 with cardio each day. In my experience that's the great thing about cutting with about 200mg/wk test. No bloat... I didn't take an AI at that dose... And I didn't lose much muscle at all. Just upped the cardio, ate a lot of protein, lifted for 45-60 min in the morning and did 1 hour (-1000 calories) of cardio every night. Fat literally melted off.
Everybody's experience is unique though and I'm sure someone will disagree with me. Just offering my experience.
Best of luck to you man.
01-20-2017, 10:33 PM #9
I do kind of remember that now. Your issue was basically idiopathic if I recall correctly. What level is the Nebido keeping you at? If you need some studies re HCG I can link you. Just pm me. I'd hit on your doc regarding the fertility aspect as to why you need HCG. Then you can show him studies to back that up.
01-21-2017, 05:03 AM #10
Sure, pass me the studies , I need as much knowledge as possible , I'm having an endocrinology exam at university in 2 weeks anyway i wanna score as high as possible, and i'm actually gonna have stuff related to HCG + i really need to convince doc for that stuff . I'm on 9 week protocol at this moment , that's the frequency i feel the best on, doc put me on nebido shot every 10 weeks. But the last week had me feel a bit crappy , so i went down to 8, my e2 would get a bit high on that , so 9 weeks was a sweet spot. He gave me the freedom to adjust it from 10 to 8 according to BW. I do the shots myself lol , we usually have appointments like every 6 months. My last BW was around 25.5 nmol/l total T.
01-21-2017, 05:17 AM #11
I will probably drop my calories to 2800 if it goes too slow, but on any lower than that i think i'd be wasting muscle already, yesterday was a shoulders day:
Military press warmp up x15 then working series x10,x8,x6,x6
Barbell press behind the neck x9 , x8 , x8
lateral raise x10, x10, x10
rear delt raise x8 x8 x8
upright barbel row x8 x6 x6
and then cardio 30 mins
01-22-2017, 04:55 PM #12
Great Arms day today:
Close grip bench press : x12,x10,x8,x8,x6
skullcrusher : x10 , x8 , x6
cable thing i don't know what's it called lol: x10 x10 x10
Standing barbell curl , x10 x8 x8 , x6+x4( right after lowered the weight and did 4 more)
preacher curls x10 x8 x6
hammer x8 x8 x8
Cardio : 25 min (caught a cold of some sort , whenever i breathe i feel pain on left side of the chest, had it before, but makes cardio hard to do since breathing is harder.)
anyway, i woke up feeling a little bloated , probably the excess sodium , gonna have to reduce that.
01-22-2017, 08:01 PM #13
01-22-2017, 09:39 PM #14
Yeap FT is good , not sure about the peak . Trt has been amazing for me , my shoulders,arms , back blew up like crazy been getting the positive comments everywhere. I'm really looking forward to the outcome of this cycle , if i can keep most of the size while dieting down to 10% that would be amazing , camera on my phone is dead , else i'd post up a few pics. Most of the fat is in my midsection("lovehandles") which annoys me cause i want the V shape, imma diet till i get it.
01-24-2017, 10:41 AM #15
Thought i feel e2 problems so i took BW , estradiol sensitive essay is not available in my town, checked all labs. So i had to go with the regular one.
S ESTRADIOL 51.1 pg/ml ---------------------------ref. range 4.0-94.0 CLIA
Looking at this i'd say i should up my adex dosage to 0.5 EOD , can any1 give me further insight ?
I always thought i aromatize a lot...
Edit: NACH3 helped me out on this one , since it's a standard test i'm probably right in the range , so i'll keep taking 0.25 eod.Last edited by Myers; 01-24-2017 at 10:52 AM.
01-24-2017, 11:19 AM #16
Well, it's mid-range on that test but it's really not the most trustworth or accurate estrogen test and can range a lot, which can lead to inaccurate dosing of ancillaries. I don't necessarily agree with doubling your dose as I think it would lead to problems. Find a way to slightly increase it if you must but if you're not having any issues I'd just ride it out.
01-25-2017, 07:29 AM #17
Yeah i'm gonna keep the same adex dosage, if i could i'd increase to 0.375 but it's impossible to cut these pills like that lol, small and round , it's already hard to split them in 4 equal doses
01-25-2017, 10:55 AM #18
01-25-2017, 05:42 PM #19
Gonna be donating blood tomorrow , my hematocrit didn't really jump since on TRT, i used to be anemic as a kid, but since i'm on cycle now it would be a good thing to do. If i feel good i'll hit my back hard.
