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  1. #1
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    cycle diary 2003

    Well it has started officially, two days ago 10/21/03 i downed my 35mg of d-bol and injected 250mg of sust into my right glute. Felt soooo good piercing the skin and muscle, no burn or soreness. I did feel a little funny after the d-bol, took 20mg in the morning and 15mg afternoon, both times felt a little dizzy, eyes watered some and chills. Is it in my mind or what?? Been so long since my last d-bol can't compare.
    A little history on me;

    35 y/o.................biceps 15 5/8"............calves 15 7/8"
    5 ft 8 inches.........forearms 13"............waist 35"
    195 lbs.................quads 23 1/2" 18%

    working out for some 15+ yrs, have done two cycles b4 first not even worth talking about, second was d-bol and sust cycle, gained12-15lbs kept alot of the muscle ate like crap though. Took some time off at the end of 2002 and beginning of 2003 for the birth of my daughter, back in the gym harder than ever. Been trying to lose some bf b4 starting this cycle so i tried the atkins diet and dropped fron 210 to 195, lost a little muscle bf went from 24% TO 18%, I hold alot in the torso area and have never seen an ab on me in my life, hopefully this will change when i'm done with this cycle.
    My work-out is kinda off the wall. I work in the EMS field and work 24hr shifts eod until four shifts are done then i'm off for six days, then 24hr shifts eod until four shifts are done then i'm off for four days, then it starts all over again. We aren't aloud to workout on duty, but I snuck in a curl bar and dumbells. This is how I've been doing it, on my days at work I stick to doing bis and tris and shoulders, this seems to be the only body parts i can hit with what weights i've got.

    My cycle:

    d-bol 35mg ed wks 1-4
    sust 250 750mg wks 1-2
    sust 250 500mg wks 3-10
    winny 50mg ed wks 7-10
    cytomel wks 7-12

    have nolva and clomid on hand, also i have t 200 depot and i was thinking of taking 100mg in week 1 and 2 to kick it up, what do you think?

    I will be placing b4 and after pics soon. Any critiques would be appreciated, i will keep you all posted, thanks MM
    Last edited by MUSCLEMEDIC; 10-23-2003 at 10:34 PM. Reason: hard to read

  2. #2
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    well it's been 5 days, no bloating yet and little strength gains but hey it's only been 5 days right....haven't checked my weight today will do when i get to a hospital. Injections have been easy with very little pain, and d-bol dizziness, watery eyes have not come back, speaking of that i just noticed it's 2pm and i forgot my morning dose of 20mgs. so far this is how the days have been going.

    Day one/tues: 35mg d-bol arm workout at station
    Day two/wed: 35mg d-bol 250mg sust 250 legs at gym
    Day three/thur: 35mg d' 100mg test enath no w/o
    Day four/fri: 35mg d' chest/shoulders at gym
    Day five/sat: 35mg d' 250mg sust back at station

    diet consists of:
    morning: 1 cup of oatmeal in w/ 4 eggs
    snack: protein bar 30grms
    lunch: can of chix 50grms, salad greens
    snack: protein shake 50grms, 2 tbl spn peanut butter
    dinner: steak or chix, w/ potatoe or rice
    snack: protein shake 25grms

    so far this every day with a gallon and a half of water, did have two peices of pizza last night for dinner, sorry

  3. #3
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    days 5 to 10

    Well it's been ten days and is going ok. Diet has been slacking need to buckle down and eat, eat, eat!!! Work-outs have been improving pumps are unreal, can barely walk after legs and having trouble reaching my back in shower.......
    Four sust down with two extra shots of test enath. Four glute shots without a hitch nearly no soreness, right quad of test enath was wonderful, but the sust in my left quad yesterday is killing me, heat packs , stretching, rubbing nothing is helping this pain, i can barely walk, need to do legs tommorow to see if that helps it. D-bol has been no problem 20mg in day, 15mg in afternoon, but, again another but, i miss counted my pills and i was going to be short so iv'e decided to take 25mg liquid d-bol in the morning then take 10mg pills in afternoon. Tried it today.....MY GOD!!!! that sh*t tastes like sh*t, been brushing my teeth all day and it is still there.....think i'm going to just inject everyday instead.....
    weight is up 10 lbs.... not bad for slacking on my diet but could be better...
    strength wise i'm up quite a bit, maybe it's because i'm going by the rule "lift big, get big" so i'm pushing my self a little more and sticking to the big muscle groups....will keep everybody updated and my partner is supposed to bring his digital camera to work so i can post some pics.....thanks MM

  4. #4
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    One thing i noticed was yea you need to eat more "core" foods. Also why are you tapering your sust..
    Did i miss something ?

