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  1. #1
    dr_ma's Avatar
    dr_ma is offline Junior Member
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    low dose deca cycle

    I am contemplating doing some deca . However, I am thinking of going about it in a different way. My idea is to take a single shot (200mg) of deca every there monthes for a year or maybe two. The reason I was thinking of doing it this way I don't really want to gain alot of weight(10-20lbs) and I believe that it will be easier to keep anything I do gain.

    Has anyone ever used deca in this way and was it benefical?

  2. #2
    GETTING HUGE is offline Junior Member
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    Don't even bother, I would read more.

  3. #3
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr_ma
    I am contemplating doing some deca . However, I am thinking of going about it in a different way. My idea is to take a single shot (200mg) of deca every there monthes for a year or maybe two. The reason I was thinking of doing it this way I don't really want to gain alot of weight(10-20lbs) and I believe that it will be easier to keep anything I do gain.

    Has anyone ever used deca in this way and was it benefical?
    You definelty need to do some serious research as was already mentioned to you. Deca like all other AAS' have half lives. by shoot deca or hell any other AAS the way you have planned on doing it will only be a major waste of money and good gear.

    Stick around read up on and you will learn tonnes. You might also want to check out the steriod profile section. I am sure a lot of your question can be answer just by reading that.

  4. #4
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    For once I agree with shredz. Do some reaserch bro. This isn't something to jump into

  5. #5
    SaTyR's Avatar
    SaTyR is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr_ma
    I am contemplating doing some deca . However, I am thinking of going about it in a different way. My idea is to take a single shot (200mg) of deca every there monthes for a year or maybe two. The reason I was thinking of doing it this way I don't really want to gain alot of weight(10-20lbs) and I believe that it will be easier to keep anything I do gain.

    Has anyone ever used deca in this way and was it benefical?
    Well if you don't want a hard on anymore for a couple of years , and not even gain a single pound , thats the trick to do it . Man you should really do some research , what you are saying does not make sence . Just trying to help you !

  6. #6
    dr_ma's Avatar
    dr_ma is offline Junior Member
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    So I am guessing no one has ever tried this.

    I understand why you might feel this would be a waste. However, I figuire even if it is a waste it will only be a small one. I am not new to steroids I have done 2 cycles within my life time. I have also done a fair amount of research which has led me to the conclusion that this will at the very worst be a waste of about $100 worth of steroids. I am almost certain that no negative side effects will be experienced as there are well documented studies in which AIDS patients have been treated with a similar dose at a far greater frequency and still experienced little or no side effects.

    With reguard to the half life of deca . I am well aware the deca has a long half life(15 days). This is why I believe that it is the only steroid that will work in this way. However, my goal is not to flood my system with synthetic anabolics as this will most certainly shut down my natural testosterone production. I merely intent to give my body a quick spike of the synthetic which I hope is enough to lift me above any plateu I may be on with my training. After this spike disapates into my system I am expecting my natural testosterone production to be easily able to maintain any gains I my have aquired. This will avoid the most dreaded post cycle draw downs which I believe are attributed to the lack of natural testosterone production after ones cycle.

    As you can tell this is some what of an experiment for me and I was merely trying to see if anyone else has thought to try this before me. I have already made up mind to see what happens and I will let you know what I find out.

  7. #7
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    For once I agree with shredz. Do some reaserch bro. This isn't something to jump into
    BITE ME Ron!!!

    And I still stand by what I said already. You will be wasting your money, weither it be $3 or $100 or what ever. You will gain nothing!!

  8. #8
    MR.HUGE is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    you must be joking mate,
    you defo need to do some research.
    why waste your time at a hardcore site

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