01-26-2017, 08:09 PM #20
I think i got a "Test flu"
Achy joints , muscles , headache , feeling crappy and lethargic , throat feels sore...didn't change my adex dose , my libido is great so it's not crashed e2...
How long does it take for this thing to go away?
01-28-2017, 01:34 PM #21
Losing 1kg a week steadily , im satisfied , gonna have a cheat meal tonight since i did gym 6 times this week , and i didn't really cheat for a while.
Had a great workout , threadmill died from power failure so i run home for like 25 mins on -10 celsius ...
Gonna walk for a 30 more mins now to a friend and like 30 mins more back home so i guess i'll burn the cheat meal lol ( i feel guilty )
01-29-2017, 09:53 PM #22
Anyway, week 3:
I got an exam today , probably won't sleep at all during the night , my sleep cycle was crap anyway, i would go to bed at 3-4 am ..so annoying
Probably gonna be awake the whole day so i can go to bed early and fix this crap.
Now on the cycle:
Noticing increased energy and endurance, mood is great since test flu is out of the system, confidence is over 9000. Not sure if it's the test but on friday night local hoe wanted me to bang her for free lol. Also got approached 3 times on saturday when i went out to a bar (i guess chicks love it when the only thing you're drinking the whole night is water lololo).
Did arms today , hit 'em heavy, and 30 mins cardio after, thankfully weather is getting better , so i can start doing my cardio outside, gym has bad ventilation so it's hard to breathe when there are many ppl around..
Diet on spot 100%, not gonna have any more cheat meals , since the one and only i had wrecked my stomach so hard, i felt guilty and it didn't even taste as good as it used to.Last edited by Myers; 01-29-2017 at 09:56 PM.
02-01-2017, 03:00 PM #23
Today's chest workout was decent , but not 100% , due to hard climate change ( went from -10 celsius to +15 in a day lol) i couldn't sleep , i had bad case of insomnia , went to bed in 2 am , didn't catch any sleep before 7 am, when i woke up i felt like i didn't even sleep.
My BP was unstable , in one moment it was high , but when i finished workout it dropped hard i felt dizzy when i stood up(postural hypotension i guess?).
Wasn't feeling well to do the cardio. Gonna go to the bed early tonight.
02-05-2017, 02:10 PM #24
Okay now i def. feel the effects of test!
Yesterday i did deadlifts 210 kg felt like paper
Pumps are good again
I look leaner , a lot leaner , but my weight went up on scale for like 1 kg i guess that's some water i'm storing.
I'm lovin it!
Also , no sides whatsoever , maybe a lil higher bp but nothing to be worried about.Last edited by Myers; 02-05-2017 at 02:12 PM.
02-08-2017, 10:07 AM #25
Having great workouts , tons of energy, keeping strict with the diet , i really notice huge changes on my body
I woke up with some pain near my left nipple on the very edge of areola, not sure what it is , nothing below it , i had my gyno surgery around 2 years ago , i know in fact that i had 1-2 stitches left in that nipple that were never removed , so im not sure what could it be...
Im gonna get some Nolva just in case
I think he removed like 95% of the tissue in that nipple , it looks disgusting and totally empty lol
02-11-2017, 06:08 AM #26
Good workouts even with a bit less sleep these days, weight on scale is dropping nicely.
My nipples are sensitive , and that's a prob. I'm afraid of my gyno making a comeback, i might try to increase adex from 0.25 to 0.375 or close to that since i don't have joint problems anymore(which i guess were from training more intese). Guess i'm just gyno prone.
I'll also start nolva at 10 mg ed. And increase from there if needed.
Maybe im being paranoid but i just don't even wanna think about surgery again lol.
02-12-2017, 01:22 PM #27
Anyway i went 0.5 adex , feeling slight knee and joint pain , libido is ok , nipple sensitivity and burning sensation/slight pain in the left one gone.
Did my arms workout and cardio, I think my perfect adex dose is between 0.25 and 0.5 , which is gonna be kinda hard to cut the pill but i'll manage somehow. Didn't buy nolva yet because it's sunday and pharmacy didn't work.
1) Get back to 0.25 EOD and start nolva at 20mg ed
2) Try to cut pills to 0.375 EOD and take that AI dosage
3) Increase test to 500 mg/week and take 0.5 AI EOD
I'd like vet's opinion on thisLast edited by Myers; 02-12-2017 at 01:26 PM.
