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  1. #1
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    DNP cycle starts today....

    Alright, bros. I just got off of this cycle:

    wks 1-8 75mg/d Fina
    wks 2-7 800mg/w T200 (Just had some to get rid of..)
    wks 2-7 Insulin (20IUs AM, 10IUs pre-workout, 10IUs post-workout)
    wks 1-8 T3 (tapered up to 120mcg and back down)
    wks 1-8 200mcg Clen + Ketotifen (so I could run clen the whole 8 weeks)
    wks 5-8 50mg/d Winny

    And that all ended yesterday. Today I switched to DNP for the next 2 weeks or so. I am starting at 250mg/d for just today, and tomarrow I am moving it up to 500mg/d. If after the first week, it seems pretty tolerable, I may try 750mg for a few days and then come back down. Oh, and I haven't forgot Clomid. That starts next week (3 weeks after last test shot).

    So far (day 1) I barely even felt anything. I took it in the morning and I only slightly feel warm. And that little bit is probably only my mind playing tricks on me. I definitely need more. Stepping up to 500mg tomorrow.

    BTW, I started the whole cycle at ~230 19.5-20.5% bf (I can't remember the exact numbers and I didn't write them down). I have never been above 13-14% bf in my life, so I expected that to drop pretty quickly, and I was right. This morning (after finishing the whole cycle, except DNP) I was 223, 14.5% bf!!! Pretty good results if you ask me!!!! Strength is up quite a bit too. My goal with the DNP is to drop down to 10% or lower. I may be doing a second cycle of DNP after a couple weeks off of this one to really get ripped up for spring break. Then back to bulking when I get back from Cancun!!! LOL

  2. #2
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Good luck with the DNP bro. Is this your first run with it?

  3. #3
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    Yup, first time with DNP . I remember you saying something about using it before. How did it go for you? Any last minute pointers you can give me? I'll keep you guys posted.


  4. #4
    Psycoswole's Avatar
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    Im quoting this from a post made by Kizer, good to keep in mind

    "Another thing DNP has a cumulative effect in your body, it upregulates the receptors thus making each day at the same dose more effective. That is where ALOT of ppl using dnp get into trouble. They think that oh 200mg the first day.......this ain't shit so they take 400 the next ahh, little difference then they go to 600 thinking they can handle it and then they end up killing themselves or causing brain damage from the increased body temperature. "

    As far as some tips for you, have a lot of cold fruit cut up and put in to a big bowl and constantly be eating it. Helps keep you stay cool and can get rid of some carb cravings. I hope you researched it thoroughly GBH, best of luck to you. Try to update each day and tell me how your feeling so i can do my best to give you advice based on that. Best of luck bro and STAY COOL

  5. #5
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    Hmmmm.... I must say that I am not feeling the way I expected. I took 250mg the first day and 500mg yesterday (divided into two doses) and I still am not feeling too hot. I felt a slight raise in body temperature and I sweat a little more than usual, especially when I slept, but nothing like what I have heard..... Maybe my caps are underdosed? (I bought them pre-made, didn't make them myself). I am tempted to go up to 750mg today, but I know about the cumulative effect so I think I will stick with 500mg for one more day. If I still don't feel much all day today, then tomarrow I will up it to 750mg. One thing I am noticing is that no matter how much water I drink (upwards of 2 gallons a day), my throat is constantly dry? Is this normal?

  6. #6
    Psycoswole's Avatar
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    Strange bro. Def give it another 24hours. Same thing happens to a good friend of mine, regardless of the dose he gets nothing from DNP . Keep us posted

  7. #7
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    Well, bros. I hate to admit it, but I have absolutely no self control! LOL I went ahead and upped it to 750mg today. I felt quite a bit warmer, but still nothing unbearable. Maybe I just have a higher tolerance to heat? I am sweating a lot more, and just to be safe, I upped my vitamin and anti-ox doses as well. I am taking in about 2-2.5 gallons of water a day while on, just to be safe from dehydrating. I plan on staying at this dose for a couple of days. If after a few days I still feel like I can handle more, I may up it to 1g a day. I have a feeling these caps are really underdosed. On the plus side, when I upped to 750mg, I noticed my piss is a lot yellower, even after downing over a quarter gallon of water between pisses. It was pretty clear at 500mg.

