Ok boys and gals, I had to change a few things around do to some financial and source trouble but I'm back on. As of now it's 100mg prop, 100mg fina a day with eq and var coming in later. All research technologies gear, except the fina, that's homemade.

Well I was going to run today but couldn't find my damn warm-ups and it's freakin cold and wet outside so I'll do that tomorrow. I'm going to slowly up my carbs again and my cals each week until I hit my mark. I will also be doin moderate eight slowly increasing do to my period away from the gym. SO here goes.

I did 100mg prop and 100mg fina in my left calve and it went in painless. I'm having to use some 22 gauge 1" needles I picked up at the feed store until my pinz come in, than I'll be using 25 gauge 1" for spot injecting. I'll be hitting both claves, both quads, both lats, both delts, both bi's, both tri's.

Gear on hand...
3 20mL 200mg test prop
3 50mL 100mg fina
2 bottles of liquid nolva 75mg
2 bottles of liquid clomid 50mg

on the way or fxingto be ordered
3 bottles of EQ 400mg 10mL
5 bottles of Var (forgot the mL)

Ok did my inject and am happy to be eating carbs again, I ate this morning
1 1/2 cup oats with honey
10 egg whites 1 yolk scrammbled
1/4 lb lean diced ham
1 cup OJ
2 cups coffee
2 slices whole wheat toast w/ natty pb

9am meal
2 chicken breast
1/2 cup rice (slowly gonna raise carbs for the next few weeks)
1 cup broccoli

already hungry for lunch

My workouts will be

deadlifts 4 working sets 2-3 warm-up sets
lat pulls 3-4 working sets
v-bar cable rows 4 working sets
bent over barbell rows 4 working sets
wide grip pul-ups burnouts

military press on smith machine 2-3 warm-ups 4 working sets
iso-machine shoulder press 4 working sets
cable extensions 4 working sets
shrugs 4-5 working sets
reverse pec dec 4 working sets

squats 3 warm-up sets 4-5 working ssets
lunges 4 working sets
leg ext 3 working sets
leg curls 4 working sets
straight legged deads 4 working sets


flat bench press 2-3 warm-up sets 4-5 working sets
incline press 4 working sets
decline press 4 working sets
cable crossovers 4 working sets
dumbell flys 3-4 working sets

close grip bench 2 warm-up sets 3 working sets
overhead dumbell extensions 3 working sets
v-bar cable extensions 3 working sets
reverse cable curls 3 working sets

straight bar curls 2 warm-up sets 3-4 working sets
dumbell preacher curls (single arm) 3-4 working sets
hammer curls 4 working sets
concentration curls 3 working sets


I'll alternate day to day between abs and calves

Tonight I have back and will post about it later or tomorrow. It's good to be back on and back in the gym folks! I'll keep 'em coming EOD if not ED.