02-15-2017, 07:29 AM #28
Here's the report:
Reduced adex to 0.375-0.4 (cuts aren't perfect oh well), feeling totally fine now , libido in check , horny as fk, no sensitive nipples , found my dose it seems, no joint pain.
Smooth sailing for now
Gonna hit chest day and cardio
02-16-2017, 11:57 PM #29
Down to around 11-12% bf , currently 5th week of cycle.
Didn't lose any strength , actually gained some on
military press , pull ups ( went from 10 to 15 reps) , deadlifts , bench , squats
This week i'm having a bit of a problem:
Food cravings , it seems like no matter how much i eat i get hungry as fk in like hour and a half after a meal. Last night i woke up hungry as hell, drunk some water and ate some veggies just to fill the stomach so i can keep sleeping, can any1 suggest what to do about this? It's really getting annoying , i didn't have the extreme hunger when i started the diet , why now?
Also when i went out and walking for like 45 mins to a friends place , and 45 mins back on half way back my hands started shaking , feeling dizzy and hungry as hell...hypoglycemia?
Any input?
Father is running ECA stack atm , i guess i could slip a few pills in my pocket lol, or what do u guys think about l tyrosine?Last edited by Myers; 02-17-2017 at 12:00 AM.
02-17-2017, 11:04 AM #30
02-17-2017, 11:10 AM #31
02-17-2017, 12:25 PM #32
02-17-2017, 02:55 PM #33
I'll go check on monday
Well my protein sources are mostly chicken, beef , tuna , eggs , even lean pork some times(but that's on rare occasions lol), and yeah usually before bed i eat Ella cheese 0% fat ( in 100g of it u got like 12.5 g of protein and 0.1 other stuff lol).
02-22-2017, 08:08 AM #34
Getting close to my goal now , i think i might end up on even less than 10% by the end of this.
Starting oral winny next week at 30 mg/ed.
02-27-2017, 05:15 AM #35
Had a good cheat meal this saturday, feeling like my glicogen stores are replenished, the day after i did a killer workout.
Went to donate blood today , hematocrit 45% before donation. BP 130/80 (thats my usual BP anyway)
Starting winstrol today.
03-03-2017, 02:40 AM #36
1) Caught a cold , runny nose , feeling like crap , couldn't go to the gym yesterday , feeling better today , i might take 1 more day off max if i feel i need to recover 100%, but i'm kinda contemplating to hit the shoulders right now lol
2) Quitting WINSTROL - why? I had epididymitis before the cycle , i guess prostatitis also , well during the cycle it kinda came back but not as strong , i was pissing frequently and had pain in the left testicle( nothing really new , check it out all fine) , shivers in the region between scrotum and ass, i was taking antibiotics , seemed to get better. Now when i started winny , yesterday it got worse , to the point i thought it came back 200%. Well now 24h passed and i feel better , could it be the winny(DHT - derivate i know it can cause the problems)?
3)Even though all the crap diet is in check 100%
I'm gonna start taking some pumpkin seeds , and tea made of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi , also some natural remedies that i got prescribed to relax prostate muscles.
03-07-2017, 12:06 PM #37
Doing good , prostate issues are fading away
atm im using conprosta forte(brassica oil extract) x2 a day , pumpkin seeds( a handful) , zinc 30 mg and im gonna throw in saw palmetto at around 500 mg a day
Pissing frequently but i don't have a blockage , my stream is strong most of the time , only annoyance is i got a constant feeling that i need to poop like something is stuck there but nothing comes out. Was the worst when i was doing deadlift , then it felt like im gonna poop myself lol, damn prostate
Gave urine to check for bacteria, will have results in 3 days
03-16-2017, 07:09 AM #38
Didn't update this for some time ,
alright here it goes:
Fat loss slowed down , guess i'm really near 10% now , i've started carb cycling
from week 10 to 12 i'll add EC stack since i couldn't do winny, so i traded it for some EC
Having regular cheat meals on saturdays to refeed(not cheat days just a single meal is enough for me)
Prostate problems gone completely , although i still urinate frequently but not as much as before
03-16-2017, 08:48 AM #39
03-16-2017, 01:55 PM #40
Sadly not , had some unexpected financial issues , and PSA test is not cheap here , might do it in may before i go to regular meet with my endo
The stack i was taking was:
Saw palmetto , zinc , pumpkin seeds , rapeseed oil , seems my prostate problems are gone completely , don't know if going to pee once after 7h of sleep counts as a problem, if not then it's all okay i guess
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years