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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    First time using GH

    I just started my first cycle of GH 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm running something like this:

    800mg Cyp / week
    50mg Dbol / day (first 4 weeks until cyp kicks in)

    Midmorning: 2ius GH + 5ius Insulin (Monday-Friday)
    Post-workout: 2ius GH + 10-12ius Insulin (Monday-Friday)

    I am probably going to add deca in there also at 300-400mg/w.
    I started the GH at 1iu am + 1iu postworkout, but I didn't feel I was getting enough out of it, so I went up to 4ius/d this week.

    The reason for the high insulin doses are that I exhibit very slight symptoms of diabetes and my entire mother's side of the family has it. I have actually been put on insulin for a short time before by my doctor, although I am not prescribed any now. So, now I just use it to build muscle, but I have to use a higher dose since my body is very resistant to it.

    So far all I've noticed from the growth is that I am eating a lot more calories, and I'm on Dbol and I haven't gained a single pound. But I am thickening up and gaining a little strength from the dbol, and my stomach is starting to lean out slightly (very slightly, but its definitely doing it).

    I am just starting to feel the cyp kick in and finishing up the dbol, so I think things from this point out should be good.

    Please critique and tell me what you think.

  2. #2
    fausto666 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Gonna Be HUGE
    I just started my first cycle of GH 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm running something like this:

    800mg Cyp / week
    50mg Dbol / day (first 4 weeks until cyp kicks in)

    Midmorning: 2ius GH + 5ius Insulin (Monday-Friday)
    Post-workout: 2ius GH + 10-12ius Insulin (Monday-Friday)

    I am probably going to add deca in there also at 300-400mg/w.
    I started the GH at 1iu am + 1iu postworkout, but I didn't feel I was getting enough out of it, so I went up to 4ius/d this week.

    The reason for the high insulin doses are that I exhibit very slight symptoms of diabetes and my entire mother's side of the family has it. I have actually been put on insulin for a short time before by my doctor, although I am not prescribed any now. So, now I just use it to build muscle, but I have to use a higher dose since my body is very resistant to it.

    So far all I've noticed from the growth is that I am eating a lot more calories, and I'm on Dbol and I haven't gained a single pound. But I am thickening up and gaining a little strength from the dbol, and my stomach is starting to lean out slightly (very slightly, but its definitely doing it).

    I am just starting to feel the cyp kick in and finishing up the dbol, so I think things from this point out should be good.

    Please critique and tell me what you think.
    Keep going man , try to eat like a pig don´t be afraid about the fat gains just do it.
    My cycles are like this long acting test sust 5 w middle act test enanthate 2 w
    short act test prop 2 w long act anabolic eq 5 w short act anabolic stano3 w
    oral Dbol 5 w and ins 3 w.I never used hgh but i will.

  3. #3
    Sorken's Avatar
    Sorken is offline Member
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    Gothenburg in Sweden
    how long are you running this cycle ?

    Good luck bro !

  4. #4
    fausto666 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorken
    how long are you running this cycle ?

    Good luck bro !
    This is my 2nd (like this). why????

  5. #5
    DoubleHelix is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    wasnt that question directed at the thread starter?

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