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Good luck on the cycle bro.
    Are you only doing 4wks of winny because of supply?
    You could go 6 if wanted

    Need more food bro, that is not nearly enough to grow

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Also, don't do T3 to wk 12. Have it tapered out about 5wks before recovery. YOu don't want to be recovering thyroid and HPTA at the same time

  7. #7
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys,

    ENraged, I frontloaded the sust at 750mg for two weeks, then ending the cycle with more core foods i believe you mean to take out the shakes/bars and eat real food, that would be nice but because of my work it is easier to have the shakes/bars on hand, on my days off I do add a core meal, thanks

    Pheedno, more food i know, i know.... also i do have enough winny for six weeks but i was worried about the liver with the d-bol and winny....also do you mean to taper the t3 before the end of recovery or the beginning of the recovery? I've also obtained some clen to go with the t3 will this change anything?

    The cycle has been about the same, improving on the diet, weight is up to 205, puffiness to the face is now noticable ,wife has been remarking about it (she doesn't know about the cycle) strength wise is remarkable, up 35-40% on all lifts, really can't reach the middle of my back in the shower now, will redo the measurements today to see the gains...Iv'e been going back and forth with oral d-bol and injectable d-bol, does anybody know if this is a bad idea? Anticipating the winny, have never taken it b4 so don't know what to expect.

    Thanks MM

  8. #8
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Taper the T3 out about 5 wks before PCT starts

  9. #9
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    well been slacking on the diary so thought i'd catch up.

    weight is up from 195 to 208
    calves up 5/8"
    biceps up 3/4"
    quads up 1"
    b/f up from 18% to 20%

    diet still slacking!!!! working on the rig i'm finding it hard to eat as much as i need to. have been depending on the shakes and bars to much.

    workouts are outstanding, putting up some major weight. friends are getting suspicious because of all the spots i'm asking for(i work out by myself). leg day was today and because of all the extra weight my workouts are going an extra 15-20 minutes.

    i've got 6 more days of d-bol left, still going back and forth between injecting and orals seems to be working out alright. I got some extra sust from a friend so now i'm doing 250 every third day, nuts are pretty much gone but not to worry they'll be back.
    just got some bad news about two hours ago, my buddy who has been holding my winny sold it!!! he said he needed the money and will try to get me some more within the next 3 weeks lets hope so....i don't think it will screw up the cycle to much, any feed back on this.
    by some of the feed back iv'e gotten i'm looking at doing a clen /eca cycle weeks 6 thru 12 and the t3 weeks 4 thru 10 does this sound right? Clomid 300mg day 1, 100mg next 10 days, and 50mg the next 10 again... i have nolva on hand and was going to start it when i feel anything but i think i'm going to start it at week 5 till the end at .5 a day. still no pictures yet but can definately see the differences.. again will keep you all posted thanks MM

  10. #10
    MUSCLEMEDIC is offline New Member
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    Well 4 weeks down, finished my d-bol, sad to see it go... continuing with the sust every three days, finally getting tired with the shots....

    body weight up to 218
    bf sitting at approx 21%
    fore arms 13 1/4"
    quads 25"
    biceps 16 3/4"
    calves 193/4"

    putting up some major plates, hitting mainly the large muscle groups.. pushing over 700lbs on leg press, 250lbs on leg extensions, dumbell bench 80lbs, shoulder presses 150lbs,.... just a few notes to come back on..

    the only thing other is i am a little worried about gyno, yes my friend did sell my nolva and clomid so i'm still looking for nips are bothering me, can't really describe it kinda sensative and sore no changes is size though, maybe it's all in my head...any way that's it for now thanks MM

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