    I'll keep this post updated every day for the rest of the cycle. At this rate, I may only have enough DNP to last me 8 or 9 days. I wanna make sure I start seeing serious results before I order more. I would hate to order more and figure out that it is bunk or doesn't work for me.....


  8. #8
    Psycoswole's Avatar
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    Hey GBH, short dnp cycles are actually very popular (3-8 days).

    You wont actually see the results untill all the bloat from the water retention goes away approx 2-5 days after the cycle. So dont freak out if you gain a few pounds and look soft while on it.

    Keep us posted

  9. #9
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    Stayed at 750mg today. Was sweating A LOT more (I think it finally built up in my system). I still don't feel that hot, just really sweaty all day. I am gonna stay at 750 for another day or so, then maybe step up to a gram. We'll see how I feel tomarrow.

    Oh, and my sheets were absolutely soaked when I woke up this morning! LOL It sucks having to wash your sheets every night!

  10. #10
    Psycoswole's Avatar
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    Any change today?

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by Gonna Be HUGE
    Stayed at 750mg today. Was sweating A LOT more (I think it finally built up in my system). I still don't feel that hot, just really sweaty all day. I am gonna stay at 750 for another day or so, then maybe step up to a gram. We'll see how I feel tomarrow.

    Oh, and my sheets were absolutely soaked when I woke up this morning! LOL It sucks having to wash your sheets every night!
    GBH, Becareful bro.. Your really not going to get the full affect of the DNP uintill about a week or so. My roomate in college did a cycle w/DNP infact he did several but he went about it the same way you are. He wasnt getting the "assumed body temp" he thought he would so he kept upping the dose. He learned his lesson on week 2 and brought it back down just in time (he thinks) Dont!!! take DNP too lightly. Besafe and have fun
    and party like a rock star

  12. #12
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    I think 750 is a good dose for me. I felt the same as I did yesterday, not too hot but real sweaty..... I even feel a little leaner, so I don't see any point in raising the dose now. I am only going to stay on for another 2 days (I'll stop saturday). After a week or so off, I may run another cycle again. Probably same length..... well, all is well, I hope to have lost at least 1 or 2% bf on this cycle (I haven't measured since I started). I guess the best results show 2-4 days after the cycle?

  13. #13
    Psycoswole's Avatar
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    Thats right bro give it a few days to clear your system. Youll also get a small anabolic rebound in a few weeks. Id hit some creatine right about now. Keep us posted

  14. #14
    IwillGrow!'s Avatar
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    i tried once dnp for 3months low dosage (400mg) and drop from 20%bf to 10%bf without cardio at all!

  15. #15
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    Well guys, I just took my last dose of DNP a few hours ago. I am going to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to weight myself and measure bodyfat. I feel a lot leaner and I had NO adverse effects (except uncontrollable sweating while sitting in class/work). Overall, I think I liked it a lot (I need to see my stats on wed to be sure), but I think the next time around (in two weeks I will be doing it all over again) I may do a low dose but for 2-3 weeks, and see if that is better. I just hope that at a lower dose, I won't sweat so much, otherwise I don't know if I can make it longer than a week.


  16. #16
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    Weighed myself this morning before my cardio workout.......................... and ............................. 212 lbs!! 11% bf!!!

    That is a drop of 11 pounds (quite a lot of water) and 3% bf in 7 days!! I am VERY pleased with this DNP cycle. I plan on doing another one or two 5 day cycles of it before spring break to hopefully break into the single digits of bf%. Oh, and I will be starting the masteron bridge as soon as I finish clomid therapy.


  17. #17
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    Thumbs up GBH

    Good job bro, I was kind of worried for a little bit because of my old roommate DNP cycles. Glad to hear it a success

  18. #18
    goldstone_77 is offline Junior Member
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    Nice cycle bro! Glad to here about the BF drop!

  19. #19
    Hyperlite's Avatar
    Hyperlite is offline Associate Member
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    What did you eat while on?

  20. #20
    Bigboy123's Avatar
    Bigboy123 is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck

  21. #21
    Mr. Sparkle's Avatar
    Mr. Sparkle is offline Slinabolic Vet / Retired
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    Good luck? this was two years ago! Wonder how it went?


  22. #22
    Bigboy123's Avatar
    Bigboy123 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    Good luck? this was two years ago! Wonder how it went?

    Sorry must have been out of it when i typed that.........Ha glad it went welll

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